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What Knoxville has been waiting for...

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the Victor Ashe trash talk page!!!

Let's put together some links to show what a great guy Victor Ashe, mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee and "special friend" of Resident George W. Bush, really is! Now we all know there is nothing wrong with having a "special friend." It's the hypocrisy, stupid!

A lot of people tell the tale that George and Vickie met at Yale, where they were both members of Skull and Bones. The truth is, the two men were lifelong friends, from families that have been friends for a long time. Read right here for Ashe's own words, stating that the Ashes and the Bushes were "old family friends," with summer homes on the same island in Florida. Ashe was a year ahead of George at Yale and served as political editor of the Yale Daily News. What the two boyhood friends did at George's initiation into Skull and Bones has been a matter of snickering and speculation for a couple of decades now. But the oft-rumored photographs have proven to be surprisingly elusive.

I like the way this Ashe campaigner's mind works. Click right here for a humor link.

Let it never be said that W* refuses to reward a dear friend with a nice pay-off job. Click right here to learn about Vickie's new job with Fannie Mae. Hmmm. The Resident's friendship paid for with our tax dollars? Oh well, politics as usual, I suppose.

Vickie isn't into referendums or the will of the people. So he decided to make it more difficult for the people of Knoxville to get a referendum. Click right here for details on this dirty deed. Billboard pollution is A-OK by Victor Ashe! I say, post those signs on the ranch in Crawford, good buddy!

Mean-spirited Victor Ashe is a good, good friend of the firefighters, just like his good buddy George. Seems Mayor Ashe was a little P.O.ed that the firefighters endorsed another candidate for mayor in 1996. So he decided to screw with the firefighters. Read the court decision right here. Whoo hoo! Rumor say this is the court decision that kept the pleasingly plump Mr. Ashe out of President Rove's -- er, I mean Resident Bush's -- cabinet! Read it and weep!

George sure spent a lot of time "campaigning" in Knoxville during the '02 mid-term elections. But did you know that George campaigned for Victor Ashe in 1984 for the U.S. Senate against Al Gore? Click right here and read down. There is a lot about how George had to prove himself as a loyal Skull and Bones member. But isn't it a little weird that he would be campaigning for Ashe in 1984? Why would you want an unemployed falling-down cocaine and alcohol addict like George Bush campaigning for you? No one knew he would one day be Resident; no one knew if he would ever even manage to get himself cleaned up. The unimpressed Tennessee voters sent Al Gore to the Senate, needless to say. Is it wrong and evil to presume that MUCHO partying went on during that "seven city tour" by Georgie and Vickie? I have only one question for the good people of Tennessee: Who catered the event and is there any record of how much of the old Peruvian marching powder was served?

Trashy Victor Ashe tricks the University of Tennessee into playing for free at a Republican fund-raiser. Click right here. They were told it was a public event to welcome Georgie into town. Next time, Vickie, if you can't afford to hire a band, just don't hire a band! Sheesh! Isn't this against the Hatch Act to use university resources for political campaigning? Oh yeah. I forgot. It's only against the law when a Democrat sends a memo around telling people to vote -- not when the mayor rips off the entire freakin' university band!

Just a random news story of one of the skadzillion times old Georgie boy has run over to visit with Vickie, his good friend "of years and years and years," as he puts it in this article. I'm not sure if people really need a million cites to prove that George spends a lot of time in eastern Tennessee; it would make the page too long and boring, and they can easily google it up for themselves if they really have any doubts.

This is a gossip link, typical of the rumors that are flying around about George and Vickie. Click here for the dirt. I'm just posting the one, as an example of the trash talk going around. I'm not going to make the whole page a page of unsubstantiated rumors. I wasn't in the bedroom with George and Vickie, and until someone speaks out who was -- (LXXXXX GXXXXXXX this is your wake-up call), we have a right to know what is being said, but we also have a right to keep an open mind. This link is pretty dirty, and the writer seems to have an anti-gay agenda that really bothers me, so let me make something clear: I believe adults have a right to any form of sexual play that doesn't hurt themselves or another. But I also believe that what is sauce for the donkey is sauce for the elephant. As long as Republicans are freaking that Clinton got a BJ, or Jesse Jackson has girlfriends, then Democrats need to be pointing out every time that married Republicans like the Bushes and Victor Ashe are caught with their pants down with any partner that is not their legal wife.