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Theresa and Drew's Vacation
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
9:00am Brought Stang to Jim South's to get tire fixed.
9:30amPicked up Stang (payed nothing because would have been all of $.02 for the part and labor). Also picked up two bags of ice and 6 Barq's Root Beer Floatz for the road. (Cost $10.83)
10:15amWent to the bank to get traveller's checks. This lady said that Drew's car was her dream car. Took a while to get the traveller's checks.
10:45am Finally got on the road, sort of. We got to I-220 and Drew realized that we left his suit hanging on the exercise equipment in my room, so we turned around and went back to get it.
11:00am With the suit in the back seat, we got on the road for real.
1:20pm Stopped at a Texaco at the Hwy 17 exit off of I-20. I was going to take a bathroom break,'ll just leave it at that and not go into vivid descriptions. Drew filled up the gas tank. (Cost $18.31)
1:50pm Crossed the grand old Mississippi River Bridge. I missed the picture of the Welcome to MS sign because I was goofing off and taking a picture of my feet (unfortunately....or fortunately depending on how you look at it...I deleted that picture), but instead I got a great picture of the large and bizarre-looking painting project occurring at the end of the bridge.

2:00pm Stopped at Burger King # 04130 at Vicksburg, MS (pic) to each lunch (Cost $12.05) and (finally) go To the bathroom.
3:51pm Arrived at Ms. Doris's house in Magee to visit her and Drew's Papaw. We chilled out for a while, ate some yummy watermelon and some cantelope (Drew even had some cantelope).

5:30pm Left Ms. Doris's house and headed to Drew's Mamaw's house in Prentiss.
5:45pm Arrived at Drew's Mamaw's house.
6:00pm Ate Dinner. (Yes, we ate dinner at 6:00pm)
7:00pm Ran to Piggly Wiggly because I was out of Conditioner and am too picky to use anything else.
7:10pm We returned and broke out the computer to show off pictures and play some games. All three of us played Jeopardy and You Don't Know Jack. Drew's Mamaw actually almost beat us in You Don't know Jack...even though we had played that episode before. Then Drew showed her some of the projects he had done for school.
11:00pm We did one crossword puzzle and went to bed.
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