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welcome to my marvelous world


A link would go here

Another link could be had here

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

yep this is my site

whats new

this site as you know this site is new, i haven't started to put too much effort into it yet but i'm sure that as time progresses, this will become a major project of mine. i haven't really decided on what type of content i am going to have on here yet, so be sure to let me know what you would like to see here. you could become a key player in what this evolves into and what information i post on the web. so if you have any great ideas, horribly funny stories, or content you would like to share please send it to me at

blogs and myspace think web blogs are a bad idea? well i don't care what you think i love them to death they are pretty cool, they are a way to keep people posted to whats going on in your life and to stay up-to-date with what is happening in your friends' lives. so anyways i found this AWESOME website called myspace and they allow you to host your own blog and profile and it is so cool, you can meet new people host groups and fourms and communicate with anybody on the site. I would give this site a 10+ so check it out at and be sure to stop by my profile at and my very own myspace group at well thanks for the love guys.

School is coming up soon we have senior picture day on Wednesday, August 4, 2004, i can't wait for my last year of school it is going to be so great! Aren't you guys excited? LOL.