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Multi-LED Table Top Light – A Mechanism Description



The multi LED table top light (figure 1) is a portable children’s toy light.  The multi LED table top light evolved from the push light, which was the first portable, efficient, and lightweight illuminating device.  The multi LED table top light is approximately 12 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 5 inches tall.  The multi LED table top light consists of plastic.  The multi LED table top light consists of two visible parts: base and push lens.

Figure 1

















Source:, Inc TOYS ‘R’ US Corporation.  2003.  Electronic Games & Toys.  11 July.  Internet:




The base, made of red plastic, is the ring around the push lens on the multi LED table top light.  The base holds the push lens in place.  The base stabilizes the multi LED table top light.


Push Lens

The push lens, a white piece of convex semi-transparent plastic, illuminates the area when hand pressure activates the push lens.  When hand pressure activates the push lens, different colors of LED lights also illuminate in various patterns to dazzle and amaze.







Colby Rockhill

English 200 Technical Communication
Summer 2003