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Hello everyone, my name is DaVida (blue shirt) and the other beautiful woman in this picture is my partner, Precious, (yes that is her given name, even though she prefers Shawn). We have been togethter for 2 years now and together we have been raising our children. We met two years ago, (we were dating the same man, hmmm...long story), and have been going on strong. I havent had any regrets. Our children are very understanding, more so than most adults. I've found that by being honest I've only made it even more obvious that there is nothing wrong with who you love, just as long as you do it right. I'm not going to lie and say that the road has been an easy one, but it has been filled with trials and lots of love. I started this site just to show that two women can raise happy, normal children. Im a rookie at this so I know the site is kind of shabby, but I would really appreciate any feedback.

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