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About My Poetry!

Hey guys! Well whenever I am going through a hard time in my life I like to write poetry. It helps me control my feelings. This page is dedicated to the people in my poems. You have all changed my life whether it was good or bad doesn't matter. Besides who ever said life was perfect? =) I thank all of you even if you did hurt me. I have learned a lot from my experiences. Some of you know what I've been through and some of you don't. I hope my poems help you understand atleast a little of what has happened. I'm not making this website for sympathy for what I have been through. I am pretty much just making it because I have nothing better to do. I have been through alot more in my life than expressed in my poems. These are pretty much just events involving my relationships with certain guys. Some good...some bad, but they all made an impact on my life. There is one in particular that is still a big part of my life. Most of the poems I will write are to him. I find it easier to tell people what's going on in my heart and mind by writing a poem. I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't read them the poem. I let them read it. That way I don't have to deal with it. But it works, so hey it's okay. =) Well I'm finished babbling on, so I hope you enjoy my poems!

I Can't
Baby Baby
Please Understand
I Guess This Is Goodbye
Can We Really Be?
It's Over
My One True Love
Long Distance Love
Boring Day at Work
Ryan Blake Hearst
Thank You
So Close
For You
I'm Sorry
What To Do?
Open Your Eyes
Selfish Little Bitch
Innocent Lttle Girl
Innocent Lttle Girl (revised)