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My stuff:
Stuff I've written
My Animals
Funny Sites
Cool Sites
Web Design:
How I made my site

Thanks for visiting my site. I call it spiffy because spiffy is an awesome word, and this is an awesome site, so I figured it would make sense to call it spiffy. There's a wide variety of stuff here, so just look around and hopefully you will find something of interest. It took me a long time to make, as I wanted it to be the best quality site I could possibly create, so I hope you enjoy your visit!

Stuff I feel like saying but don't wanna put into the marquee at the right:


I came to work more on the site today, and I just thought I'd come here to update this. I'm begining to wonder if I'll ever finish this site. Well, I sure ain't gonna quite now.

Yay! I just found out that I'm gonna get some time home alone today. I haven't in a long time cuz my dad's been spending a lot of time around here lately. After a year of him not living here, it's hard for my mom to get used to him being here for long periods of time. Almost kinda funny, not in the funny way, more like the ironic way. Ok well anyways, not only do you not really know what I'm talking about but I'm sure I've bored you to death so I'll go work on the site now.


I haven't woked much on the site lately, excpet for adding to this blog thingy. And when I do, it's only special effects and such, not content. I guess cuz I know that most people aren't very interested in the content. How do I make it more interesting? Hey, if you feel like emailing me and telling me, please do! ;) I also need to increase stickiness, even though it doesn't really matter. 'Sides, all my attempts to make my sites stickier in the past have failed. They say making it interactive makes it stickier. I could add a chat room and message boards and such, but no one would ever use them. Oh well whatever, I guess I'll work a little on the site today. Hmmm.... what page should I work on?


Well today my dad suddenly announced that he was going to move all the furniture in the living room around. It was very stressful. I was always being yelled at to do this, do that, go here, go there, all at the same time! AAAAHH!


Today is my birthday, I'm now 16! =D


I just got back inside from doing something I haven't done in a long time. I had missed it. What I like to do is go outside when it's dark and, I don't know, just sit out there. I sit on my swing, if I can see them, I look at the stars. And I think. I look up at that big dark sky and think. I used to do this everyday for at least a half an hour, but since I got my computer and have been spending so much time on the internet I haven't done it much.


Well, yesterday was thanksgiving. It was.. meh.. alright. Nothin real special. There was no fighting and that was good. I hate it when they fight on holidays. There was this one easter... it was horrible.


*Yawns* I probably shouldn't say what time it is, but lets just say it turned Tuesday a couple of hours ago. I'd go to bed but I'm waiting for something to finish downloading. It's gonna help me make my own really cool web graphics. I'll probably be playing with it for a couple hours, looks like I wont be to bed til, well, let's just say the sun probably will be coming up shortly after I go to bed. I've often said I was "nocturnal." Maybe I'm just wierd but I like the night/early morning hours better that the rest of the day. Maybe cuz it's really peacful then. Like right now, there's no TV on or nothin, all I can hear is the wind blowing outside. It's blowing awefuly hard, listening to it is almost kinda comforting. I'm not sure why.

Oh my gosh! After my computer finished downloading, it sat there for 40 minutes doing absolutly nothing but making noise. I was afraid my mom would hear it and realize that I was still up. I was tempted to just turn my computer off, but I'm glad I didn't cuz this thing I downloaded it pretty nifty.


I just added this blog thing and it sure was hard to get it right. I really need to learn CSS. It's really hard to type right now cuz Chip (one of my kitties) is laying on my mouse pad leaving a little corner for my mouse. I don't want to disturb her cuz me and Chip are still bonding. She's not much of a people cat and I'm lucky I've gotten her to trust me as much as I have. I can even get her to purr sometimes! (Hey, that's pretty good for this cat.) Well she got up now. Oh I see, she's heading to my bed. Meanwhile Sunshine is laying on the now empty mouse cage next to me purring steadily. I don't dare pet her or else she will get up and decide it's time to be on my lap, and once she decides she needs my attention, she gets it. She's VERY demanding. Uh oh here she comes.

Well I just went to a CSS tutorial site. I found out that a lot of stuff you do with CSS you can also do with HTML so I didn't spend too much time there. I did, however, learn how to put a background image over a backgroung color and fix it so it doesn't scroll. So now I got a spiffy background. :)

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