Started 26/09/01

Completed 4/09/02

This Version - 9/12/03

We start on a busy city street downtown. Traffic bustles, as do the hordes of pedestrians up and down the streets. We hold outside a tall building, labelled by a huge sign outside as "WANING BROS. RECORDS." As we hold, a black limousine drives into shot and screeches to a halt. The rear passenger door facing us swings open, and Martyn is thrown out to land in a heap on the pavement. The door slams shut and the car speeds off.

Martyn is 23, slim, 5' 12" with spiky brown hair, and a little unkempt looking from his hit with the pavement, dressed in the kind of clothes someone without a big wardrobe wears to try and look smart. In his hand he clutches an open and empty CD case, with "DEMO" labelled in marker on the front. After a beat, another screech of tires is heard O.C, and a CD rolls slowly past him to land at his feet. With a resigned sigh, Martyn picks it up, places it back in the box, and turns to look up at the tall building in front of him.

We follow Martyn as the credits roll around him. He crosses the busy road and bounds up the steps leading to the outside of the building. The security guard eyes him warily as he enters, before talking into his radio.

Attention, all floor staff,
looks like we have another
musician in here.

Martyn is oblivious to this and continues inside. He walks up to the front reception desk and stands there patiently, as the receptionist chews gum and listens to a phone call with a bored look on her face. Martyn coughs. She looks up, looks him up and down, and lowers the receiver from her mouth.


All demo material, tenth





How did -




Elevators are that way.


Thank you.




Who do -




Ask for a Mr. Barrington.


The receptionist returns to her call. Martyn heads for the elevators. We ride with him to the tenth floor. As he leaves the elevator, we hold on a small security camera positioned in the lift, its red light blinking like a tiny evil eye.

We cut to the security office, where a guard before a wall of TV screens is watching Martyn leave the elevator.


Copy that, we have him

on floor 10. All units, stay



Cut back to Martyn, walking down a short corridor and turning into a large open plan office area. Cubeville, 2001 style. Lots of different pieces of music float around from numerous radios, TV sets, internet connections and the like. The office workers are in clumps, each group listening to something being played to them. Martyn stops one, an attractive OFFICE GIRL as she walks past.


'Scuse me. Where is -




(looks him up and down)

Mr. Barrington's office is that






Why do -




It's your clothes. Trust me,

we get thousands of wannabe

rock stars in here every week,

and you match the description.




Thanks, I guess.




Don't mention it.


Martyn heads for the office. At the door, he is about to knock when the door flies open and another MUSICIAN, dressed surprisingly similar to Martyn, storms out of the office. He turns in the doorframe to yell back into the room.


You corporate fat cat

capitalist pigs wouldn't

know a new and original

sound if it stole your damn



A CD labelled "DEMO" with black marker pen flies out of the room, striking the Musician squarely in his forehead. He hits the deck like a sack of potatoes. As Martyn watches, shocked, two OFFICE WORKERS pop up from their cubicles, sigh, and walk over to drag the unfortunate musician O.S.





Martyn jumps as a gruff voice calls him from inside the office. He peers round into the room. BARRINGTON sits behind his desk. Despite his position of power, Barrington is not dressed like a typical executive. He has long, wavy black hair, a lip ring and a jet black suit on with a tasteful red tie. Barrington is tall and well built. He blows a puff of cigar smoke out and motions for Martyn to enter.

Come on, kid, don't waste

everyone's time. I promise

I won't stun you like I had

to with that one.




How did -




It's your clothes. Now

take a seat before I call




Martyn races into the office and hops into a seat opposite Barrington. The door behind him swings slowly closed all by itself. As it slams, Martyn jumps again.


You look nervous, kid. Don't

be. Now tell me your story.




(deep breath)

Well, I could -




Leave out the boring stuff.




Boring stuff?




You know, your name, the

band's name, your "sound,"

how you met, that crap. Do

you want a record deal?








Do you have a demo?




(holds it out)




Then let's cut to the chase.


Barrington takes the CD and opens the disk tray on his stereo, which sits beside him on top of the desk. He presses play. We close up on the machinery of the stereo working - the laser glides into places, the CD begins spinning, and we follow an electrical pulse through to the speakers and back out into the office. Two seconds of music are heard before Barrington pauses the CD.


