Romantic Tribal Lines: Bray and Amber

Tai-San: "There's more to life than just surviving. We need spiritual values, love. You should try love, Amber."

Amber: "And get hurt? Anyway, there's not much choice around here, is there?"

Tai-San: "No, I think perhaps you have already made your choice. But you won't admit it . . . for one reason or another."

~Episode 17~

Amber: "Look, it might be different if Trudy was more stable, or Brady was more grown up. But you can't abandon them now."

Bray: "You don't need to remind me. But isn't it worse to pretend, to live a lie? I mean, what about love, Amber? Doesn't that count for anything?"

~Episode 20~

Bray: "Isn't Amber back?"

Trudy: "No."

Bray: "Still off with con-man Sasha, I suppose."

Trudy: "Bray, I said, we have rats."

Bray: "Good. He should've stayed here, then, fit right in."

Trudy: "I don't believe you! You could've gotten together with Amber ages ago if you wanted to!"

Bray: "Yeah . . . well . . you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, Trude. You know all about that, don't you?"

Trudy: "Well, maybe I do, but atleast I'm not lying around, feeling sorry for myself. I'm getting on with things. You've missed out on Amber, Bray. Get over it."

~Episode 35~

Bray: "I can't forget it!!! I was so incredibly jealous."

Amber: "Because everyone liked him?"

Bray: "No. Because you did . . . I should have told you a long time ago Amber."

Amber: "What about Trudy? And Salene?"

Bray: "Yeah, but I wasn't honest with them, and I'm not proud of that. I just thought you should know. It was never hard for me to come back . . . I hope you're not thinking of wasting a wish."

Amber: "Of course not. Let's see what you can do with it . . ." (Bray closes his eyes as if he's making a wish, and Amber brushes his chin with her finger. They kiss.)

~Episode 43~

Bray: "You know, I used to stand up here for hours, just letting my mind drift. Especially at the beginning. You know, when I didn't know whether to stay with the tribe?"

Amber: "Don't you do a Sasha on me."

Bray: "No fear. Where you are, so am I."

Amber: "Why did it take us so long to get it together?"

Bray: "There was a lot in the way, with Trudy and Brady. I mean, it was pretty bad timing."

Amber: "Maybe we were both a little afraid of our feelings. I know I was."

Bray: "Really?"

Amber: "I wanted you from the first moment. Did you feel the same way?"

Bray: "Maybe . . . (She pokes him in the ribs.) Okay, okay! I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. But you're right, it was scary. I didn't want to be vulnerable. I mean, I couldn't afford to be, not with the way things were."

Amber: "Well, the main thing is that we're together now, and it feels so natural. Like it's always been this way, and it always will be." (They kiss.)

~Episode 44~

Bray: "I brought you something. A token . . . in case, well . . ." (Hands her a set of keys on a heart-shaped keychain.)

Amber: "The keys to something?"

Bray: "The keys to my heart."

Amber: (Takes a ring off her finger and hands it to him.) "This ring . . . my dad gave it to me." (They kiss.)

~Episode 45~

Amber: "Okay . . . so what it Ebony had taken Brady instead? Would you just leave her there?"

Trudy: "That's not the same."

Amber: "Isn't it? You've got the person you love most in the world right here with you. Mine's being held prisoner. Don't tell me there's something wrong about trying to get him back!"

~Episode 48~

Amber: "Bray? Bray! So, what? Were you just going to leave without a word?"

Bray: "I thought it would be easier this way."

Amber: "Yeah, well you would, wouldn't you? You always found it easier to run."

Bray: "If you feel that strongly, Amber, why'd you come after me?"

Lex: "Because she's crazy about you. Isn't it obvious?"

Amber: "You just keep out of this. It has nothing to do with you."

Lex: "Maybe not. But then again, I've never taken your advice, Amber. Why start now? Look, I don't know why you think he's in love with Ebony, but it's stupid. You're wrong. You're so wrong it's not even funny."

Amber: "Oh, I get it. Boys in it together. He helped you out in there, so now you're returning the favor?"

Lex: "Look, why don't we just quit messing about now? Look at him. Why is he here? If he wanted to run off with Ebony, why did he come back and rescue us? Because he loves you, dummy, and you love him. That's your cue to kiss her. Do I have to tell you how to do everything?" (Walks off.)

Bray: "I've never really listened to him before either."

Amber: "Nor me." (They stare at each other for a moment. Then, Bray drops his bag, and they kiss.)

~Episode 52~

Bray: "It's beautiful here, Amber. You'll love it here." (Places ring on her grave and covers it with a rock, then walks away.)

~Episode 53~

Bray: "The girl I loved gave her life, so the people in there would have a better chance. You think I'm going to walk away a happy man?!"

