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Rule #5) Know Your role and what is expected of you

For Free Men

You are expected to follow Your cast codes to the letter and not go to over board in their bullying or antagonizing other castes, unless of course that is normal. Upon theses lands You are expected to show honor and pride, for not only Yourselves, but also Your caste, Your lands, Your people and Your beliefs in Your lands. Free Males are also expected to put up with some flack from Free Women to a degree but can keep in mind there is only a limit to what they have to put up with. In these land though if You have a problem You take it up in a civil manner with the person involved, if that fails take the problem and discuss it with the Ubar of these lands and He or She will pass a ruling one way or another.

For Free Women

You are expected to know Your castes and keep honor involved in it and with it. Upon theses lands they are expected to show honor and pride, of not only, Yourselves, but also Your caste, Your lands, Your people and Your ways. You do have opinions and may speak them in a civilized manner. You aren’t to get to out of line on these lands or risk punishment by death or collar. You are not a warrior, You are not an assassin. The only way they can be warriors is by being FCed by one or Your father was one. This does not however make them a warrior. If you walk around with Red Caste in Your id on these lands claiming to be an actual warrior you will instantly be challenged by a real Red Caste or Warrior, if you haven’t already been laughed out of strangers of Death's Stronghold. The fight will take place in the arena. you will be allowed to chose the weapon and the fight will be in T5. Female Black Caste are under a different rule if they are seen on the Islands they better vanish from them just as quick for I have a little bit of a dislike to the extent I become extremely violent, for Females ruining the image of a Killer. No matter what the tags say you are subject to death or collar the second you step foot upon these lands.

kajirae or bondmaids

you are expected to come to these lands showing respect to all the Free here. If you do not no matter who owns you, you can be captured, chained, caged or killed no matter what the tags on the page say. If you have not been killed your owners will be contacted and they will be informed of said problem. ~~wonders why he feels like a principle with that statement~~ Those that are here observing and learning have two weeks upon the first time you have been noticed, safety of that status upon that time you should have a grasp of the world of Gor and what it entails. At that time are at subject of being collared in these lands. you are no longer veiwed as learning or observing you are veiwed as simply unowned. That does not mean however I will capture you right away but you never know. If you are learning and observing you are encouraged to ask questions be it in a room or through im. But beg to whisper before you ask a question. That is one of the things kajirae must do is beg permission to do everything and anything , unless instructed to do something. Unowned slaves of course do not exist, if I see unowned in your id no matter if it says learning or not you instantly are subject to be captured. If you don't have a Master and you are learning you will find a Master after you are captured.

High Castes

Initiates: religious branch of the Gorean government, they take a vow of celibacy and will not eat meat or drink alcohol. Their caste color is white. They are expected to be the religious cult of Gor. Upon the Var Islands they are expected to preach their beliefs in a respectful manner.

Physicians: they are the healers and doctors of Gor. They do not carry weapons as they have sworn an oath to heal and not kill. In the time of war, if need be a Physician may combat to save what is His or to protect what is His. Their caste color is green. They are expected to tend to the healing of Free as well as slaves if called upon to do so, they are not expected to be fighters only during war is that expected and even then it must be a grave need for them to do so.

Builders: they are the architects, draftsmen, and stonemasons of Gor. Their caste color is yellow. They are the architects and are expected to come up with ways of making a keep or HomeStone more efficient or defensible. They are known to be great warriors but aren’t expected to part take in armed combat unless they have no other choice.

Scribes: they are the historians of Gor, also accountants and bookkeepers. Their caste color is blue. These are the knowledge gathers of Gor they are expected to be knowledgeable, studious, and always with a scroll in their hand or upon their nose. They do however have to watch out for the bully Red Caste of Gor for the warriors are known for their love of picking on scribes. They are a reclusive type sticking a mjority of their time to their whole in the wall or cylinder they dwell in.

Warriors: they are the Gorean military. Their caste color is red. The fighters of Gor are expected to hold honor and their caste codes to the highest honor. They are the soldiers that fight and defend both the lands and it’s people. They are allowed to fight, kill and capture slaves unlike Assassins they do not kill for profit. They are unfortunately for the scribes known to antagonize them but by code a Red Caste can’t harm a scribe unless the scribe has tried to seriously harm the Red Caste with no sound reasoning behind it.

Lower Castes

Animal Handlers: concerned with the use of animals on Gor. No caste color specified. These people are concerned with the welfare and training of animals. They are to train the animals and take care of them.

Artisians: concerned with the production of hand made goods, no matter the use, is considered a work of art. No caste color specified. They are the craftsmen of Gor making fine articles to sell throughout all the lands

Assassins: concerned with killing for money or revenge, they do not use poison and are required by their caste code to renounce all ties to family. Their caste color is black. The Shadows of Gor these people when true killers are concerned with the profit that killing makes them. Upon the Var Islands they are allowed to roam if they are recognized but they are always followed and watched by one or two guards highyly skilled guards. They aren’t allowed to take loaded crossbows into rooms of free when they have a black dagger on their fore head and the second they enter the lands of the Var Islands a loaded crossbow is delivered to the Ubar or the head person in charge of affairs upon the Island.

