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Welcome friends!

    Good day!   

Hi there, I'm Tabby the Angel, your guide for Seasonal Gardens. Seasonal Gardens is a wonderful place located in the heavens. Didn't think you were that high up? Well don't worry, the angels here will watch over you and keep you safe until you decide to return to Dreamscape Lodge. These gardens are located in the heavens because it is here that the glory of the angels transend and change the seasons. It's a lot of work to keep the seasons changing on Earth mind you, but we all love what we do. Now, I do so hope you enjoy your journey and tour of each celebration. Each celebration is held in a place where that season is eternal so you don't have to worry about taking too long *giggle* Have fun! Come back soon!

Almost there!

Hi all, I'm Lilandra the Angel. It's my job to point out to the guests exactly where to go in order to reach your desired location. Simply click on one of the seasonal friends below and they'll guide you to that particular seasonal celebration. You'll enjoy each and every celebration, that's for sure! Toodles now sweets!

*Tweet, tweet!*    Seasonal Gardens Menu    *Chirp, chirp*

~x~   Winter   ~x~

~x~   Spring   ~x~

~x~   Summer   ~x~

~x~   Autumn   ~x~

+ Dreamscape Lodge +


You are listening to "Cloud Dance" by Geoff

Page and a background Copyrighted © 2002 Leianne & Lesley a.k.a Twink & Lingz