Issue 5, May 2001
Last updated 24th May 2004


Problems with our server means I've lost all my bookmarks so this is a handy place to put them for now.

We may be getting some new PC's so I've modified this site again to include some new things just for me really.

This page created and maintained (badly & infrequently) by Séamus D. King.
It's about days until we break up for the Summer Holiday 2003. I think.
Some favourite links...

Tacky I know but an easy way of seeing if the internet connection is really working or if it's just looking at local files.

Previous & current editions of Byke Kultuur Never...

This page created and maintained (badly & infrequently) by Séamus D. King.
Views expressed here are not necessarily those of the editorial staff even when they are.
Comments to
This mail link only works right some of the time. Mind you, no-one ever emails me so it's not really a problem.

Last updated 12th December 2003.