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Step back into Milly's Millinery
Friday, November 18, 2005
complex within a walled space
Mood:  down
Now Playing: St. Gabriel - Marcia Ball
Plick647: having all kinds of fucking AOL trouble
Plaid suitcases: How did you know?
Plick647: i THINK i saw you, in the middle of it
Plaid suitcases: I'm ready to just go to bed and call it a night.
Plick647: oh, you TOO? fine
Plaid suitcases: I'm sad.
Plick647: whatsamatta???
Plaid suitcases: So is AOL.
Plick647: who do i gotta beat up???
Plaid suitcases: Are you really having problems or is it just me? Well...beat up whoever made hillbillies talk with those dumbass accents.
Plick647: me? all my problems are AOL related
Plaid suitcases: Carrie sounds like one of Them now.
Plick647: i cant, they died 200 years ago ew
Plaid suitcases: I started crying and said I couldn't listen to her voice any longer.
Plick647: i got one at work the other day
Plaid suitcases: She said she understood. I guess that sounded mean. I can't stand it!
Plick647: swear to god, drove a tractor, had no shoes on, and some stalk of something in his mouth
Plaid suitcases: Hayseed.
Plick647: gimme fit teen free. excuse me, sir? fit teen free. hands me a 20. a crumpled 20, one of the old ones. oh, fifteen on three? and the man said... "Hyuk!" i went :-O
Plaid suitcases: "My uncle whaaales." What? Whales? What is that? "Whaaales."
Turns out the bitch was telling me her uncle was a welder.
Plick647: like ten minutes later, the boss comes up, wanting to know what the fuck im laughing at. i was in tears. i smoked at the time, i had to go for one
Plaid suitcases: I'm coughing my lungs out.
Plick647: city folk. stop smoking
Plaid suitcases: I just lit it. Please.
Plick647: take 2 childrens one-a-day, like the flintstones. stop staring at me like that
Plaid suitcases: It was a desired affect. Mike Jones has the rap game sewed up. How does that hit you? I need some diet rootbeer. Beat up a crackhead hillbilly for me? Speaking of crack...
Plick647: nah, im calm. yes? im not wearing jeans
Plaid suitcases: Pour me a purple drink, Mikey. My eyes are double-jointed.
Plick647: grape soda it is
Plaid suitcases: You know what the pillow long as it's fantastically fizzy.
Plick647: i... dont know what to say to that
Plaid suitcases: Sing the purple cow song.
Plick647: there once was a man from Nantucket. no wait
Plaid suitcases: I've never seen a purple cow. I guess that's not a song. I hope to never seen one.
Plick647: im sure it can be
Plaid suitcases: You could make it a song though.
Plick647: i could. you write the lyrics
Plaid suitcases: Wait! Did you watch "You're Fired" tonight?
Plick647: huh? oh, a TV show? no
Plaid suitcases: I mean The Donald's show. Those clowns had to write a song.
Plick647: newp, missed that one, too
Plaid suitcases: Carrie mailed me another present today. I should get my package Monday. Do you have a package coming Monday?
Plick647: actually, i just might. its gonna rattle all the way from sandy eggo
Plaid suitcases: Goodie. We can compare parcel contents on Monday night. I'm penciling you in...
Plick647: ima do football, yes
Plaid suitcases: Leggo my Eggo?
Plick647: um, well no, you go ahead, i can make more
Plaid suitcases: I made my mom laugh so hard she peed on herself today.
Plick647: wow, thats lonely. i knew a really small dog like that, once
Plaid suitcases: It's been a long time since I made her laugh that hard.
Plick647: oh, this is/was a habit. fabulous
Plaid suitcases: Hey, I had a paralyzed dog. I can make things pee. I know how.
Plick647: um. your eyes are double jointed?
Plaid suitcases: Yes! The joint is a secret. It lies between the black and blue parts. I dreamt of being arrested with a lot of Caught people whom I don't know, yet partied with at my treehouse in lots of light. What are you doing?
Plick647: not much, thinking about the weekend. ima gonna work saturday night
Plaid suitcases: Bad boyfriend answer. Good thing you're married.
Plick647: i havent done that in a long time. im not married, my wife is
Plaid suitcases: Oh. Do you all sell hand-dipped cones?
