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Skin Cancer: Everything You Need to Know

A healthy, natural tan is a look everyone wants. There is no better feeling of the sun on your skin but there are some things people should know about the dangers of the sun and tanning that aren’t thought about everyday. You've heard the term "skin cancer" before, but what does it mean? Skin Cancer is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the outer layers of your skin. Cancer of the skin (non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers combined) is the most common of all cancers probably accounting for more than 50% of all cancers. People with light colored skin who have spent a lot of time in the sunlight are more susceptible to developing skin cancer, especially if they have had serious sunburns throughout their life. Tanning is your skins natural response to ultraviolet light. It is a protective reaction to prevent further injury to your skin from the sun, but this reaction does not prevent skin cancer. One sunburn can result in skin cancer later on in life and it can take up to twenty or more years for a sunburn to become skin cancer. It can occur anywhere on your body, but it is most common on your face, neck, hands, and arms since they have been exposed the most to sunlight. The most common sign of skin cancer is a change on the skin, such as a growth or a sore that won’t heal. Sometimes there is a small lump that can be smooth, shiny, and waxy looking or it can be reddish-brown. There are three types of skin cancer. The most common types of non-melanoma cancers, which start in the skin, are BASAL & SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA (CANCER). The third type of skin cancer is MELANOMA, the most serious form, which results in 79% of all skin cancer deaths. There are many CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS of skin cancer – not just over-exposure to the sun and sunburns– that range from heredity to the environment in which you live. EARLY DETECTION AND TREATMENT is the most critical thing you can do if you suspect that you have developed skin cancer. To avoid the growth of skin cancer or to avoid possible reoccurrences, there are many PREVENTION tips that one should follow – the most obvious – limiting one’s time in the sun.

Facts About Skin Cancer

For More Information Please Visit These Sites

American Cancer Society
The Skin Cancer Foundation
Skin Cancer Facts