Midnight Masquerade

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  • Last Updated on 8.27.02. at 1:54 AM EST. Check out changes page to see what i have done to rules and gameplay. Also has some expected things.

  • It has been brought to my attenion that Saving the site as a favorite on AOL is a bitch. But someone IMed me and told me how to do it. Heres how to do it. Click favorites, then on the very top is should say favoirte places. A little thing should pop up with all your favorite places. Click new. As the internet adress, write https://www.angelfire.com/la3/thesite/Main.html And for the Description write, Midnight Masquerade. Hope this clears up some confusion. - Thanks to JTSRebel25 for figuring this out.

    Email Creator: Ifrit1710@yahoo.com

    Email Main Updator: Nirvana1@Optonline.net

    Email Updator: Jaynina2169@yahoo.com

    Email RPXP/Minor Updator: Psyksonik8496@aol.com

    Vote for me in Vampire: the Masquerade Top 20 by Sanguinus Curae