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Colors: pure white cat (with pale yellow cross-hatching if you look closely)
Partner: possibly Mistoffeleees later?
Family: possibly Old Deuteronomy?
Friends: the kittens
Enemies: Macavity?
Nameorigin: “victorious”
Video Cast: Phyllida Crowley-Smith
Specialties: picking a new partner for the mating dance
Personality: undecisive, quiet, kittenish, caring, unhating
Other: She loses her innocence in the "mating" dance in the middle of the Jellicle Ball. She did the mating dance with Plato on the video. She is the first to touch Grizabella.

London differences: In the London show she used to do the dance with Admetus, then George, or Quaxo if George is not there, now Alonzo, and sometimes Admetus, is the lucky cat.

Broadway differences: She does the “mating” dance with Tumblebrutus on Broadway.