~Episode ?~

Bray: "We've already had too many accidents, haven't we?"

Tai-San: "You must miss Amber a lot. Try to be grateful for what you had, Bray. Many never have that much."

Bray: "You know, I never have a free moment these days, Tai-San. But my life still feels so empty."

Tai-San: "It can be lonely being a leader, I know."

Bray: "I can't imagine you ever feeling lonely, Tai-San. You're so sure of your own path."

Tai-San: "Everyone gets lonely sometimes, Bray."

Bray: (Looks away.) "Yeah."

~Episode 63~

Amber: "Is Bray seeing anyone? I-I mean, it's a dumb question, of course he is. But . . . if it isn't Ebony, then who?"

~Episode 110~

Bray: "What was my crime, Amber? Loving you? All the months I spent missing you, all the tears I cried . . . when things got really rough, I'd ask myself, what would Amber do? And when I heard you died . . ."

~Episode 110~

Amber: "At that moment you were everything I thought a man should be."

~Episode 111~

Amber: "It doesn't matter."

Bray: "Doesn't matter? Am I imagining it? Doesn't any of this bother you?"

Amber: "Do you want to just roll back the tape and continue from where we left off?"

Bray: "No."

Amber: "Then what do you want?"

Bray: "I..."

Amber: "You see? It really doesn't matter. 'Cause it's dead and buried. Just like I was. I've moved on . . . and by the sound of things . . . so have you."

~Episode 112~

Ebony: "You're still as much in love with Bray as ever. It's you that Bray loves and no one can take your place."

~Episode 115~

Amber: "I wanted to tell you something before I told the others."

Bray: "Why me?"

Amber: "You mean a lot to me. In many ways I don't deserve your friendship."

Bray: "Amber . . ."

Amber: "Please, this is hard. I'm going to go away for a while."

Bray: "Away?!"

Amber: "But I'll be back with an army, hopefully. Well . . . as many as I can muster. There are tribes like us all over the sourthern Province, and they don't know the risks their facing. And neither did I, and that's why I should be the one to rally them to our side."

Bray: "Let me come with you."

Amber: "No. The Mall Rats need you now. I won't be missed. Amber's dead, remember?"

Bray: "What do we do in the meantime?"

Amber: "Hit and run. Keep the pressure up. Never let the Guardian think he's won. And when I get back, we'll finish him for good."

Bray: "What about us? Where does this leave you and me?"

Amber: "You're my trusted friend, and I love you. But we're different people now. I really think it's the best plan for all of us, Bray. I'm sure of it."

Bray: "I'll go along with it, but I don't think we're different people. Amber didn't die up there, and I don't care what you call yourself. You'll always be Amber to me."

~Episode 115~

Pride: "If Eagle . . . Amber puts her mind to it, she'll win this battle for you."

Bray: "You love her, don't you?"

Pride: "When I met her, I was leaving the Gaians for good. Too many big ideas, too many voices, all arguing. She brought the tribe together. She's more than a leader, she's the heart and soul of the tribe."

Bray: "You still didn't answer my question."

Pride: "I loved her right from the start. She said she needed some time. I didn't ask her what it was she was trying to get over. Lately, I had begun to think that maybe, just maybe . . . then you showed up. I even helped bring the two of you together."

Bray: "In some ways, I wish you hadn't. All I've brought her is pain."

Pride: "Are you really that blind?"

Bray: "What?"

Pride: "The woman's crazy about you."

Bray: "Did she say that?"

Pride: "She doesn't have to . . ."

~Episode 116~

Bray: "The nights I've dreamed of lying here next to you like this, knowing it could never happen."

Amber: "Me too. I think of all the time we've wasted."

Bray: "Don't."

Amber: "Bray, what about Danni?"

Bray: "I have to find her somehow . . . if she's still alive."

Amber: "And then what?"

Bray: "Then I have to tell her about you and me. But, you know, I think she's always known how much I've loved you, Amber. (He pauses, and she rolls over, sighing.) What's the matter? It'll be okay, I promise."

Amber: "No, it's not that, Bray. The thing is, I think I should still go. It's still the best plan we have."

Bray: "I've been thinking about that, too. I'm so scared. I couldn't bear to lose you again."

Amber: "You won't. (Takes her ring off and gives it to him.) This time it's for keeps." (They kiss.)

~Episode 116~

Amber: (hugs Bray.) "I'll see you in my dreams."

~Episode 116~

Bray: "I want you to take Trudy to Amber."

Pride: "Me? To Amber? Why not you? Amber's in - . . ."

Bray: "I don't wanna know where Amber is. I don't know if I could trust myself . . . to come back."

