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Welcome! To the CHAIN gang official website. First lemme tell you about ourselves, we're the most popular students of comp. Science branch in Keng. Institute of Technology, where our faculty consider it a bad day IF we're present in the class (most often we're not). So, if somebody really wanna meet us they can visit us at '11KV' our high voltage adda during class hours OR our 'planning adda' a.k.a 'main adda' in Bangalore University where we usually plan our next activities (movies, drag, hiking or just hanging out).

Apart from these we even study when time permits i.e. when the finals are approaching so we can somehow finish the 4 long years of annoying, stressful, dreadful, pain of sheer torture called Engineering.

Now, I know you are curious, you can't wait to see us. Well, click on the picture:

Intro of our gang members
(in alphabetical order)

Anoop: The CEO of the chain gang. He's the nightmare of our teachers (especially our H.O.D). He's is one of those bad things that happens to our good teachers. They simply can't take anymore of the wacky answers he gives to their questions. WARNING TO TEACHERS: High dose of Anoop in the classroom is suicidal.

Anvay: alias cheela:- He's the source of inspiration for our gang members or let's say especially Tilak to have a girlfriend. Anvay & his friend likes Himanshu's house very much............ wonder why???

Harish: alias Jackie Chan, kolar harish etc....:- Mr. know it all of bikes. He's the one who gave the name to our gang.Right now he's been smitten by luv bug & trying to propose a girl. [Since when?? Just 1 year 1 month]---------------->This section of the page gets updated daily until he proposes. Anyway, we know he can do it. We are waiting for the big day.

Haricharan:alias charan:- The hi-tech member of the gang. He Can impress any girl instantly while fiddling with his pocket pc & the guys go green with envy! although he hates girls.
He also has his own resort where we usually chill out.

Harry: alias Harry:- Actually we forgot his real name. He was the most eligible bachelor of our gang but now he has a girl friend (lucky girl & unlucky others). The event in our college fest "Varchasva 05" was named 'fashion show' coz he participated. Well, there were others but they were all negligible. Has a good sense of humour (just ask him to speak in kannada)

Himanshu: alias Himan-ulla-khan,Himamsu etc...:-
HIMANSHU ver:1.0:-
1. BUG: Always gets into trouble with HOD & has to report to him every morning before coming to class.
2. TALENT: Can ride bike very fast.

Hitesh:- An updated version of Himanshu 1.0 which comes with lots of new features:
1. STEALTH: Is always on invisible mode while in college coz you never see him.
2. LOOKS: Has more hair.
3. TALENT: Can sit in any class of any branch (CS,IS) i.e., when he's visible in college.

Keshav::- See him from behind & u see a girl on a fast bike, but No,
he's Keshav-- the long haired punk on an equally punk bike, Eminem of our gang coz he raps very well.

Kiran:- alias Kanji:- He's the tall (& trying to be well built) guy of our gang.
One fine day you notice that some of your cd's are missing & you've searched every possible place, Think again, it must be with Kanji, you must have given him long long long long back.

Milan: alias milk man, haalappa etc....:- He has his SHARE in everything. The funniest guy Most of the time you'll be laughing your head off even before he finishes the joke.

Nithin: alias gowdre:- The tall, well built, handsome & the hero from Christ college but,(right now) zero when it comes to his girlfriend. Well, we hope things will patch up soon.

Pradeep.K: alias PK:- A die hard Uppi fan. Never underestimate his patience, he can stand in long queues for hours to see his hero, first day first show & can also watch even the worst movies of his hero atleast 5 times in theatres------2nd day 1st show, 3rd day 1st show................

Pradeep Reddy: alias reddy, bro of P.K. etc....:- The cool headed guy of our gang. Serious about studies, that explains who he's in luv with (or atleast whom We think so).

Prashanth: alias Thima, pulsar, kanaka:- Our very own Thimmenhalli Thima, though he might look funny do not mess with him (Rumour is that he has underworld contacts). Whatever it may be he is our very own : Prashanth Urban Legendary Sexy Ambitious Rider (P-U-L-S-A-R)

Rajath: alias chiranth:- A complete game freak. He can spend days, gaming. He is the only one who comes to college early during vacations so that he could play games. He stays silent in the class, yet often gets into trouble with teachers.

Rakshith: alias Soda, Jun, discover:- A rock fan. He thinks rock, sleeps rock, eats............Nah doesn't EAT rock. Everyday he leaves for college but the teachers never see him in the class or anywhere in the campus & too bad now the college doesn't deserve him for one year.

Santosh: alias Stallon John:- STALLON JOHN--- every junior knows him (Reason: He's a comedian in the eyes of juniors). STALLON JOHN---- every one wants to meet him (Reason: Everyone wants their money back).

STALLON's PHILOSOPHY: "Try with your best possible ability to make money == try with your best possible ability to make bakra out of someone."

Satya: alias kalnarayana:- He ditched his girlfriend long back & now when he regrets she ditches him but we wish they both get along soon. He comes from one of the top colleges in the city but believe me, even our college will be right at the top as soon as we leave it.

Tilak:alias James:- Highly influential person. Just flash his dad's card and you are out of trouble any time. He invents new words instantly which are very funny (ex:jingle bells, gabad & many more which even he does'nt know the meaning) & meets with an accident every week.


Sharath: An "everybody thinks so" decent guy of the gang.

Also the creator of this website.
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