Plick647: negative. but our gas is 227 today. and going down after id left
Plaid suitcases: Do you like iced tea?
Plick647: bad boyfriend answer. that snapple stuff is good, but not worth the 400 calories
Plaid suitcases: I've been to Paris. In Texas and in Arkansas.
Plick647: ditto
Plaid suitcases: But you beat me. I've never been to Paris in California.
Plick647: i... didnt know there was one
Plaid suitcases: Behind my special secret eyes, there is. It has to do with the relief map thing. You feel for it.
Plick647: oh, thats spelled funny. perris valley
Plaid suitcases: You do want to ride a Ferris wheel with me? Do you have one close there? We have one here. At the Aquarium.
Plick647: im not big on heights. so please, no
Plaid suitcases: Dave's gone, man. I'm scared of heights too.
Plick647: Daves not here!
Plaid suitcases: Oh that's it. I had the gist of it.
Plick647: of course
Plaid suitcases: If you could just see how I toss my hair...
Plick647: tease
Plaid suitcases: It's extra shiney tonight. I used to laugh and laugh at that when I was a little girl.
Plick647: so's mine, i didnt shampoo it
Plaid suitcases: Mmmm..junkie chic. You stud you.
Plick647: pifft
Plaid suitcases: Don't make me touch myself with my shades up.
Plick647: i am SO not a stud, i dont even have my ears pierced
Plaid suitcases: Piercings are unnecessary.
Plick647: and retarded, but thats me
Plaid suitcases: Ears are more fun sans adornment.
Plick647: haha. yes indeed
Plaid suitcases: I'm on to you.
Plick647: no, im on the top floor
Plaid suitcases: I often wonder about floors.
Plick647: nothings above me but blue sky, and jim nabors!
Plaid suitcases: Golly.
Plick647: i do not remember that show ever being in black n white. yet, it was for like 3 years. or so
Plaid suitcases: It was such a colorful show. It was always in black and white, wasn't it?
Plick647: before Disney invented color
Plaid suitcases: It was just so fun, it seemed like color.
Plick647: nope
Plaid suitcases: Are you serious? I was seeing real color?
Plick647: im very serious. lol
Plaid suitcases: Stop teasing me. I remember the black and white. It makes everyone look so stunning. I need a drink.
Plick647: golly. yes. oh my fucking god
Plaid suitcases: Sexy. What is it?
Plick647: you, i canty believe it slipped my brain so far. anyway. Cupcake came in
Plaid suitcases: No!
Plick647: yes!
Plaid suitcases: Was her new man on her arm?
Plick647: oh no. this was ready for work cupcake
Plaid suitcases: Oh, I see. So her tits were hanging out in your face, huh?
Plick647: so she grabs her usual stuff, and does her usual comments. "so why dont you ever call me?" "no thanks, i just used the restroom"
Plaid suitcases: Wait. What?
Plick647: haahahahha
Plaid suitcases: Oh my god. You didn't.
Plick647: with a straight face!
Plaid suitcases: Without me there to see it! Bad bad boyfriend.
Plick647: its on the camera! pifft, i aint nobodys boyfriend
Plaid suitcases: I'm fantasizing. I can have any boyfriend I want. Deal with it.
Plick647: i told the wife, she said if we get divorced or if she were to die or whatever, would i ever get married again. i said FUCK NO!
Plaid suitcases: So, what? A sale on Hostess, huh?
Plick647: lol mmmmmmmmmm hohos! haha
Plaid suitcases: They make the world spin and spin. I love hos.
Plick647: spun...
Plaid suitcases: I just don't pay 'em.
Plick647: yes!
Plaid suitcases: Excellent movie.
Plick647: indeeed
Plaid suitcases: Speaking of being a STAR of the clear...
Plick647: burp
Plaid suitcases: I got the blue sky reference, buddy.
Plick647: uh. help me out, so we both know...?
Plaid suitcases: Oh come now.
Plick647: i cant, im not excited yet. er... yeah
Plaid suitcases: It's meth.
Plaid suitcases: Excited now?
Plick647: i wish they would stop putting lime and/or green chilies in everything! NO!!
Plaid suitcases: I need my medication. You can read my mind.
Plick647: constants remain
Plaid suitcases: So it's lemon for you. Got it. Lemon on the baby. Lemon on the baby.
Plick647: lol. blah. ima shoot my profile. lol
Plaid suitcases: With a Saturday night special? I'll ink you in.
Plaid suitcases: Actually I'm booked for Saturday I think.
