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Pets and People of Cenla Louisiana- - Alexandria Chapter

<font face="tabitha">Pets and People Visitation Therapy

Sharing our pets, caring for others!

Animals are able to reach places in the human heart and mind that can be touched in no other way.

Since our two dogs love people so much we decided that we wanted to get them involved in a Pet Visitation Therapy program. We started looking for information on Pet Visitation Therapy on the internet but found nothing in the Central Louisiana area. The closest places were in Shreveport, New Orleans,Lake Charles or Lafayette. We were just about to give up when as luck would have it one day while my husband was visiting his mother in a rehab center he saw a calendar of events for that particular month. One of the events was Pet Visitation so he asked about it and found out that we had a Pet Visitation Therapy group in our area called Pets and People. We got the telephone number and called them to see when the next meeting was and after our first meeting we became members. We try to make as many visits with our pets as possible.

Pets And People is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1991 by Dr. McGraw from Alexandria Animal Clinic. Pets & People is an exciting and meaningful program of sharing yourself and your animals with people in nursing homes,rehab centers and hospitals who need the joy that pet visitations can bring through companionship. Participating in Pets and People Pet Therapy Program involves working closely with children and adults of all ages who suffer from serious illness, or psychological problems or who have had an accident or debilitating disease.

The members of Pets and People are volunteers and I'm not sure who gets more out of our visits the patients we visit, our pets or us.
Pets are one of the best sources of unconditional love. Pets relax and calm by taking the human mind off loneliness, grief, pain and fear. Animals have a calming effect on humans and benefit mental well being, especially in children and the elderly.

In recent years, healthcare and mental health professionals have been relying on animal assisted therapy as a valuable aid in reaching out to the elderly, abused children, the hospitalized, the terminally ill, and people in crisis throughout the country. Children, especially those who are abused and neglected, are able to communicate with animals. A pet give unconditonal love and offers a safe place for a child with emotional problems. The innocence of animals and their ability to love makes animals special. They feel our pain, our joy and our stress. Pets allow humans to focus, even for a short period of time, on something other than themselves and their situations. Pets are an antidote for depression. A visit from a therapy cat or dog breaks the daily routine and stimulates interest in the world outside.

Pets and People volunteers and their animals usually visit each facility once a month and other facilites every other month. When requested, we also make one-time visits and participate in special events at facilities. We like to schedule visits when they are most convenient and beneficial to the facility and their clients. We might even be able to visit more often than once a month. A visit usually last for one hour but if needed we can stay a little longer.

Before each visit our pets must be bathed and groomed. The pet must also be up to date on vaccinations and the pet owner must submit a copy of pet's rabies certificate annually when they renew their membership. If you are interested in joining our Pets and People group or would like to see about having us visit your facility please send an email with any questions that you may have to or call The Alexandria Animal Clinic at (318) 442-4222.

Meet two of the Pet visitors Jake and Clyde

Jake is a chocolate lab. He was 13 weeks old when we got him. He is now 2 years old. Jake loves to visit the nursing homes and the V.A. Medical Center. He loves to make new friends and is excited to see his old friends. Jake can do various tricks and loves to be the center of attention. In addition to Jake being a Pet Therapy dog he is in training to be a Search & Rescue dog.

Clyde is a mixed breed dog. He is half Australian Shepherd and half Great Pyrenees. We got him when he was 7 weeks old and weighed only 12 lbs. Now at 19 months old Clyde weighs 95 pounds. Clyde also does a variety of tricks but only when he wants to. He is not as excited about doing tricks as Jake is. Clyde is more interested in making sure that everyone in the room notices him. He likes to be the center of attention.

One of my favorite visits is the V.A. Medical Center. The men and women that have defended our country and that are forgotten by many. When you see some of these men and women that fought to defend our country it really makes you stop and think about the sacrifies they have made for each and everyone of us. I feel like the least I can do for them is to share the love and companionship of my pets with them. They really appreciate the visits that we make.You see their eyes light up and a smile come across their face when they see the Pets from Pets and People coming to visit them. Our pets have made new friends and so have we. Sometimes Pets and People are the only visitors that some patients have. It really gives you a joyful feeling in your heart to watch the dogs and the patients interact. Some of the patients we see are not aware that we are in the room but they respond to our pets by reaching out to touch them. You can't help but get great satifaction out of watching the connection and friendships that are made with each visit. It is a very touching experience that one only knows by being there.

A recent visit to one of the nursing homes turned out to be a very special visit for my husband Perry, the patient, and the administrator of the nursing home. It was Perry's second visit to this particular nursing home and it was a visit that he will never forget. After Perry and Jake visited with everyone gathered in the recreational room and Jake did a few tricks for them, Perry asked the Administrator if there were any patients that were unable to leave their rooms that she thought might like a visit from Jake. She told him yes and walked with Perry around to the different rooms. In one of the rooms there was a young man in his twenties. He was unable to move to see Jake so Perry told Jake to put his paws up on the side of the bed so the young man could see him. When the young man saw Jake he smiled. The administrator told Perry that this was the first time he has smiled in the several years that he has been there.

That is what our visits are all about bringing a smile to someone's face and a little joy in their heart. This again proves the statement ( That Animals are able to touch places in the human heart and mind that can be touched in no other way )

That is why I say that I'm not sure who gets more out of our visit's the patients, our pets or us.

Meet another Pet Therapy Dog from Pets and People

This little guy is Roger

What are you waiting for? Come join us today. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Alexandria Chapter of Pets and People please send me an email. I will get back to you as soon as possible and let you know what you need to do to become a member of Pet's & People in Alexandria, Louisiana. See the links below for more pictures of more Pets & People Pets and their People. You will also find our Pets and People Membership application, Veterinary Evaluation form and Guidelines for Therapy dogs that you can download, print out, fill out and mail them in or bring them to one of our monthly meetings that are held at 6:30 on the first Thursday of each month at the Louisiana Special Education Center on Hwy 28 West just before you get to the Coliseum. Don't forget to mail or bring to the meeting an up-to-date Certificate of Vaccination for your pet or pets. You will also find information on Pet insurance and lots more.

Thank you for your interest. I hope you will join us and start sharing your pet's love with someone who really needs it. Please visit again soon! I will be adding more heart warming stories of some of our visits

Please take time to check out some of the following links..

Clyde wearing sunglasses
Clyde with a silly hat on
Emergency decal of your dog
Insurance for your pet
Get your favorite picture of your pet on a key chain, mug,mouse pad,etc.
Louisiana Search and Rescue dogs
Pets helping people with interstitial cystitis
Pooch power
Testimonial that other Pet visitation organizations have received
Frequently asked questions about pet ownership
Pets may be the best medicine
Close up of Clyde
Pets and People membership application
Pets & People Veterinary Evaluation form
Guidelines for Therapy dog handlers
Pets & People monthly meeting
Mrs. Campo and Susan
Susan & Morgan with their 2 dogs Hailey & Bailey
Lucky and Russ--Lucky is the one under the table
