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T1 Story Combat.

What's T1 Story? T1 Story Format is a common chat based Fighting Format. In T1 Story you Describe your actions in a post making an Action, be as detailed as possible, the other person in turn will describe a defense AND an Attack, and then you'll defend and attack, and so on until one person is dead. That's basically the idea. Keep in mind, you cant dodge every bullet, YOU WILL GET HIT SOMETIME, and also, NOBODY HAS PERFECT AIM WITHOUT SOMETHING TO HELP THEM be it a little read dot, or a scope on a rifle.
Below is an Example of a T1 Story fight, it isnt as descriptive as you should be, but you should get the idea -
Jimmy: Stands up and picks a fight with Johnny, calling him a booger picker
Johnny: Hears that Jimmy called him a booger picker and stands, drawing his C-14 and shoving it towards Jimmy's neck and says "bring it bitch", and then he pulls the trigger sending a spray of bullets towards Jimmy's neck.
Jimmy: Seeing the rifle being pointed towards his neck he pulls away and soon a shower of bullets flies up infront of his face and his back steps 5 feet pulling his C-10 out and firing a shot off at Johnny's chest.
Johnny: Is hit in the chest, his armor taking some of the damage but he is still bleeding some, he stumbles back behind the counter of the bar and begins to climb for the back door, the counter acting as protection for him.
Jimmy: sees the pathetic fool running away and he runs around firing another shot to the back of Johnny's head hoping to finish the fool off.
Johnny: hears Jimmy running over and looks around just in time to see the gun and its aim, he rolls to the side and gets off his hands and knees and makes a break for the door, ignoring the pain in his chest.
Jimmy: seeing his shot missed he brings the rifle up firing another shot at Johnny's back, trying to take his backplate armor out.
Johnny: His back plate is hit, but the bullet doesnt go through and he makes it out the door, running for the nearest medical facility, needing to get his chest taken care of.
Jimmy: kicks the ground and goes back to have a drink since the booger picker got away, he puts the rifle back on his shoulder with the shoulder strap, sits down, and has a beer.
That's basically it, now remember, THERE ARE NO AUTOS and auto would be like below:
Jimmy: Fires his rifle shooting Johnny in the back of the head and blowing his brains all over the floor.
Thats a No No.
Thats how an RP fight is, to RP you'd just describe your actions, no need in turn basing it if its RP, if its a fight IT MUST BE TURN BASED.

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