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History of the Internet - Clairmont's Contributions


Jan Michael Clairmont


History of Accomplishments



600 Tremont St. New castle, DE 19720 (302) 356-1524 Cell (917) 302-8812


1968-1972-    My First programs were written in BASIC, my first hack was a time hack on a Burroughs 2000, changed system time with basic to increase user time for Students at Waukesha High School. Won a scholarship to UW-Madison, won a physics award for building a Telescope with two other students. Was Student Council President, President of the Science Club and Vice-president of the Explorer's Club sponsored by the Waukesha County Sheriff's Department. Won award by Knights of Columbus for Outstanding Student and Citizen.


1974–1975 Worked on first UNIX System 2.2, 2.3 release from Berkeley. Wrote in C, shell, and assembler to write first inter-network communication between UNIX, RT-11 and VMS, using mail, serial ports and networked bus exchange on PDP/11’s.


Was Adventure champ for the University of Wisconsin, month of September 1975, until someone cheated and hacked the Adventure database to beat my score. Proudest achievement at the UW other than pin-ball, also baseball champs for the UW Math Department( I was the CS ringer). Mentioned in The Wisconsin Engineer article about the demise of Star Trek program at the UW MACC. Goldlin, Jan (ed.) / The Wisconsin engineer Volume 80, Number 2 (1976) Blackman, Phil Startrek cancelled by popular demand, pp. 10-13


1979-81 Worked on PDP/11’s writing Communications protocols for TRT, Siemens and Racal-Milgo. Developed first diagnostic programs for networking modems and centralized management on the CMS2000 System(Macro-11 PDP 11, RSX). Systems are on exhibit at the Racal Datacom Museum Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Wrote cell managed spread sheet Applications program for RSTS in BASIC and DIBOL for IDS later became prototype for VisiCalc and later spreadsheet clones Lotus and Excel. Wrote Basic to DIBOL translator converting Basic to Dibol and back, first known inter-programming language translator. Worked on Wiedner Translation system for Siemens, converted dictionary and communications, BSC link, from UNIX to MVS mainframes – first language translator that converted German to English to Spanish and back again across multiple computer platforms.


1982-1984 Worked at Gould Computer Systems, Ft. Lauderdale. Ported and developed first UNIX emulator on Gould MPX systems for GM MAP. Project was the first inter-vendor communications TCP/IP network client-server applications, Robotic System Control Systems. The systems inter-networked included: IBM, Gould, GM, DEC, HP, UNIVAC, and other vendors. This system was hailed as the first real internet client-server TCP/IP System, the work my group and I did resides at the Smithsonian Institute/NSO museum, as a testament to that accomplishment. This System features were later used for the Internet and other inter-network communications software (First use of sockets, ports and TCP/IP in a broadband X.25 Transport Network).


1984-1985 Paradyne/Ark Electronics Designed, developed and tested first multi-speed commercial modem, the ARK 24K. This modem is a split speed auto-baud detection modem. It was the first to emulate 3 other modems types (Hayes, Microcom and US Robotics), with MNP and encryption. A patent was granted on the design, also developed a multi-protocol multiplexor, first design that sent multiple communication protocols over the same multi-drop synchronous network, developed DES encryption and compression for delivery (Huffman Encoding). Wrote SDLC and BSC X.25 PAD software on Zilog (Z80) processor in assembler for Gould inter-network communications project and the MX missile communications systems. Patent Number: 4,726,017 Date of Patent Issue: Feb. 16,1988.


1985-1988 – ATT, Lincroft, NJ Worked as a communication consultant to ATT, Lincroft, NJ. First project was a BSC PAD software for PDP/11 Unix systems written in C. Later worked on design and implementation of the first ISDN application( Ameritech ) and received letter of Commendation from the Director of Bell Labs and the General Manager, Wayne Hatter. Wrote ground breaking proposal to design unchannelized ISDN protocol (NIPM) which eventually evolved into DSL and Cable modem Protocols and services. Worked on 1987 – 1988 on first implementation of the C++ language for commercial use. Used C++ to write some of the First communication libraries in that language, tested and helped in the design of C++. Also was hacked by assailant at ATT, detected and reported Violation and history, the hacker was the First Prosecuted and Received 5 years for unlawful access to ATT secured computer networks.


Worked in QA, designed some of the first automated test procedures for SDLC, SNA, TCP/IP, X.25 and other protocols for ATT product Development.


November 1988 - July 1989 IBM, Westlake

Did Performance and design analysis of the PS/2(OS/2 EE) Office Vision Systems. Primarily concerned with ARH(LU 6.2), Display Services PM, System Services, Object Editors and APPC. Used C, REXX, SAS ( SAS/ACCESS SAS Graph to reduce and report data to upper IBM management). Performance reports were hailed as best example, by VP of IBM, of their type ever produced at IBM.


