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Nutcracker 2002

Me in flowers

Everyone in snow

me in our beautious dressing room

I'm ready for my close up!

Laurel, Jackie, Arianne, me and Jason

me and Jason... I will burn holes through you with my red eyes!

Nutcracker 2001

Me getting ready for the show... I look pretty lopsided with only one side of fake eyelashes on... and no.. I'm not fat.. I archin my back... a lot.... dontcha just love stage make up?

me and my mice friends- I'm on the far right

Me and Candice- the Chinese Tea

me Chris and Candice... all of the Chinese Tea

me and kim striking (taking down after the show)

The guest artists (Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier) and me and Kim

This is Emily and her husband. Emily was a guest artist (Dew Drop Fairy and Snow Queen)

The mice and the soldiers

The mice and the mouse king

The Battle Scene

The beginning of the Chinese Tea variation.. I'm on the left

Part of the Chinese Tea variation.. that's me in the back

Everyone backstage ready to go on. In the picture you can see Chinese Tea (me and the boy next to me), a Lollipop (the girl in the blue), Soldiers (they're pretty obvious), and the Russian Licorice. If you look really hard you can see Emily in the white behind the Russians. She's dressed in Dew Drop fairy... I'm pretty sure.

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