Plick647: dont look, i hate typos
Plaid suitcases: You know what? I bet she doesn't wait. I bet she comes tomorrow night.
Plick647: lets hope. noted, im working saturday night
Plaid suitcases: So I'll be up all night with her and then trying to market with my mother at five a.m. Cover me in those notes. I forget things. Where would you stick it, you think? I have blue sky notes.
Plick647: in the meth
Plaid suitcases: Heh.
Plick647: my note would say "think"
Plaid suitcases: That works in so many ways. Think? Nevermind. It just broke.
Plick647: ofted. lol
Plaid suitcases: Put it on the discount shelf with the cupcake. Where is my drink?
Plick647: in the fridge. get your own. apples in the pantry
Plaid suitcases: What was I thinking? It's South Park Mexican. He stirs me. I got diet rootbeer. From the fridge.
Plick647: oh, we have Grape soda. Jeff doesnt mind sharing, i insist. i am NOT a deadhead! i said that twice today
Plaid suitcases: To who?
Plick647: deadheads
Plaid suitcases: That nun I love followed the Dead for a while.
Plick647: one had a shirt i didnt recognize. nun? really
Plaid suitcases: Well, she became one.
Plick647: ive met a few of those
Plaid suitcases: She was just a lesbian when I knew her with a preacher father. I taught her things.
Plick647: they all look at me like "this outfit isnt me, is it?" i cant stand them, anything about them anymore
Plaid suitcases: So you screamed, "I'm not a deadhead." at them?
Plick647: i moved 85 miles to get away from all that. well, no
Plaid suitcases: Even the ice cream? Cherry Garcia. Okay. None for you.
Plick647: oh yeah. uncle Jerry
Plaid suitcases: My head hurts now. I put Armstrong on.
Plick647: every time i seen him, he was always so quiet
Plaid suitcases: St. James Infirmary.
Plick647: unless he had a guitar, then he was the loudest one around. he tought me so much
Plaid suitcases: He was too high to talk? You're right. I do need a cigarette.
Plick647: well, i meant in.. social situations, meet and greets and all that. conventions
Plaid suitcases: Okay. So yes. Meet and greet? I'd be high.
Plick647: he was the one everyone wanted to talk to, to touch, to listen to. and no one could reach him. he was there, we all were there
Plaid suitcases: Buy a damn CD. You want him to touch you? Listen.
Plick647: no thanks, im not a deadhead
Plaid suitcases: Heh. Four times now.
Plick647: thats my moms world, not mine
Plaid suitcases: I could have sat on his lap and handled the crowd for him though.
Plick647: ive seen people look at her and go "woooooooow" lol she hated all that
Plaid suitcases: You collect the filthy lucre, baby.
Plaid suitcases: He can touch the CDs as I hock them to these "fans". dead heads. Ha.
Plick647: not me
Plaid suitcases: Touch this!
Plick647: ew, shower first. haha jk
Plaid suitcases: Uh huh. That was a good one.
Plick647: good? or good like "why dont you ever call me" no thanks i just used the restroom
Plaid suitcases: I caught another train. It went all the way to the coast. Almost. C'est Si Bon.
Plick647: 5 feet from the coast, along the beach
Plaid suitcases: I had lunch and caught the train back. The car was nearly empty on the ride home. I layed down.
Plick647: driving?
Plaid suitcases: In the train car. Across the bench seat.
Plick647: oh, right
Plaid suitcases: In the car, I put my feet up on the dashboard. I don't what I was I thinking. KNOW.
Plick647: i warn people of that, often
Plaid suitcases: The sin is in his skin? What DID he do to be so Black and Blue? Christ my head hurts.
Plick647: yeah, put the ice pick down
Plaid suitcases: I really wish you could listen to this song with me. And smile. Make faces at me.
Plick647: :-| :-!
Plaid suitcases: No. Just make them to the screen. It's Jelly Roll Blues. Do you know the song? Grr. I hate that.
Plick647: which version?
Plaid suitcases: Which version? I'm going to bed. I don't know. It's Louis Armstrong.
Plick647: lol ok
Plaid suitcases: I made lots of faces at you during it though. I had fun talking to you tonight. See you around.
Plick647: tease! yes, ditto
Plaid suitcases: See my pink tongue? Matches all kinds of things.

