General Seifer Lee Swordshadow of The Shire of Ravensfort

Seriously.... have you ever been in my shoes? Do you know what the Hell I've been through? Do you even care? My life's been short, but I know who I am, you don't. Don't ever judge me! Everyone talks...everyone. I don't care anymore, I've had it. I'm alone, and that's how I will stay. Silent. Cold. Just. True. Why care for those who care nothing for you? I'm alone. Always. Forever.
-General Seifer Swordshadow's Journal's first entry: April 19, 1241.

[Updated! (3-01-06) After a long while of ignoring it, I've finally upaded Seifer's Info page.]

General Information
Concerning the Silver Bite...
The Real Seifer
