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I regret to say that November 30, 2001, George Harrison of the Beatles died in his fight against cancer, at the age of 58, long live the Beatles and may he rest in peace.

          If you came from my geocities site then you probably came here to download stuff. Just click the link right here to download the essays numbers 1-3. This is a zip file containing th first 3 essays. Since it is a zip file you will need a zipping and unzipping program. As a matter of fact, every file that you can download from my site is a zip file so I HIGHLY recommend that you download Winzip or some other zipping and unzipping program. If you are not so good on computers and don't even know what a zip archive is then click here and scroll down to zip for a definition. If you do not have a zipping and unzipping program then click here to download winzip. I am trying to get all the notes and essays up but I can only put up what I have. Click here to check out all current files that you can download from this site. I just got some more files but I have not uploaded them yet but as soon as they are uploaded I will make them able to be downloaded. Now I know that none of you can honestly say that you haven't felt like doing this before. Looks like fun, huh?

Some Web Sites
Game Sages
Game Sages is a code, tip, and trick site that usually has a code for pretty much any game.

Google is the best search engine that I know of because it searches so many sites and almost always gives you something although the something isn't always what you were looking for.
They always have something useful to download and its all free, well, except for some demo things that cancel if you don't buy the whole version.

This is the greatest site ever
days 'til Winter Break!

days 'til Richard gets his liscence!

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If you have any questions or comments about my site you can e-mail me at here I look back at this site that I made years ago and seldom updated in retrospect. My diction, my coding skills, I find them all comical and yet depressing. It is interesting to see how we have changed and yet realize we are still the same fool we were but a few years ago. Time changes little for those who ignore their past. Do not seek the future, for it will come whether or not you desire it. Do not dwell on the past, for events once transpired cannot be manipulated. All that you must worry about is the present, and by worrying about it you merely delay the inevitable. Let life flow as a stream does doen a mountainside by gravity. Let the currents guide you to the path that you do not choose but to the one that is chosen for you by seeminly inconsequential events. It is then that you will realize your purpose and true meaning here and then and only then will you be able to have a future set for you.