Posted by snowflake at 4:41 AM EST
Updated: Friday, November 18, 2005 4:00 PM EST
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
The inquizitive bore
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: We Belong Together
Topic: she is nobody's enemy
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Friends - mi inc". ***

Red eyed ryn: . .:autø:. • NTM • Ma Benz •
OnlineHost: LMR1421 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LMR1421 has left the room.
Plaid suitcases: I had a dream about a map.
Plaid suitcases: The voice called Arcola a ghost town.
Plaid suitcases: The tooth that used to stop my tongue is missing.

OnlineHost: *** You are in "Friends - my ink". ***

Plaid suitcases: It said, "Don't let it fool you."

Posted by snowflake at 3:50 AM EST
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I want me a coal miner
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: All Good Things Must Come To An End - Ying Yang Twins
Topic: Rooms of Interest - 10/25
Plaid suitcases: Bottom of Life. It was at the very top of Life last time I looked which was earlier today.
Plaid suitcases: Now it's last.
Plaid suitcases: Interesting.
Plaid suitcases: consequentialrandoms
OnlineHost: I Brenya145 I has entered the room.
Plaid suitcases: So much so, that I want to enter.
Plaid suitcases: I'm looking to see who is the owner.
I Brenya145 I: sorry I got disconnected
I Brenya145 I: what?
Plaid suitcases: consequentialrandoms.
I Brenya145 I: oh
Plaid suitcases: I'm listing the rooms that I wish I could go into.
Plaid suitcases: I'm bored.
I Brenya145 I: lol
I Brenya145 I: I do that too
Plaid suitcases: Aempromptu is the room owner.
Plaid suitcases: I like the name.
I Brenya145 I: I'll go in too
Plaid suitcases: I read it as I'm prompt. You?
Plaid suitcases: How do you read it?
I Brenya145 I: I guess same
I Brenya145 I: it probably means something else
Plaid suitcases: It could be Impromptu.
Plaid suitcases: Which is dull.
Plaid suitcases: Go in and find out.
Plaid suitcases: You be my roving reporter.
I Brenya145 I: lol why can't you
I Brenya145 I: ok
I Brenya145 I: brb
Plaid suitcases: I'm afraid.
OnlineHost: I Brenya145 I has left the room.
Plaid suitcases: I like your name as well.
The7thsage5: ty
Plaid suitcases: People should know their thought is appreciated.
Plaid suitcases: Even if I can't tell them directly.
Plaid suitcases: I'll post this in a journal somewhere and maybe they'll see it someday.
Plaid suitcases: Now your name...
The7thsage5: alex
Plaid suitcases: The 7th sage 5
Plaid suitcases: The 7th's age 5.
Plaid suitcases: Whoa.
The7thsage5: that would be sage
Plaid suitcases: Whew.
Plaid suitcases: Might have had seven kids.
The7thsage5: yeaaa even when im old enough aint gonna happen
Plaid suitcases: Wise.
Plaid suitcases: Sage...sage...
OnlineHost: VV indow licker has entered the room.
Plaid suitcases: I'm guessing you don't cook.
The7thsage5: actually i do
Plaid suitcases: Holy moly.
Plaid suitcases: Ah ha!
OnlineHost: VV indow licker has left the room.
Plaid suitcases: I'm honing in on it.
Plaid suitcases: Actually I'm not getting anywhere.
Plaid suitcases: What does your name mean?
Plaid suitcases: (I think Katy fell in love with Mr. Impromptu.)
The7thsage5: well i was always smart when i was 2 i could read better than i could walk and the 7th came from a game where there were 6 sages and i always thought there shouldve been a 7th
The7thsage5: hm.......
Plaid suitcases: I Brenya145 I: it means Impromptu
Plaid suitcases: I Brenya145 I: no I love someone
Plaid suitcases: Plaid suitcases: Report to me up here.
Plaid suitcases: I told her I have you.
The7thsage5: ok?
Plaid suitcases: Yes.
Plaid suitcases: What is a sage?
The7thsage5: wise man depending on who your asking some consider them mystic
Plaid suitcases: And why did you think seven?
The7thsage5: its a holy # i suppose you could say
Plaid suitcases: To you?
The7thsage5: well to a lot of branches of the protestant faith
Plaid suitcases: Oh.
Plaid suitcases: And the five?
The7thsage5: 7/5 an important date to me
Plaid suitcases: July 5.
The7thsage5: yup
Plaid suitcases: Okay.
Plaid suitcases: I don't get to know what the day means to you though.
Plaid suitcases: It's private.
The7thsage5: somewhat yes
Plaid suitcases: Right?
Plaid suitcases: Understood.
Plaid suitcases: Okay. By the way, Katy says that the Impromptu guy is interesting if you'd like to hit his room. I'm going to list my next room
now and discuss why it's on my list.
Plaid suitcases: You can stay. I like you.
The7thsage5: i think im fine here
