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Page for CIS 0184-760

Please note that I removed all < and > in the questions/answers to keep it from changing/messing up the page code.


Week 3
1. Give me the whole correct syntax for: lower case, upper case alphabet, lowercase and uppercase Roman numerals
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ivxlcdm IVXLCDM
2.What is stacking a font?
The way you format your lines to look on a page based on font you use
3. What are the only two fonts that are completely cross-platform?
opentype and dfonts

week 4
2. Work through each exercise and view it afterwards.
3 Send me the correct syntax for your email link.

4. Send me the Explanation between absolute linking and relative linking.
Absolute linking is giving the full URL path in the link; relative linking is giving the URL path relative to the current directory.

week 5
2. Explain the following DTD statement.

The webpage is using HTML 4.01 with standard tags as shown by "strict.dtd".

week 6
2. Read Setting Up Student Webspace
this part did not work the link never worked 3. Set up your student Webspace
It will be the same as the address as below but with your CWID not 10033333
2. What type of FTP program does NSCC use?

week 7
1 In your own words explain the difference between cellpadding and cellspacing.
Cellspacing sets the amount of space between each cell. Cellpadding is the space between the cell and the content of the cell.
2 How many rows and cells in the following example:
3. Transfer the stacked table you created in exercise 8.19 to your webspace for me to view.
Change the text color from yellow to another color.
You may need to use a search engine to find hexadecimal color codes.

week ?
2. Work through each exercise and view it afterwards.
3 What attribute must be included in the opening IMG tag make the image floating?
body tag of 1 I think
Images add identity, color, shape and presence. They add excitement to your web page. The IMG tag does not have a closing tag. The IMG tag requires a source that is called with the src=attribute (filename).
If the image is in a different subdirectory that must be indicated. The ALT attribute allows you to write a description of the image.
Images always go within the BODY section always include height and width in your IMG tag Default alignment for image is left Always use the ALT attribute for your audience
Review the IMG tag attributes on page 198 Notice the alignment with text attributes

week 8
2. Find a web site that includes streaming video. Submit that website to me.
3. Copy the code of located on your web site page and send me a explanation of the tags.
4. Experiment with multimedia, add a clip to your homepage.

Quiz 1

1. The closing tag must include what character?
/body and /html
2. HTML is or is not case sensitive?
it is
3. Never place an attribute in an opening or closing tag.
4. What part of the HTML shell includes all the content information that your audience will be viewing visually?
5. What is the tag to create preformatted text?
pre then codes you would want to use to customize it
6. If using pixels to determine table size and the columns exceed the maximum width, what may happen?
table distortion
7. Explain row span in a table.
The number of rows the cell spans
8. What denotes a width to be fixed?
9. How do you denote a width to be dynamic? div I think
10 T or F a tag should have only one attribute?
11. Which table tag represents the horizontal axis?
12. The essence of table design relies on which table tag?
13. What are the three tags that make up a table?
table tr td


14. Some lists create indentations for the placement of items.
15. The difference between relative and absolute linking is the location of links.
16. H1 is the largest font header size.
17. If no alignment is used text defaults to the center.
18. The order of opening and closing of tags is known as symmetry.
19. Comment tags are displayed on an HTML page.
20. A carriage return between lines of text does not affect the visual page via the browser.
21. The less colors and fonts on a page the more visual pleasing for the audience.
F (note:depends on the individual)
22. A TIFF file works better when there are few colors in an image.
23. The img src does not need a closing tag?
24. A link can link to other URLs or other pages.
25. The HTML tag
is used in tables to act as a mathematical expression for division?

Quiz 2
State what function each Tag represents:
1. ol /ol
ordered lists
2. a href="URL" /a
3. i /i
itallic font
4. h6 /h6
header size of 6
5. a href="mailto:EMAIL" /a
email link
6. hr
horizontal rule
7. th /th
Defines a table header
8. table cellpadding=#
sets the space between the cell walls and contents
9. tr align=?
Aligns the table
10. img src="name"
location for image
11. What is horizontal symmetry?
how symmetrical it is left and right
12. What is a special character?
things like < & and $
13. What is the special character for spacing?
14. The br command puts in how many returns?
one, to the next line
15. Why is it a good idea for a web designer view their page on
several size monitors?to make sure the text appears the same
16. The p command puts in how many returns?
2, gives a new paragraph
17. What are the 5 attributes that can be found in the body tag?
color, font, allignment, background, ?
18. Why is it best to use hexadecimal numbers instead of color
names?more accurate and reliable
19. Which size may vary depending on screen size? Pixel or Percentage
20. Explain vertical symmetry.
how symmetrical it is up and down