Bakers: concerned with making of sa-tarna or vegetarian foods. Their caste colors are yellow and brown. They make the bread and food stuff for the keep or HomeStone

Butchers: concerned with maintaining food service and making all edible meals. No caste color specified. They are concerned with the processing of meat products for the keep or the HomeStone.

Charcoal Makers: concerned with the production of charcoal for the use of forges and ovens. Their caste colors are black and gray.

Entertainers: concerned with providing entertainment to the people of Gor. No caste color specified. The actors and clowns of Gor their job is to bring smiles to the faces of those watching their performances.

Merchants: concerned with selling and trading of merchandise for a profit. Their caste colors are white and gold. Merchants are allowed in the lands to trade, barter and make bargains with the people of these lands.

Municipal Servants: concerned with everyday chores about the lands of Gor. No caste color specified..

Oil Makers: concerned with making oil for lubrication or as a burnable source. No caste color specified.

Peasants: concerned with maintenance, planting and harvesting the vast Gorean lands. Their caste colors are brown. Peasants are considered to be the backbone of Gorean HomeStones but are always over looked for their hardships and ways.

Perfumers: concerned with making perfumes, oils and incense. Their caste colors are white and yellow.

Players: concerned with the Gorean game Kaissa (chess), they are immune to slavery and prosecution. They were hooded robes. Their caste colors are red and yellow checkered.

Rence Growers: concerned with harvesting rence. They dwell in the swamps of Gor. No color specified.

Sailors: concerned with traveling up and down the fresh waters of Gor. No colors specified.

Thieves: concerned with stealing and reside in large numbers in Port Kar. They have a black three-pronged tattoo on their cheek as a way to know who they are and what they are. Thieves can come into the lands if they are peddling goods if they try to find goods with their trade though they might end up with a few fingers if not a hand missing.

Tortures: Wagon People, sub-caste of the Artisians. Their caste colors are red and black. A very twisted caste their main job is to get information or extract punishment out of people by pain.

Wine Makers: concerned with making fruit based alcoholic drinks. Brewers make grain based alcoholic drinks. Their caste colors are green and white.

Woodsmen: concerned with protecting the vast lands of Gor, tree and woodcraft experts, and forest police. Their caste colors are black and brown.

Sub Castes

Cloth Makers: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with making clothing. No caste color specified.

Dress Makers: sub-caste of the Weavers, concerned with making garments for Women. No caste color specified.

Drovers: sub-caste of the Animal Handlers, concerned with feeding the animals and shipping goods from city to city by wagon. No caste color specified.

Fishermen: sub-caste of the Sailors, concerned with the harvest of the sea life in the Gorean rivers. No caste color specified.

Goat Keepers: sub-caste of the Animal Handlers, concerned with the care of the goats and the hurt. No caste color specified.

Guardsmen: sub-caste of the Municipal Servants, patrol cities and village's streets, Gorean police. They wear uniforms provided by the city/village that they work for.

Lamp Lighters: sub-caste of the Municipal Servants, concerned with lighting the oil lamps on the streets. Their caste colors are green, white, and red striped.

Leather Workers: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with the production of various leather goods from animal hides. No caste color specified.

Metal Workers: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with making metal objects. Their caste color is steel gray.

Money Lenders: sub-caste of the Merchants, they are the bankers of Gor. No caste color specified.

Musicians: sub-caste of the Entertainers, concerned with making music. No caste color specified.

Poets: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with the Singers and writing poems to be either read or sung. Their caste colors are aqua and red.

Pot Makers: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with making pots and other potter. Their caste colors are brown and green.

Rope Makers: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with making all types of cordage. No caste color specified.

Saddle Makers: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with making saddles, harnesses and tacks. Their caste color is tan.

Singers: sub-caste of the Entertainers, concerned with singing. Their caste colors are aqua and red.

Slavers: sub-caste of the Merchants, concerned with human merchandise. Their caste colors are blue and yellow.

Sleen Trainers: sub-caste of the Animal Handlers, concerned with the care of the sleen. No colors specified.

Tarn Keepers: sub-caste of the Animal Handlers, concerned with the care of the tar. Their caste colors are gray and green.

Vart Trainers: sub-caste of the Animal Handlers, concerned with the care of the vart. No caste color specified.

Waste Collectors: sub-caste of the Municipal Servants, concerned with keeping Gor clean. No caste color specified.

Weavers: sub-caste of the Artisians, concerned with making Gorean clothing. No caste color specified.

Wood Carriers: sub-caste of the Woodsmen, concerned with carrying lumber for it to be used. No caste color specified