Plaid suitcases: Okay.
Plaid suitcases: Next is...
Plaid suitcases: IHungDMoonUpsideDown
Plaid suitcases: ChildOfVision141
Plaid suitcases: Sits alone in the room.
Plaid suitcases: I want to go in.
Plaid suitcases: But I won't.
Plaid suitcases: I don't like that screen name.
Plaid suitcases: Child.
Plaid suitcases: Pass.
Plaid suitcases: What are your thoughts Alex?
The7thsage5: haha you say child like its a bad thing but youve been talking to one for awhile
Plaid suitcases: I know. I'm ridiculous.
Plaid suitcases: It's just my thought process.
Plaid suitcases: I'm being honest. Letting people see how I think.
Plaid suitcases: So if they do want me to come to them, they will know how to modify themselves.
Plaid suitcases: The room name worked.
The7thsage5: indeed
Plaid suitcases: The screen name failed.
Plaid suitcases: I have mental issues.
Plaid suitcases: Heh.
Plaid suitcases: How old are you?
The7thsage5: we all have or eccentricites
The7thsage5: 15
Plaid suitcases: Oh my goodness. Heh.
Plaid suitcases: I'd never have guessed.
The7thsage5: they never do
Plaid suitcases: Oh room is...
Plaid suitcases: you may kiss my shoe
Plaid suitcases: This one really gets me.
Plaid suitcases: It's like a sequel room.
Plaid suitcases: Remember all last week it was I Will Lick Her Shoe?
Plaid suitcases: Let me see who is in that room...
Plaid suitcases: Hmm....Wldwmn77 and JackbootWhimsy.
Plaid suitcases: They sound like quite a pair.
The7thsage5: indeed
Plaid suitcases: I ventured into and was thrown out of I Will Lick Her Shoe.
Plaid suitcases: Did you see that room popping up all last week?
The7thsage5: no i was busy last week
The7thsage5: job interviews you know
Plaid suitcases: Next room...
Plaid suitcases: Between the li N es
Plaid suitcases: Room owner - DeHoaX DaHype
Plaid suitcases: Love the room name and the screen name
Plaid suitcases: I won't go in for those reasons alone.
Plaid suitcases: Too perfect is just that.
Plaid suitcases: Big red flag.
The7thsage5: perfections such a strange thing
The7thsage5: well well seems ones with interesting names have come to you
Plaid suitcases: I can do a new one now!
Plaid suitcases: Want to play with me?
Startingover4171: and what is that
Plaid suitcases: I have to look for one that interests me.
Startingover4171: im game
Plaid suitcases: You look too and you tell me yours and why.
Plaid suitcases: But it has to be one you won't go into, but want to.
Plaid suitcases: I got mine.
Plaid suitcases: Utah Parking Lot - Places
Startingover4171: hold
Plaid suitcases: Just56andSingle - room owner
Plaid suitcases: Heh. Love the room name and the screen name. I'm going
for the profile.
Plaid suitcases: Hold?
Plaid suitcases: Hold what?
Startingover4171: looking
The7thsage5: it means he'll brb
Plaid suitcases: Oh.
Plaid suitcases: Okay. Thanks Alex.
Plaid suitcases: Are you and siut being good?
Risque SIut: Of course.
Plaid suitcases: Mmhmm.
Startingover4171: dresserand gg chat
Plaid suitcases: Carry on.
The7thsage5: thank you ma'am
Risque SIut: Is that distrust I sense?
Plaid suitcases: It's called wisdom. Not distrust.
Plaid suitcases: What chat is that?
The7thsage5: a teenage boy and a teenage girl at 4 30 whats not to trust>
Risque SIut: Ha.
Plaid suitcases: Heh.
Startingover4171: its in special interests
The7thsage5: **?
Risque SIut: Don't make it sound innocent or anything...
The7thsage5: oh wouldnt dream of it
Plaid suitcases: The profile was boring but what I did like was that the guy doesn't take IMs. I don't like IMs either. I like rooms.
The7thsage5: ims are nice sometimes
Startingover4171: at least with ims its a 1 on 1
Plaid suitcases: Yeah, when you have someone like siut to talk to.
Plaid suitcases: Rooms are often a one on one too.
Risque SIut: I'm actually awful at talking in IMs.
The7thsage5: im too quiet to talk much on ims
The7thsage5: i was raised on that be seen not heard method
Plaid suitcases: Me too.
Risque SIut: Yeah. It's awkward when it's quiet in IMs. Not in rooms, though.
Startingover4171: im a talker and will chat with anyone but I do dislike the ones that are into fantacys
The7thsage5: oh roleplay?
Plaid suitcases: Oh. Hmm.
The7thsage5: yea those are a tad ridiculos
Startingover4171: and really arent who they say they are
Risque SIut: Just a different type of escape.
Plaid suitcases: Siut?
Plaid suitcases: Sit by me.
Risque SIut: I'm not creative enough for it, but to each their own.
Startingover4171: at least be honest
Plaid suitcases: It's getting cold in here.
Risque SIut: As you wish.
The7thsage5: im begining to think im the only one who dosent smoke

