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Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus

Colors: white, black, and brown; brown patch over nose & right eye
Partner: unknown
Family: Bill Bailey is brother to Carbucketty; TB: Brother to Pouncival
Friends: BB: Carbucketty, Victor, and Admetus, TB: Pouncival, Plato
Enemies: none
Nameorigin: Bill means “determined guardian” & Bailey means “bailiff, steward”; Tumble means “falling around” and Brute means “beast”
Video Cast: Bill Bailey isn’t in the video, but Fergus Logan is Tumblebrutus in the video
Personality: energetic, loves to dance & mock cats

London differences: Not present as an ordinary character, but Tumblebrutus was the name of one of Growltiger’s pirates. Tumblebrutus, the Pirate, was played by the same person that played Alonzo. Bill Bailey may have replaced an unnamed kitten in the Original London Production.

Broadway differences: He did the mating dance with Victoria.