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Who has what Protection

Rule #4) Who has what protection and to what extent

1) Free Men

a) PKZ/PCZ You are protected by the guards if there isn’t a Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold in the room by the guards at that time. At that time the room is viewed as a NKZ/NCZ/NMZ, the guards have taken interst in you and are trying to see why you are there. If He is there You are at His mercy He can do as He pleases for these lands are His domain, unless He has given You safe passage to be there. The Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold must show intent to capture or kill intent then He may act if he choses to do so.

b) NKZ/NCZ/NMZ are safe as long as You act in respect towards the people in the room. Should a fault be seen, a Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold must state that He feels a correction or apology is in need of being made. If You refuse or get more out of line the Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold can at that time defend Himself or deal the punishment He sees fit. This also applies for any threatening manner or gesture to a Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold and He can deal with You as He sees fit. When that happens the Male Warrior must signal the guards by showing intent for His actions and the guards will then step aside and let the warrior do as He feels He needs to do. Which means the guards in the room will allow a one on one confrontation to occur between the two parties involved, the room becomes safe for all except the two parties involved. Others trying to help not of the these lands will simply be detained by the guards from helping. If the Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold feels like He need not be bothered by You and He has not attacked you He may signal the guards to simply toss You out of the Stronghold. This is allowed by Free Women and guests as well be it that they are either a) of these lands or b) guests of these lands that aren’t warriors.

c) Untagged pages are the wilds there is no warning needed, besides intent to kill or capture You. If You go there You are asking for trouble to begin with, the wilds of the Var are very harsh. That is why they are called wilds.

1) Free Women

a) PKZ/PCZ You are safe if there isn’t a Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold in the room at that time, it is viewed as a NKZ/NCZ/NMZ, if He is there You are under His protection but upon His whim or desire can with warning by showing intent of action do as He feels fit to do, unless He has granted You safe passage which You will have until said time You have done something that has caused Your safe passage to be revoked, there must however be a clear and legitimate reason for doing so.

b) NKZ/NCZ/NMZ You are safe for You as long as You act in respect in accordance with the laws of Death's Stronghold concerning Free Women, in the event that You have done something that isn’t befitting a Free Woman You can at said time be punished for it, but the Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold must show intent to do so and have a legitimate reason for doing so. Or he may simply tell the guards to toss You in the dungoen until You are tried for the crime You have commited.

c) Untagged pages aren’t safe at any point in time for Free Women they can go there at their own risk, and can by warning of shown intent be captured or killed at leisure.

2) Kajirae or bondsmaids

a) PKZ/PCZ you are safe provided there is no Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold in the room at that time. The room at that point in time viewed as a NKZ/NCZ/NMZ, should a Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold be in the room you are under His protection and will be protected as He deems fit. If He has given you safe passage you are safe and you can’t be captured by another unless He is killed. The guards once hearing that you have safe passage watch over and protect you from harm as does the Male Warrior, there is however only one guard per person with safe passage unless the room states other wise. Which means should He fall you had best be in a hurry to get the hell out of there or already gone.

b) NKZ/NCZ/NMZ you are safe for you as long as you act in respect in accordance with the laws of these lands concerning kajira or bonds maids, in the event that you have done something that isn’t deemed respectable you may be caged, chained, captured or killed by a Free of these lands or those Free that are guests of these lands. your owners will then be contacted told what happened and are expected to make proper payment and punishment for the incident before you are released, if you weren't killed. If you are killed the price of 1 copper tarsk will be paid and nothing more.

Untagged pages you have no business on and will be collared on sight if you are caught on them.

3) Panther Girls

At NO point in time do Panther Girls have safe passage upon Death's Stronghold no matter what the tags on the page say, they are viewed as run-aways and will be collared on sight. I collar panthers girls they make great kajirae when one breaks them, if they can't be broken then there is always a profit to make off of them on the auction block. That is if they aren't killed, but that is a last ditched effort, normally profit is the best.

4) Outlaws

Outlaws are surprisingly allowed upon Death's Stronghold but are always followed by heavy concentrations of guards normally one or two of the best guards per Outlaw, followed by at least 5 or 6 more that are nearly as skilled as the first two. These lands were made up in the beginning by Mercenaries and others that found the place and their Ubar interesting and others are allowed to look around and see if they seek a Home and can by decree of the Ubar to gain citizenship.

5) Unowned slaves

Unowned slaves or uncollared slaves are subject to enslavement anytime they enter these lands. Tags at no point in time apply to them. Those with learning and observing in their id are to ask question and learn if they aren’t there to gain knowledge they need to move along else where. Learning and observing only applies for 2 weeks upon first contact at that time you will be placed in a collar and taught. Learning and observing though does not guarantee you are free from being collared, if at any point in time you act Gorean or interact as a Gorean you are subject to capture.