Posted by snowflake at 5:39 AM EDT
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Slide into the icy depths
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: We Three - The Ink Spots
Dj's date, no doubt Jewish, will draw the biggest buzz. Imagine the black tar affair held at the end of the world. Penguins in tuxs and icicles in gowns all continging with the surf.

OnlineHost: DJSK7247 has entered the room.
Plaid suitcases: Dj?
DJSK7247: don't smoke sorry
Plaid suitcases: Oh. Do you have a lighter though, Dj?
DJSK7247: no
Plaid suitcases: Okay.
Plaid suitcases: What brings you here Dj?
DJSK7247: the name of the room
Plaid suitcases: You're a star of clear also?
Plaid suitcases: Get comfy.
Plaid suitcases: Where is everyone?
DJSK7247: hanging out
Plaid suitcases: Dj...who are you?
DJSK7247: just some guy
Plaid suitcases: More info than I expected.
Plaid suitcases: I like what I hear though.
I Brenya145 I: how are you dj?
DJSK7247: sick
DJSK7247: how are you?
I Brenya145 I: honestly I'm sick too right now
I Brenya145 I: I hate being sick
Plaid suitcases: It's part of it.
Plaid suitcases: Life.
Plaid suitcases: But this is friends people.
I Brenya145 I: drink some tea
I Brenya145 I: anyway....
Plaid suitcases: Just open all the windows and pretend everything is as it should be.
Plaid suitcases: I told you. I'm insane.
Plaid suitcases: You'll be okay too.
Plaid suitcases: Two.
Plaid suitcases: Three. All of us.
Plaid suitcases: We're stars.
Plaid suitcases: I'm dancing. One minute.
I Brenya145 I: I used to go to raves and dance all night
I Brenya145 I: massages, light shows with glow sticks
I Brenya145 I: I want to go latin dancing...
I Brenya145 I: belly dancing is my favorite
Plaid suitcases: Wow.
Plaid suitcases: You can belly dance?
Plaid suitcases: If we ever have a party in my room, you're the entertainment.
Plaid suitcases: You sound like a party.
Plaid suitcases: I want you up on a little table with a strobe light on you.
Plaid suitcases: I want to be on a table beside you. Only I want to be sitting indian style just watching you belly dance and latin dance and rave and all that.
I Brenya145 I: ok
Plaid suitcases: Can I decorate you with glow sticks too?
I Brenya145 I: deal
I Brenya145 I: yes
Plaid suitcases: So deck.
I Brenya145 I: I'll put them on a belly chain around my waist
I Brenya145 I: ok
Plaid suitcases: Dj...want to be guest of honor at that party?
Plaid suitcases: Won't it be beautiful? A CLEAR party.
Plaid suitcases: Maybe it can be just Us.
I Brenya145 I: you mean stars of clear party
Plaid suitcases: Yeah.
I Brenya145 I: yeah just dancing and a good time
Plaid suitcases: Mmhmm.
Plaid suitcases: Words are magic.
I Brenya145 I: what are you doing dj?
I Brenya145 I: dj?
Plaid suitcases: Did we lose Dj?
I Brenya145 I: I don't know
I Brenya145 I: he said he was sick
DJSK7247: i'm here..
Plaid suitcases: Must have scored.
I Brenya145 I: oh ok
I Brenya145 I: nice
Plaid suitcases: Oh. There he is.
I Brenya145 I: what are you doing dj?
I Brenya145 I: ?
Plaid suitcases: You should go for cocoa if you're cold.
I Brenya145 I: ok
Plaid suitcases: Are you going to make cocoa?
I Brenya145 I: yeah I'm just going to warm it up..brb
Plaid suitcases: I turned my radio off.
Plaid suitcases: I think I'll put on Christmas music. Slow things down a bit.
Plaid suitcases: I can't be dancing around this treehouse all night.
I Brenya145 I: what kind of music do you listen to dj
DJSK7247: House Muisc
I Brenya145 I: are you a dj?
I Brenya145 I: I love techno
I Brenya145 I: well house music I mean..
I Brenya145 I: I like trance too
I Brenya145 I: ?
Plaid suitcases: I'm glad Dj is still with us.
I Brenya145 I: me too
Plaid suitcases: I think he scored though.
I Brenya145 I: most definitely
Plaid suitcases: The biggest stars remember the little people.
I Brenya145 I: I know some djs...I used to go to the state palace theater in new orleans
I Brenya145 I: I like bad boy bill
I Brenya145 I: ak1200
I Brenya145 I: some from europe too
I Brenya145 I: anyway
Plaid suitcases: You must be cute.
I Brenya145 I: I thought maybe he was a dj that's why I was saying that
Plaid suitcases: I know. I'm just thinking out loud.
Plaid suitcases: I'm picturing you hopping around that club....hobknobbing with the djs.
I Brenya145 I: oh yes
Plaid suitcases: Hot.
I Brenya145 I: I get backstage at concerts too
I Brenya145 I: I almost met maynard...sigh
Plaid suitcases: And you're my friend?
Plaid suitcases: I'm cool by association?
Plaid suitcases: Far out.
I Brenya145 I: lol
I Brenya145 I: I have nice close up pics of apc
I Brenya145 I: I used to go to voodoo fest every halloween in new orleans
Plaid suitcases: My cat tore my spider off the wall.
I Brenya145 I: it's a music festival
I Brenya145 I: lol
Plaid suitcases: Oh my god. It scared me to death.
Plaid suitcases: She was whipping this huge thing around and I didn't realize she had climbed all the way up to the top of my door jam and gotten
that down.
Plaid suitcases: I thought it was real!
Plaid suitcases: Oh my god. You should feel my heart.
Plaid suitcases: I don't need any meth.
I Brenya145 I: what's wrong?
Plaid suitcases: All my windows are open and I'm laughing like a loon.
Plaid suitcases: That spider is huge.
Plaid suitcases: I have to sleep.
I Brenya145 I: I'll sleep tonight I'm sure
I Brenya145 I: ok I'll talk to you tomorrow then
Plaid suitcases: Okay. Hey Dj?
DJSK7247: yes?
Plaid suitcases: See you around, okay?
Plaid suitcases: Take care.
DJSK7247: alright
DJSK7247: you too
I Brenya145 I: I'll still be on dj later if you're still on

Posted by snowflake at 7:34 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, October 24, 2005 4:02 PM EDT
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Bluejays are nasty mean.
Topic: Square doughnuts?
The big guy and the holy chip raised a coffee table to the Treehouse yesterday afternoon. It's top is as shiny as a baby grand. I'm going to fill it with dolls after we shop for a lid chain today. We have to see the dealer near the Krishnas, whose yoga classes are really taking off. Bubba and Vanni attached to me yesterday, so I dreamt of them and Nana-rana last night. Unpleasant, to say the least.

Jen bought me a huge diamond ring. I use it to display photographs. A pink cat sits in a cloud of feathers and tinsel. I use it to signify myself and it holds nothing.

