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ABCkeyboardTM         Are you new to computers?

An A-Z computer keyboard for beginners, the learning disabled and all of us

.                              Do you dislike the Q W E R T Y "Qwerty" keyboard layout?    Buy an ABCkeyboardTM now!

Look the letters are in A to Z order, just like the alphabet. Just plug it in!


Qwerty was designed in 1867 to slow down fast typists who jammed keys on the first typewriters. Qwerty's a bad habit!

When computers are voice activated, Qwerty will become extinct! So stick to the ABC you know!

Buy a second ABCkeyboardTM to use at the office!

To order:

Call 1 (800) 567-1602 for your ABCkeyboardTM. Be ready with your credit card.
(This 800 number is toll free unless you're calling from overseas when it works, then its not toll free.)

The price is $29.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling, total $36.90.

The ABCkeyboardTM makes a great gift!

You have a 30 day money back guarantee because we want to be sure you are delighted.



We accept money orders: IT Consolidation Inc, Box 706, 244 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 USA.

Or click on the button above to order on line!

Patents Pending.

It’s as easy as ABC!

Keyboard connectors.
What sort of connector does my computer have? The ABCkeyboardTM comes with a PS/2 style connector as it is the most widely used today. If you have an older computer with the original PC or AT style connectors (the old 5 pin DIN), you need to buy an adapter. We sell them for $3. So you can fit an ABC keyboard to any personal computer! Click here for info on connectors (ie jacks).

If you are in doubt follow your old keyboard's cable to the back of the computer, note where it connects, and pull it out. Look to see which of the three ends it has and put it back.

Why should I buy an ABCkeyboardTM?
Its much faster to learn than Qwerty. (And experienced ABC typists become slightly faster than experienced Qwerty typists.) FAQ's: Frequently asked questions

Qwerty's history.
In 1867 Mr. Sholes invented a typewriter. Naturally they used an ABC layout. But typists got so fast they jammed the keys on the new but primitive typewriter. So the Qwerty layout was devised, which slowed them down. Remington Typewriters copied Mr. Sholes layout for the same reason. We've been unnecessarily stuck with Qwerty ever since! More History of Qwerty

Speed Typing and performance for professional typists
Performance tests tend to show professional ABC typists outperform professional Qwerty typists by a small margin. However with learners Qwerty is way slower than ABC.

Advantages of the ABCkeyboardTM
ABC is much easier and faster for beginners to learn, much easier for "Hunters and peckers" (one or two fingered typists) to use.
Read the advantages of the ABCkeyboardTM

How do I type with an ABC keyboard?
You know where the keys are because you know your ABC! That's it!. However as a tip remember that the letters A-J are in the top row, K-S in middle row, and T-Z in the bottom row. Then you'll soon find you don't even have to look at the keyboard to type. Instructions Here!

Dyslexics and the learning disabled find ABC much easier
Young dyslexics can find it difficult enough to learn the alphabet. It really is very unfair to then expect them to learn Qwerty too when its unnecessary. Particularly as by the time they leave school keyboards may be largely extinct and replaced by voice or other input methods. All their effort on Qwerty will be wasted. ABC is so much easier.

The ABCkeyboardTM at work

You can take an ABCkeyboardTM to work and leave it there. Simply unplug the old Qwerty keyboard and plug the ABCkeyboardTM in. At any time in the future you can reverse the process and bring the ABCkeyboardTM back home.

Laptops and ABC

Most laptops have a spare port for an external keyboard. And most will allow you to plug the ABCkeyboardTM in, and use both the laptop's qwerty keyboard and the ABCkeyboardTM at the same time!

Hunters and Peckers - Adults and children

The majority of computer users never become fast typists. They type with two fingers. Its much easier for them to use an ABCkeyboardTM for all their working lives.

Experienced Qwerty users
There's little we can do for you! Once you have gone to all the trouble to learn Qwerty you're really stuck with it. Its difficult to learn, and difficult to unlearn. You may as well stick with it. Sorry! But you could buy one for your spouse, children or parents. And its a wonderful gift for friends, Christmas and birthdays.

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