January 1990 - February 1991 IBM Austin, TX

Using OS/2 and MVS/VM wrote a CIM manufacturing Product for IBM. Using PlantControl and OS/2 DBM, with LU 6.2(APPC), IMS, CICS, did the DAE(Distributed Automation Edition) PlantControl Application. With the implementation of this product IBM was awarded the Malcom Balridge Award. Application wrote using C and Dialog Services - PM(Microsoft Windows), including embedded SQL - DBM and HLLAPI access to DB II. Functional Specification “Bridges to PlantControl”, was lauded as the best example of a functional specification ever written for IBM and is still used as a prototype for functional specifications within IBM.


March 1991 - June 1991 DUN&BRADSTREET Baskenridge, NJ

Using OS/2(PM) and DOS/Windows wrote a graphical GUI interface to the D&B Repository DB2 Database called the Database Explorer. Writing in C++ and C this product used embedded SQL queries to represent relationships in the D&B database as graphical entities showing them in CASE like abstractions. First Expert System utilizing data-mining and exploratory learning system to explore complex case data relationships.


June 1991- October 1991 Coopers & Lybrand Floral Park, NY

SCO-XENIX, UNIX, ULTRIX and Sun Networking and administration. Tested various TCP/IP packages To support SENDMAIL 4.x UNIX and on the VAX/VMS systems. Those tested included MultiNet, FUSION, UCX and CMU-TEK. Wrote ksh, csh, scripts and C programs to access and consolidate accounting report data used CVS for change management and documentation archiving. Set up UUCP, TCP/IP, and wrote test X-window and DEC Window software to interface with the VAX/VMS Oracle Database. First Mail Exchange Systems integrating Sendmail Unix. VMS mail and Mainframe Mail exchange.


November 1991 - September 1992 PRODIGY, White Plains, NY

Did SUN and AIX system administration. Evaluated various Database Engines(Oracle, Sybase and Informix) for a port of the DUN & Bradstreet 12 gigabyte DB2 database to SYBASE. The United States Business Directory is a service for PRODIGY's on-line network. On the RS/6000(AIX) and SUN used SYBASE Open Client. Used Open Client and DBLIB access, on the PS/2 OS/2 system. TCP/IP Token Ring used to access the RS/6000 and PS/2. LU0 SNA on the PS/2 used to communicate to the users. Using C(++) did SYBASE database analysis, administration and implementation. Did X/MOTIF and Windows prototyping using various window management systems. This was the first Public Search Engine for an ISP offered to the public for browsing.


March 1995-January 1996 IBM, Whiteplains, NY

Sun/OS Administration working on WWW server software, socket programming on IBM PC's, SUNs, AIX, RS/6000 billing applications C(++), DB2/6000, SYBASE. Supported billing database and queries for the World Wide Web news service. Used Rogue Wave Software and embedded SQL to develop programs and queries. Did HTML , PERL, KSH and JAVA to develop query front ends for NT and Windows 95. and socket communications for IBM news service.


October 1992 - April 1993 RACAL-Datacom, Miramar, FL

Ported SNMP and created MIB Objects for the T1 Excalibur Controller for supporting the MCI VISA, MC, AMEX protocol network. Did diagnostic T7, Modec, and Testing over T1 DS0 Channels. Created an embedded 32 bit SNMP port on XOS from the Spider System and for MS windows, also for DOS on the CMS400 Diagnostic System. Used Sockets to program client-server environment on Sun workstations, used RPC for the same task using XDIR and ASN SNMP types. Did socket and DOS/SUN windows based communications programming. Ported UDP, PPP, TCP/IP and SNMP to support the Objects for SNMP control over X.25(PPP), Ethernet and T1.



May 1993 - August 1994 Merrill Lynch, NY, NY

Sun Administration and HP/UX, used CVS to support Performance Management Software of Merrill’s 40,000 node network. Wrote ksh, C, socket and communications programming for UNIX SUN, HP 9000 and Windows/3.1 environment. Work included setting up SYBASE servers and Network Management Stations writing customized Socket programs, Scripts and conversion utilities to manage and gather performance statistics from the Spectrum Network Management System, Concord Trakker and HP Netmetrics. These statistics were gathered and placed in various databases including SYBASE, INGRES and ORACLE. I used C++, C, and SAS to create reports and gather data from SNMP MIBS. Worked with SNMP management of CISCO Routers, Synoptic Hubs, Wellfleet and Cabletron equipment. Used SNIFFER and other monitoring equipment to find network performance and Security problems. This was the first integrated Performance Network System that monitored and reported on all TCP/IP protocols.


