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Patricia's Page

Defense Dynamics

Chili Graham

Talk City

Welcome to my Homepage.

This is me. Nothing special. My name is Patricia Graham. I'm just a little southern girl from south Louisiana. I was born in 1983 (which makes me 21, in case you didn't feel like doing the math) and have lived here my entire life. The food, music, and people make this a pretty good place to live.

I have a wonderful family who supports me in everything that I do, along with a wonderful boyfriend.

I work for a company called Defense Dynamics in Lafayette, Louisiana. We specialize in assest and personal protection, doing research and investigative work. It's a very exciting company to work for.

I would really appreciate it if you could send me comments. To do that, please click here. Thanks!

I also have the beginning of a quotes page. If you would care to take a look, click here
