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Hail Leader Napoleon!

Napoleon, the pig, took control of Animal Farm shortly after the expulsion of Mr.Jones. Not only Napoleon took over the farm,
the other pigs took over as well. Instead of doing their chores, they "supervised" the daily work. In other words, they did nothing
but sit and watch the animals break their backs working.

Although all of the pigs took over (saying that they were the smartest and should be given special treatment), Napoleon stood up
and took controle of the entire farm; the pigs were under his thumb as well.

Napoleon's retinue consisted of 9 vicious dogs which he had locked in a room since their birth. These 9 dogs were Napoleon's stick
with which he used to control the animals through fear.

During Napoelon's rule, he broke all of the seven commandments using lame excuses such as needing to sleep on the beds to freshen
his mind and killing several animals because they were in-league with snowball (Napoleon framed Snowball the pig for the collapse
of the windmill). Napoleon also disbanded the Sunday Meetings and outlawed the song "Beasts of England", in it's stead he had a new
song placed. it went like this...

Animal Farm, Animal Farm,
Never through me shall thou come to harm!

Napoleon also cut the seven commandments down to one. The commandment is as follows... All aminals are equal, but some are better.