Mail, network routing problems and complete diagnostic system. This system has yet to be fully utilized or realized anywhere else.



1995 – Started Skycom, developed the first Wireless LAN networking Communication device for NT and Widows. Written in C and C++ it was the first commercially affordable wireless LAN communication system that networked Computers printers and modems. Patents pending and other documentation submitted to US Patent office. This technology was later used by Motorola and other Companies for PDA’s and other wireless communications. Also designed first wireless mouse, keyboard and wireless PDA design. Patents pending technology was later used to develop current state-of-the-art wireless communication devices( PDAs, Mice, Keyboards, LAN switches etc).



February 1996 - May 1996 Dow Jones-Telerate, Jersey City, NJ

Did SUN/OS System Administration. Helped design, develop and test Telerate Line Feeds(Telerate Analyzer), capturing Telerate Data using an HP/9000 and Win NT. To develop programs to collect real-time data, updated an Informix Database, used C-ISAM, SYBASE developed a statistics database for query by Dow Jones Support and upper Management. All change management was done using PVCS and CVS. This was the First Telerate Automatic Diagnostic System, capturing live traffic, warehousing the data and diagnosing data delivery problems.


Oct. 1997-Oct. 1998 Citicorp, NY

Firewall Security Manager(VP), Managed security group used Tivoli Monitor for Citicorp Global. Cyberguard-PIX Certified, set security policy, reviewing and upgrading existing security on the Internet, Intranet, market feed and WWW. Supported floor applications using PIX and CyberGuard firewall protecting Knight Ridder(Bridge) Money Center, ATW-PTW, Reuters and Bloomberg feeds. Managed the Global Firewall operations in Europe, Asia and the United States overseeing the deployment of Global Firewall Security. Did SAS Performance reporting with statistics gathered in ACCESS along with Tivoli. Worked with TIBCO installation setting up Sun Solaris Systems and Operating Environment for CitiCorp.



Nov. 1998 - May 1999 T.J. Watson Research, Hawthorne,NY

Senior Oracle DBA and Design on AIX Tivoli Monitor for ISP provider billing and accounting database. Ported MCI database from 7.3.1 to Oracle 8 CWIX database. Did capacity planning of systems using SAS analysis tools. Wrote scripts, back up procedures and did day-to-day Oracle DBA work. Wrote Conversion utilities in ksh, sql and C++. Defined triggers and designed Database using the ERWIN modeling tool. Used CVS for all change management and system configuration control. Nothing too interesting but it was done quickly and efficiently.



Network Associates, Iselin,NJ June 1999-Oct. 1999

Senior Security Consultant duties included evaluations, documentation and installation of the CyberGuard Security Suite includes: PGP, PKI server, CyberCop, CyberScan, SENDMAIL 8 mail scanners and Gauntlet. Installed Solaris and created conversion scripts for Gauntlet upgrades on HP/UX , SUN/Solaris, BSDi and Windows NT. Installed and upgraded systems for a number of government Agencies including, Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration, FTC, NOAA, and others. Used ksh, csh, perl and other scripting languages to install upgrades to Gauntlet. Did PIX Firewall installations, upgrades and worked with SNMP, on Cisco, BayNetworks and other routers. Used SnifferPro to debug and trace network Firewall Problems. Worked on products to improve performance and integrity, wrote script conversion utility of old policy to new policy for upgrades first of its type.

2000 - Worked on newfeeds data information Database, taking raw news feed data, reuters, tibco, comtext and others to create a real-time Oracle database and search engine for web based searching and dynamic updating of content on a WEB site. First implementation for the Internet, for Stream Media and HealthSCOUT. Was Written in PERL/DBI and C++ on a Linux 6.2 Redhat system.


November 1999 - October 2000 HealthSCOUT NY,NY

Senior Operations Manager/Senior System Administrator for the HealthSCOUT WEB site. Did support of SENDMAIL 8 mail exchange, Verisign Certificate server and RSA SecurID Server.. Project Managed 300,000 hit per day WEB hosting environment using Oracle, SUN Enterprise Environment and HP/UX. Assigned tasks and provided direction in Troubleshooting Solaris Oracle 8i, iPlanet environment. Used Netegrity Siteminder to get reports and statistics on Oracle Performance and WEB usage. Did Performance Analysis on Solaris and general day-to-day WEB hosting Operations using SAS/CPE reporting and network support Tivoli, TIBCO Sync Servers, Reuters on Sybase 10. Used Clarion Raid, EMC, Veritas Volume Manager and Legato to setup volume management, backup and restore. Also did Checkpoint firewall support and troubleshooting on Solaris 2.6. All code and documents were kept on CVS and all change management was controlled there.