Pride: "And you trust me to come back?"

Bray: "We need you."

Pride: "That wasn't the question."

Bray: "Yeah, I trust you."

Pride: "I'm not even sure I trust myself."

~Episode 121~

Bray: "Save your breath. I know Pride's overdue."

Ebony: "Yeah. But it doesn't have to be for the reason you're thinking of."

Bray: "You can think of a worse reason?"

Ebony: "You know your problem, Bray? You no longer know when someone's on your side."

Bray: "You?"

Ebony: "Is that so hard for you to believe?"

Bray: "Okay, why?"

Ebony: "'Cause I have eyes to see."

Bray: "I don't follow."

Ebony: "Look, you were right all along. You and Amber come as a pair, and I was a idiot to think otherwise."

~Episode 123~

Amber: "Hi."

Bray: "Hey."

Amber: "Can I talk to you?"

Bray: "Yeah, of course." (Amber sits down across from him, obviously nervous about something.)

Amber: "Great pair of boots."

Bray: "They're the best."

Amber: "I hear Trudy was amazing."

Bray: "Yeah, yeah! She was great."

Amber: "I was thinking, maybe there's a way of undermining the Chosen's power in the city even more."

Bray: "Now that sounds good. How?"

Amber: "Well, we send out snatch squads to capture groups of the Chosen, and use Trudy to deprogram them. And then we release them." (Bray smiles, letting out a slight laugh.) "What?"

Bray: "Only you would think of the bit about releasing them."

Amber: "Well?"

Bray: "Well . . . it sounds great. And let me guess, you'll be leading the squads, right?" (Amber shifts, growing more nervous.)

Amber: "Uh . . . no . . . I'd like to, but I can't."

Bray: "What do you mean?"

Amber: I-I mean that . . . because I . . . because I don't just have myself to think of now. Bray . . . I'm . . . I'm pregnant." (There is a pause as Bray stews about it.) "Well?"

Bray: "Well? Who's is it?"

Amber: "What - what did you just say?"

Bray: "Is it mine or Pride's?" (Amber stands up and shoves his boots off the table angrily, then storms off.)

~Episode 133~

Pride: "Of course the baby's yours! How could you even think she'd betray you? She loves you. Now I think you owe her an apology, don't you?"

~Episode 134~

Bray: "I've been a fool, Amber."

Amber: "Yeah . . . I'd say that sums it up pretty well."

Bray: "I - I thought . . ."

Amber: "I know what you thought, Bray."

Bray: "Do you? You seemed so distant." (Pauses and walks closer to her.) "I was scared, Amber. Scared of losing you again." (Sits down beside her.)

Amber: "And this is how you want to make me stay? You can keep your suspicions, Bray, and your doubt and . . ." (She breaks off, crying. He moves to comfort her.) "No!" (Pushes him away.)

Bray: "Please, Amber. I don't know why I doubted you. Of all the people in the world, you're the person I trust and respect the most. When I lost you, my world went gray and flat. When I found you again, all the colors came back."

Amber: "Bray . . ."

Bray: "No, you're gonna hear this!"

Amber: (softly) "Okay . . ."

Bray: "These last few months, it's been the thought of seeing you, of touching you again that's kept me alive. Amber, you are my purpose, and I love you. And I'm so sorry." (She finally turns to look at him, crying softly.)

Amber: "If I hadn't doubted you all that time ago, we'd never have been apart. And we're never gonna be again, are we, Bray? 'Cause I need you, now more than ever." (They kiss, then pull apart. He puts a finger under her chin, looking her in the eye.)

Bray: "We are gonna leave a world that is safe and fine for our baby to grow up in, I swear."

~Episode 134~

Bray: "This isn't really about leadership, or good and bad decisions, is it?"

Pride: "I'm not with you."

Bray: "It's about Amber."

Pride: "Well, of course, she comes into it . . ."

"Bray: "You can't let go, can you? After all this time you still can't handle the fact that she loves me, not you. That she's carrying my baby. Oh, and don't you wish it was yours?!" (They have a major fight, and Lex and Ned have to pull them apart.)

~Episode 145~

Bray: "You've never forgiven me for not handing the Guardian over as the ransom note said."

Pride: "Hey, Amber's your girl."

Bray: "Yes, she is, and I know her a lot better than you, okay? I'm not saying that I made the right decision. In fact, I beat myself up about it everyday. But I'm pretty sure I did what Amber would have wanted me to do."

Pride: "And what about your walkabout? Your disappearing act. Do you think she would have approved of that?"

Bray: "I came back, didn't I? Look, I'm only going through with this election so that I can call the shots. If I win, I'll tear the city down brick by brick to find her!"

~Episode 150~

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