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               a Christian Professional Accounting Ministry

Guy Garman Accounting Ministries
is among the most complete and authoritative experts for Churches, Faith-Based and Nonprofits. Every year they prepare hundreds of 501(c)(3) Tax exempt applications, as well as the annual Form (return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax)


A christian Professional Accountant
Dedicated to the education, growth and development of Churches, Faith-Based and Nonprofit Tax & Accounting practice, now devotes his time exclusively towards 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organizations. He is currently in demand as an accomplished public speaker. His one-day, one-of-a-kind, grass roots worshop, "Starting and Running a Succesful Non-profit Organization" is one of his most popular seminars. Mr. Garman is registered with the state of florida as a professional Non-Profit Consultant, Registration Numer SC-12659.

Our Mission
Our mission is to make our professional services available to every Church, Ministry, Faith-Based, and Community Non Profit that comes our way. We are confident that you will be satisfied with our Tax Exempt services. We receive many letters and calls thanking us for a wonderful job done. We are aware that many lawyers and accountants are charging much more for even less than our complete package.

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