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My name is Rebecca Gatlin and this is my proficiency exam web page. I created it primarily to finish my proficiency exam, so that I do not have to take boring (lol) classes (such as Using your PC) in order to get my certificate. I honestly do not want to get behind on my goal of graduating in December of 2003. I sure hope that this web page "makes the grade"!

I am supposed to tell a little about myself, but I don't know what to say. I will just tell you some basic facts about myself.

I am 19 years old; I will be 20 on January 31, 2003! I am married, going on 1 & 1/2 years now, to a wonderful, loving man, named Carl. I have an adorable, sweet 3 month old son, named Dugann. I am currently enrolled at IVCC for 21 credit hours this semester. However, if I pass this test, I will acquire 3 more credit hours! My ultimate goals are to finish my two certificates (Graphic Communications and Promotion & Graphic Design Technology), go on to obtain my Associate in Applied Science Degree in Graphic Design Technology, and then via the internet through Franklin University, get my Bachelor's Degree in Digital Communications. I think that pretty much sums it up for you!

Here are some links that I think are really cool! My niece introduced them to me; and when I want to kill time, or I'm having a rough day and just want something to smile about, I visit these websites. I hope you check them out!

If you want to email me, click here.

© 2002 R.E.C. Creations