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Rule #3) Respect the Tags

This is the break down of the tags of this Home Stone and explanation of what the tags are and what they represent. The tags in the Home Stone represent the presence in large numbers or in smaller numbers of guards roaming through the Home Stone. The lands surrounding the Home Stones are patrolled by tarn patrols in the air. Their soul purpose is to protect the lands and the property in the lands, be it in the keep or outside of the keep in the surrounding islands. The guards’ job is a simple one they are here to protect what they have come to call their Home. They protect the Free and slave alike that is of their land and are holding true to their place. This also applies to guests that have been granted safe passage in the lands. However, should the Free of other lands be found, not doing as they should in these lands the guards will detain them for proper punishment by the Ubar. Slaves are under the same rule they know what is expected of them. Should a problem arise speak to the Ubar about it and He shall judge upon the problem and give His ruling on the matter.

Pages marked is a room or area that has a heavy guard presence in it meaning at least 15 guards if not more in the area and more not far off, they are stationed in and outside of the room or area to protect people in the room and detaining people from entering the room if that need should arise. The slightest thing out of place would cause the guards to go instantly on the defensive to protect the lands, its people, and its property. Which means that any attempted kill, capture or maiming of any of these lands or any given safe passage by theses lands will be stopped immediately by the guards. This rule applies unless a Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold has for some reason signaled the guards that He is to attack or capture another person that is not of these lands, and they have one way or another caused the Free to feel threatened or in need of dealing punishment to said person. This does not however mean that any may come to these lands and attack one of the lands and the tags are instantly dropped, the tags are only dropped after the Male Warrior of Death's Stronghold first states why He is doing so and then tells the guards who the Warrior is doing so towards by showing intent. At that point in time the guards protect and aid all of those in the room beside the two in the confrontation. All others coming to aid either party will be detained from interfering. Which means they will be ignored while the two fight as if the guards had grabbed hold of them.

Pages marked are rooms or areas that have little guard presence normally 5 or 6 guards when a Male Warrior is in the room that is of those lands is present. Unless the rooms are barracks of some kind. During the absence of the Male Warrior Warrior of Death's Stronghold from the room, the room is once again regularly patrolled to protect it and the contents in it until the Male Warrior returns. Which means the room reverts back to being a

All untagged pages are pages that are considered the wilds, they have no guard presence and any entering them have entered at their own risk and are subject to death or any other fate.

Now that you know what these tags are and what they represent, do keep in mind that they are guards and that they can be used to protect the people. The guards can be used to over come individuals and detain them, but they can't be used to kill. If a Free or slave of these lands is under attack by more then one assailant at a time, the guards will instantly defend the Free or slave, if it is an area that there is normally a high concentration of guards in it. However the guards constantly watch slaves upon these lands that have no Male Warriors around them. If the person is on the list of criminals or enemies (iggy list) of these land the punishment prescribed for said person will instantly be carried out. One Post Capture/Kills can't be made unless said person is on the criminal list of Death's Stronghold. One post banishments by guards from the lands can be made. Another words if you act like an ass the guards can be used to banish you from the lands immediately and upon judgment of incident by Morte, you can be placed permanently on the list of criminals or enemies (iggy list) of these lands and a punishment can instantly be carried out upon your next visit. You will be notified that you are on the list of criminals and anything that happens to you upon returning to the lands is automatically accepted by you upon returning to the lands.