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Anti Manmin League - Countercult Measures
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Egyptian Pentacostal Church Leader Publishes an Arabic book that discloses the cult identity of Manmin and Lee-Jaerock

Rev Dr. Samuel Mishiriki, who is the leader of Egyptian Pentacostal Church published a book for the Arabic speaking Christians in Egypt to protect the damage, that is generated by the diffusion of the cultic practice of Manmin church and Lee-Jaerock. As a first edition, he published 1000 copies and he will produce more if further cult education is required. Rev. Dr. Samnuel Mishiriki is a famous author of hundreds of Christian books for the evangelization of Egypt. His church is located in Shobra, Cairo. 

Rev Samuel catched that Manmin has severe blasphemies in the doctrine on the nature of the Holy Trinity. Lee-Jaerock had insisted that God the Father who had existed when the time begun, divided Himself into two different being, that are God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. But it defames the eternity of the Holy Trinity, who was One and Three at the same time from the beginning of the time. And he pointed out various phenomena of deification happening in Manmin church, such as pictures like the custom of Roman Catholic, and the assertion that Lee-Jaerock will advocate the people in the time of the Judgement like prophet Mohamed of Isram. And Rev Samuel was shocked by the various violences done by Manmin members in the name of Jesus. He translated major anti Manmin websites into Arabic language. And he already watched the documentary TV program MBC PD's note. He witnessed the scene of "Light of God's Glory", which was taken with Lee's former senior praise leader, No-Mijung and watched other false effect to diefy Lee-Jaerock, including Lee's comments to deify himself.

Rev Samuel decided to stop the infiltration of Manmin cult into the Egyptian Christianity. And he is said to circulate his book on cult research report for Manmin to the Pantacostal churches in Egypt and to other evangelical churches to prevent further damage in the pure atmosphere of Egyptian Christianity.

Following is the copy introduction of his works for Arabic speakers. Please click the page number to read articles.

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<Contact for Detailed Inquiry>
: This institute won in the law suit of Korean court to publish a book that discloses information about Lee-Jaerock
: but KAACH is not the poster of contents in this page. 
Korea Association Against Christian Heresy ( KAACH )
1631-1, Bongchun 11 dong, Gwanakgu, Seoul, 151-161, South Korea
Tel +82-2-872-5539 ( Korean ) Fax +82-2-875-0799 ( English / Spanish / Korean ) ( Inquiry in English , Spanish ) ( Korean Only )