October 2000 – August 2001 JP Morgan-Chase, 95 Wall Street, NY

Senior System Administrator and Security Consultant - Troubleshooting Network and PC problems on a secure network including SENDMAIL 8 problems and configuration.. Used CVS and PVCS to keep Administration scripts and builds for the UNIX and PIX systems. Includes Solaris OS installation and performance enhancements along with Firewall Security, Network Performance and Cisco Router, Gauntlet 3.2-6.0, PIX 520-525 problems. Working with HP/UX, SUN Administration (Sol. 2.5- 2.8), Tivoli, TIBCO, Sync Server Support, Reuters, WIN/NT/98, SSH, SSL, Gauntlet 5.5, 6.0, NetTools PKI Certificate Server on NT, RSA SecurID Card Server, Verisign on Solaris, PIX Configurations troubleshooting applications security and networking issues. Analyzed and trouble shot Problems with Arrowpoint load balancers, Cisco Routers, SMTP(E-mail), Network and Netegrity and other Security products(e.g. CISCO FWTK). Used SNMP management tools (HP Openview, Tivoli, snmpwalk, snmpget, snmpset and wrote C SNMP query tools).


September 2001- November 2002 ConEdison Communications, Long Island City, NY

Senior System Administrator worked on a project to port Oracle 7 to 8i Fiber optic data. installing HP/UX, SUN Solaris 7 and 8 to support iPlanet Web/ Proxy Server, AIX Websphere testing, Verisign PKI, RSA SecurID Card Server, IDS(Tripwire), DNS server Bind 8, Sendmail 8 and PIX security updates on Cisco 520. Also installed Cisco CTM 2.2 and Cisco Works on Solaris 7 on Sun Netra for Fiber Channel Monitoring and Configuration support to update and query MIBs on SNMP(Using SAS, Excel, perl and C++). Configured and used Tivoli(Tivoli Enterprise console) to monitor systems and update configurations. Updated and supported Checkpoint Firewall on Solaris 2.6. Used Clarion Raid, EMC, Veritas Volume Manager and Legato to setup volume management, backup and restore.


January 2003-August 2003 Societe Generale, NY, NY

Senior System Administrator worked as Second Tier support for Oracle, Solaris and NT, Windows XP, 2000. Worked with User manager, and Administered Verisign PKI Server, RSA SecurID Card Server, IDS(Tripwire), and day-to-day Floor Support issues. Theses include Bloomberg, ATW, PTW, TIBCO, EBS Trading, FX foreign exchange, Reuters, and realtime newsfeeds and servers. Had to support UNIX Servers, NT and other real-time floor applications for the SG worldwide trading floods and branch offices.


NTI, NY, NY – present Teaching Linux, Security, Scripting, Programming and SUN Administration to laid off NY State employees.


Current Projects

Writing conversion utility to automate port of Gauntlet Security Policy to PIX, still writing and designing prototype. First of its type to create a meta-security policy profile to then target the major Firewall systems for implementation and porting. Working also on penetration testing Systems and other security products to detect and harden network and computer security. Working Network System Performance/Security/ Monitor to use SNMP, Network tools and other traffic information to handle the complexities of managing a large Commercial, School or Government Network. Also re-wrote for Swiss Bank, Tested for Citibank, and wrote for Goldman Sachs - Foreign Exchange trading systems and monitors that tapped into the 60 Trillion dollar FX market. I have proposed automated trading systems and wrote a ground breaking paper on automated trading. This is confidential to the extreme.



Educational Background:

University of Wisconsin Computer Science, MSCS, MATC - Madison Area Technical College(AS), work in IBM Cobol and OS design and operations, George Washington University - Continuing Education Program Communications Graduate Courses, Gould Training Program, AT&T LAN Course Ethernet, Token Ring. Cabletron Spectrum Certified, HP/Openview, Cybergard Certified, Gauntlet/Cisco Pix/Checkpoint Trainer/Installer.

Other Honors:

January 4, 1995 - Knighted as a Chevalier, Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta, "Holy Villadieu of France". Became Minister of Protocol, and President/CEO, Head of the Knights of Malta in 1999., free web site submission and promotion to the search engines

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Free Web Building Help
Angelfire HTML Library
Manhattan Grand Opera and Jan's Opera Resume
Multidrop Concentrator Patent Description.
Wisconsin Engineer article Star Trek Demise - Jan's Quote
Amici Opera and Jan's Upcoming performances