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Name: Mokona
Position: Mascot
Owner: Once belonged to Clef, but Clef gave it to Presia, which she gave to the Magic Knights.
Good at: Saying, "Puu" and granting wishes.
Bad at: Not Saying Pu, Not being so cute, etc.
Hates: People who pull his ears
Likes: The Magic Knights

There is only so much one can say about Mokona. Some think that he is made of marshmellow, while others claim that he is Satan incarnate, among other things. One thing that everyone can agree, though, is that he is virtually indestructable and makes one good mascot.

Now, I don't know how being "indestructable" while unable to talk can be a good thing. Some of the more sadistic souls on the team may take advantage of that...

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