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New Zealand is a very small country consisting of two Islands with a population of approximately 3.8 million people. Maori history and culture has and always will play a very important part of New Zealand history.

New Zealander's have always been nicknamed "Kiwis" after the well known native bird of New Zealand. Most people believe the "Kiwi" is the main symbol of New Zealand but in fact it is the "New Zealand Silver Fern" which is New Zealand's symbol.

New Zealand is an independent nation and a member of the British Commonwealth. It has a diverse multi-cultural population the majority of whom are of British descent. New Zealand's indigenous Maori make up around 14 percent of the population.

Early Settlement
The Maori's were New Zealand's first settlers. They made an epic journey from the legendary Hawaiki, probably in Polynesia to the north of New Zealand, about 1000 years ago. The great explorer Kupe, who legend says first discovered New Zealand, named the new land "Aotearoa - Land of the Long White Cloud".

The first documented European to discover New Zealand was Dutch navigator Abel Tasman, who came here in 1642 in search of the fabled great southern continent. Over a 125 years later, Captain James Cook claimed it for Britain in 1769 and produced a map of the country.

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Site Created 1st May 2003