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Hello.  This is a very bare-bones page, but hey, it's functional.  I thought I would post this information before I forgot or lost it... don't expect updates anytime soon, unless I specifically state that I will.

The info on this site is intended to be accurate, however I can't guarantee it.  Use at your own risk.  (Nobody should have to write these stupid disclaimers.... ughhh, I hate lawyers!  People should accept responsibility for their own actions!)  Well, OK - these disclaimers ARE cool.

I am a big fan of open-source software.  Especially mechanical engineering and metalworking related stuff.  So that is what most of my pages will be about.

As far as I know, there are no really good open source g-code generation programs - sure, there are a couple, but there aren't any which are really nice.  (I.e. graphics; interactive; shows material removal, not just toolpath; import many formats, use circular interpolation commands, and so on)

To fill this gap, I have taken the time to write out some of my ideas of how to go about intelligent code generation.  I doubt that I will ever create a program; my programming skills are so-so.  But maybe someone else can benefit from my ideas.  Note - if I ever do write a program, I think I will license it so that it's free for non-commercial use, while commercial users must either donate the time of a skilled programmer, or donate money to me.  My ideas are avaliable here - feel free to copy all info.

My metalworking-related links

Random thoughts and rants

AddPro - free website submission - woohoo!

Lasers - not that hard to make.  Some ideas I haven't seen elsewhere.

Alligator climbing out of manhole carrying windows logo I was just browsing and found this image, which proves what I have suspected all along about the origins of Windows: it came out of the sewer - it was so bad that the alligator threw it out rather than try to eat it.  See the face he's making? ;)