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Since the reality of what's
happening in Iraq is hitting closer to home than ever, I drew this graphic as
a reminder of the sacrifice our service men, women and their families have made to ensure our freedom here and abroad. This graphic, or one similar,
will remain on this page until they come home and my prayer is that God will protect them all until then and give their families strength and comfort.
With that said, come in and look around. The site is growing quite a bit as are the hits on the counter.
I'm adding more graphics, pages,
links and tubes as
time goes on. I am currently working on creating some specific pages for my graphics. I want to add them seperately so that the site will be easier to get around. Make sure to check back often cause there's an evolution going on here! It's like the box of chocolates referred to in the Forrest Gump movie - you never know what you're gonna find!

Last updated 4-9-2006