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Career Web Project

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Fashion Institute of Technology

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live,” once said famous fashion designer Coco Chanel. As far back as I can remember fashion has always been an important aspect in my life. I lived, breathed, and slept fashion. At the mere age of five I owned an array of shoes and would constantly pester my parents to purchase me the latest styles. I craved the very idea of heading to the mall and trying on everything the store had in stock. As a young adult, I have matured into a woman who now views fashion as a way of life; it molds our character and it accentuates our personalities. Seeing that my interests include shopping, traveling, reading, and delving in any fashion magazine that there is to offer, I believe that obtaining an education from the Fashion Institute of Technology will enable me to incorporate my favorite hobbies into a successful and blooming career. While majoring in Fashion Merchandising Management, a fashion school like FIT will give me all the necessary background and experience that I will need to obtain my goals and strive for the future I have always dreamt of. Throughout my high school career, I was employed at Delia’s, a commercial clothing store. While working here, I realized that I wanted to devote the rest of my life to an occupation in this industry. This job entailed constantly being on the go, always on your feet and interacting with people. I discovered that working in the fashion industry requires a good sense of style, taste, and innovation, all of which I possess. The chaotic atmosphere of the store enabled me to learn to cope with people and work in any type of environment. Other occupations I had included working at a summer camp and babysitting, both which taught me the skills of social interaction and patience. I shine in many areas and have an abundance of strengths. Of these, I believe I am very responsible, organized, creative, and punctual. I have a very high work ethic, and I always strive to achieve my goals. I am always curious and willing to learn and discover new things. My friendliness, politeness, and personable qualities enable me to get along with just about anyone, which is evident in my working environment. My weakness is that I am never quite satisfied with my work. However, I am always ready to improve myself and exceed my own standards and expectations. This career will fit into my everyday lifestyle because it is my passion and I am willing to do whatever I can to achieve this career. The job activities I like the most are going to a mart and picking out what will be shown later on in the stores. I know I will enjoy this because I have been to a mart, a place where you buy the clothing and accessories that’ll be shown in the stores, and picked stuff out that I liked. I’m going to focus on creating the right path to find success in Fashion Merchandising. This job does not guarantee automatic employment but I plan to have a family after I have found myself at a steady income that will cure my needs. I’m the kind of person that has patience in order to make my way in this World of Fashion. Fashion Merchandising is big in states like New York, Florida, and California. This works out well for me because I can stay in Florida and I love to visit New York. I think this job will bring out the best in me because it will challenge me to do the things I love. The probable stressors that I will run into in this field are deadlines, competition, long hours, sharing unpleasant news, and a job that could never be completely finished. I plan on living in the city of Miami where I can meet my needs. I plan on being in this career for a long time and if I get bored of it then I will move to my second career choice, advertising. But advertising is clearly my second choice.