Posted by snowflake at 9:50 AM EDT
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Friday, October 14, 2005
I found love
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Holly Jolly Christmas - The bumble
Topic: discount store romance

U HIFI GUY [8:15 AM]: u did it at kmart?
Plaid suitcases [8:15 AM]: Uh...I did lots of stuff at Kmart.
U HIFI GUY [8:16 AM]: such as?
Plaid suitcases [8:16 AM]: They don't really sell shoes, though I did.
U HIFI GUY [8:16 AM]: a/s/l?
Plaid suitcases [8:16 AM]: I measured men's feet.
Plaid suitcases [8:16 AM]: 37fTX
U HIFI GUY [8:16 AM]: cool...and what else did u do?
Plaid suitcases [8:17 AM]: I found love.
U HIFI GUY [8:17 AM]: how about sex?
Plaid suitcases [8:17 AM]: Heh. That too. Lots of people found that.
U HIFI GUY [8:17 AM]: in the store?
Plaid suitcases [8:18 AM]: Yes.
U HIFI GUY [8:18 AM]: nice...did u?
Plaid suitcases [8:18 AM]: I have a friend that did it there.
U HIFI GUY [8:18 AM]: in the back room?
Plaid suitcases [8:18 AM]: Well, this friend and I were going to do it at the company Christmas party...
U HIFI GUY [8:19 AM]: and?
Plaid suitcases [8:19 AM]: someone told us her boyfriend knew she was missing and with me and was looking for us, so we decided hiding out in the parking lot wasn't the best idea.
Plaid suitcases [8:19 AM]: Who are you?
U HIFI GUY [8:20 AM]: just crusin the chat rooms...and saw your room
Plaid suitcases [8:20 AM]: Oh. A cat person, are you?
Plaid suitcases [8:20 AM]: So curious.
U HIFI GUY [8:20 AM]: mmmmmmmmm
Plaid suitcases [8:20 AM]: You know what I imagine you doing?
U HIFI GUY [8:20 AM]: do u have a pic dear..just curious
U HIFI GUY [8:20 AM]: what?
Plaid suitcases [8:20 AM]: No pictures! Bad dawg.
U HIFI GUY [8:21 AM]: :-(
Plaid suitcases [8:21 AM]: Working in the electronics department.
Plaid suitcases [8:21 AM]: Want to meet in the back for a "break"?
U HIFI GUY [8:21 AM]: yes
Plaid suitcases [8:21 AM]: Heh.
U HIFI GUY [8:21 AM]: u give good bj's?
Plaid suitcases [8:21 AM]: No. I suck.
U HIFI GUY [8:21 AM]: nice...and swallow?
Plaid suitcases [8:22 AM]: That too.
Plaid suitcases [8:22 AM]: I listen too.
U HIFI GUY [8:22 AM]: take facials?
Plaid suitcases [8:22 AM]: Ha.
Plaid suitcases [8:22 AM]: eye!
U HIFI GUY [8:22 AM]: i guess thats a yes
Plaid suitcases [8:22 AM]: It burns.
Plaid suitcases [8:23 AM]: I have to get ready for the used books I'm going to fondle soon. I want to smell like pumpkins.
Plaid suitcases [8:23 AM]: Fragrance layering.
Plaid suitcases [8:23 AM]: And I shall linger.
Plaid suitcases [8:23 AM]: I have to chose which books to rub myself on.
U HIFI GUY [8:23 AM]: whatever

Certain titles are destined to be sniffed.

Posted by snowflake at 9:31 AM EDT
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Margo lusts for the Guldens
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Imaginary crickets
Topic: Condensation
I told Them I gave at the office. Twenty cents. Ask your girlfriends about how generous you are? If you insist. Picture requested.

IBMEUBU2 [2:52 AM]: how much did you give
Plaid suitcases [2:53 AM]: Two dimez.
IBMEUBU2 [2:53 AM]: i give and give and give
IBMEUBU2 [2:53 AM]: ask my g/f's
Plaid suitcases [2:53 AM]: Hook me up.
IBMEUBU2 [2:54 AM]: f ?
Plaid suitcases [2:55 AM]: Yes.
IBMEUBU2 [2:55 AM]: hoiw much can you give me
Plaid suitcases [2:55 AM]: I'm a gold digger. I can give you everything.
Plaid suitcases [2:55 AM]: What do you want?
IBMEUBU2 [2:56 AM]: i want all of you baby
IBMEUBU2 [2:56 AM]: over and over and over again
Plaid suitcases [2:57 AM]: Uh huh. I'm broke right now.
Plaid suitcases [2:57 AM]: Look me up later.
IBMEUBU2 [2:57 AM]: im not
IBMEUBU2 [2:57 AM]: pic ?

Soap in your nose.

"It's poison." socavalier
Feel the June bug grip your skin heroingirl. so?
[The Children] 48th Highlanders of Canada
She was maybe there came in to visit me as soon as I
entered this abandoned room.
She wanted to know if I had cable internet or DSL. I said,
She indicated displeasure and stormed off. I'm sort of
glad. She is the one Mr. Heit Meiser knows. AOL new alert. Would I like to view it now? I
sure would.
But I'm not going to. I'm just going to delete it.
I don't really need to hear about travel bargains. My
suitcases aren't even packed.
She told me today that on the cruise she will fear the
I nodded and murmured, "Titanic." She said, "No. They are
so big, so white. And in the quiet...I'll be afraid."
I could suggest she take some ears with her that hear
things she never will and then she won't be afraid, but eh.
I dug out this odd pitcher shaped like a vampire's head.
In his gaping mouth, where you are to put what is being offered your guests,
I put three apples.
A granny Smith, a reddish gala, and another gala that is
more yellow. It looks like he's eating fruit.
Jen laughed and laughed.
Kissy broke his wrist. No one is talking. No one is
pointing fingers either, which is unusually disturbing.
Once this cd was playing when I pulled in to get my car
inspected. The man was so tickled, he turned the house music down and opened
my car doors and turned up my cd for us all.
Amazingly, there was nothing wrong with my car and it
passed inspection gracefully.
We all smiled and turned our heads. I wish I could have
gathered everyone's thoughts like ballons on strings and watched them bob and
float over mine.
The colors of thoughts.
The auras.
My strings holding them.
The Canadians playing for Us.
Buckwheat groats and bowtie pasta salad all around.
Don't forget the dead man in the white caddy. He's the
guest of honor today.
The one who is crying. We're going to sing Danny Boy find your lyrics.

