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Thanks for visiting my homepage. After getting some nice feedbacks, i am now reconstructing the structure of my homepage. Scripts of jokes and news will be added to keep you update on current trends in technology and news around the world. This webpage might also be used for my future employment.

When I am free, I will put my itchy hands in writing some software. Soon, a chatroom and Icq notification will be added. My dear Australian friends, please keep up as I will also add a real-time currency convertor.

For my chinese friends, "Happy Chinese New Year".

Best view with :
  Alfred's DigiWorld . Where Tears and Sadness are dequed, and Happiness is Overflowing....

  Main Menu - Dont let these dishes turn you off ... *lol*

 Last Update : 9th Feb, 2003 (Still undergoing construction)     


Opening Message

Name : SengYee

Have Fun Surfing my Homepage...

:) Specially 4 U

Download Alert
Getting tired of your Windows interface ? Don't like the Start Button ? Well, now you can give Windows a make-over, try out WindowBlinds and make the difference.....              More ?