Passion costs a pretty penny.

Posted by snowflake at 5:07 AM EDT
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Thursday night shoes
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Moonlight Serenade
Topic: Urban farming
Fertile ground. We embarked on our adventure early, testosterone being what it is, and makeup being what it isn't.

Pink suede mules with pink suede roses. Pink "coin purse" handbag with the pink and silver rhinestone detachable snowflake pin on it. Bumble singing Holly Jolly Christmas and featuring classic "snowmonster noises" (holding treetop star).

Grand total? Of course, nothing for me, but for them?

$16.64! Mom nearly had an old guy picking up our tab. She is a wonder.

We found a new place to kick.

Posted by snowflake at 7:36 PM EDT
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Guests optional
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Top o the mornin'
Topic: Cheez-it and Kat
Incense reminds me of Jesus.
Meth....oh God...oh my God....and just
She took a dive today, she did.
I always wished I could see one of those movies where the
women dance in the water.
What does the music sound like in their dreams?
The flash brought our bodies close enough to feel one
another without touching.
My eyes licked over his shiny teeth...singing squeaky.
"Where'd you get all that money, daddy?"
Stone. He is a rock. My pet rock.
the rub
"Where's the yeah?"
on the counter. grab hold.
there's no mirror to watch yourself fall here
My God you're stunning snowflake.
On grandpa's sweater, to postwar meth
snowflake glimmered atop of old smokey.
Hustle AND flow on stagnant ash.
Purple casts.
I begged, "Please not purple."
She didn't know what I meant.
What happened to signs.
My ashes fall to a glass star.
He wanted her to notice the Lexus, but she couldn't get
over the song.
::turns up song:: His anger confuses her. I love that
It's a nice car. The song is fabulous. I had no idea you
were a cowboy.
What's a Lexus?
I had never heard of one.
It still means nothing to me. What is it?
A car.
Yeah. But that song....
I don't have to be. I can function.
I told him, when you ask for your space in the
fridge...don't hurt her feelings.
He told me that he heard her talking to me at four a.m.
So he took the cookies off the top and it meant nothing.
I'll pass it on.
Like it or not.
Still...don't hurt her. You are the fucking love of her
You love her. I know you do.
Take me home.
It's not even Monday, daddy.
Monday is OUR day.
Why didn't he tell me?
On the floor, I kept saying..."It's Monday this month, just
like next month is Monday." and he just nodded.
What day is it?
Yeah. Killer herb.
Fruit Loops.
Gin and juice.
Tin or rocks.
He's something.
He gave me some of the sauce Mom couldn't resist last
night, he couldn't wait to tell me.
When he asked, "Is that enough?" I smiled my little girl
smile and shook my head.
Love me long time.
[that thought dedicated to reveredphelps] what up baby?
chunk deuce
I ran the relish through the harmonizer.
Some time later, he was apologizing for getting me from bed
again. "It's so nice up here."
It's okay. I know, dad.
"What do you want? I think trees should touch the
I want ::dances::
He ::dances::
It is silent, but for snowflake's snapping and their
Socks slide like rollerblades in the treehouse. Holla
What I meant was I want a coffee table. Get to it.
Everything changes in the treehouse. Everything.
all the children need someone to show them they can be
I gave him that and more.
Yes, you ache for space. Look around at what your little
one has.
Nothing. Nothing at all.
You win. What you two own did better than your parents did
to you two.
Painfully shy. I'll always have space.
Insane. I'll always have art.
Ugly. I'll always have beauty.
and the beer I stole from you.
Thanks Mommy.
I miss you Matt. Even though I have no clue what "stolen
beer" meant. ::shrugs::
I do steal beer from my mom, but she lets me. So I'm not
Just a criminal?
who isn't.
What is that about?

Posted by snowflake at 6:24 AM EDT
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Friday, October 7, 2005
My one and only You
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: ...I can hear the vessels' chimes
Topic: 2.79, that's three bucks!
A series of events that lets me know I am still Yours.

While in bed with The City, drugged became crystal clear without digits being involved (yet platinum was).

It's always two.

I dream of suffocating

....for Their amusement.

I'm here and so is the cold. Right on schedule! Late late late. Just in time for zoe.

Katz' have their tongues and don't deserve Us.

I think.

......I miss you



Posted by snowflake at 3:18 AM EDT
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