Is this crap?




No way. Top stuff, I

assure you.





Last person who said that

to me is a rich man by now.


The CD continues. We hear two more seconds before Barrington stops it. Martyn looks a little confused.


Aren't you going to listen

to it?




I'm a busy man, son. If I

spent my time listening to

every single demo that gets

handed to me, I'd die before

I was halfway through that

lot over there.


Barrington points O.S. We follow his finger to a HUGE pile of CDs that fills one wall almost to the ceiling. It looks extremely precarious, stacked in random piles and heaped on top of one another. One slides out and hits the floor as we watch, a plain CD case labelled "DEMO" in black marker.


Fact is, I have a trained

ear that can detect crap at

a thousand paces. Your

stuff sounds okay.


Martyn breathes out, looks a little more relaxed.


But that's just step one.

You have a long way to

go to make it here yet.



Name your price.




That's what I'm supposed

to say! Are your band ready

to play tonight?



If you book them, they

will come.




Can you make it back here

with them by..

(consults watch)

8 tonight?




Not a problem.




I'm holding an A&R thing

tonight for a new idea I had.

You interested?



So far. Tell me more!


Barrington stands and begins to pace back and forth in front of the windows in the back wall of his office, waving his hands as he talks, explaining his great vision.


Four bands, each hungry

for a record deal, each hand

picked by me from the A&R

showcase tonight. We set them

up with transport and send them

off round the country, going

from city to city, playing at

venues we arrange for them,

each competing against the other

to earn as much cash as possible

from ticket sales and merchandise.

At the end of the tour, the band

with the most cash gets the contract.




Sounds perfect!




I know. Plus, it gets my

business a crapload of free

publicity and also hands me

a band proven to succeed in

the outside world and

guaranteed public support.

It's every record label's dream.

Bands like that are one in a

million, so I figured I'd find

myself one of them.




I'm in. So is my band.








I'm Martyn, my band is

called Wavelength.




Welcome aboard.


Barrington leans across the desk and offers Martyn his hand. He shakes it, standing himself.


Just don't play like crap

tonight and you're sorted.

I like you, Martyn, you've

got good manners. That's

a rare thing in this business.


Martyn smiles, so does Barrington. He turns and leaves as another OFFICE WORKER runs into the room past him.

More problems with Cosmic

Space Vibe Babies, Sir! It seems

that Chet, the singer, has

apparently lost his mojo again and

he's refusing to play.





Bloody hippies..


Martyn! See you tonight!

(to Office Worker)

Close the door after him, man!

Were you raised in a barn?


Martyn steps outside the office as the worker swings the door shut.


But don't slam it!


The door slams. There is a cry of terror and then the sound of hundreds of CD cases labelled "DEMO" in black marker sliding from the wall and burying the unfortunate worker. Martyn shakes his head and walks away with a smile. As he reaches the end of the open plan area, Barrington forces the door open and sticks his head out into the office.


Does anyone have a shovel?


Martyn steps out of the elevator and back onto the ground floor, where he is immediately grabbed by a bunch of security guards. He struggles as they drag him across the lobby towards the front doors.

What's going on? I didn't

do anything!




We had reports of a fatality

on the tenth floor.








Some poor office guy got

flattened by a pile of demo





But why me?




What's that in your hand,



Martyn looks down. He is holding his demo CD. It is cracked from when it was thrown from the car earlier. He looks up at the guards again, whose steely eyes mean trouble.


Now wait just a minute..




Are you familiar with Paul

McCartney, sir?




I never - huh? Yes, why?




Remember the band he made

after leaving the Beatles?




Yes, Wings. Why?




You may be in need of some.


We cut to a worm's eye view of the outside of the building as Martyn is thrown into the air by the guards. He sails past the camera with a shout, his arms flailing, until he lands O.S. with a thump. After a beat, his CD flies past after him. There is a thunk as it hits him.

Martyn heads back home to the Wavelength HQ, which is an average flat in an average neighbourhood. He greets various people as he heads up the stairs to the fourth floor. Sounds of various instruments being tuned up and cranking out warm up riffs can be heard up the stairs. Martyn gets to the top and heads for the door to room 401, unlocking it and stepping inside.

The other members of the band are all here: SARAH, who is performing vocal warm up exercises by the apartments window, and is 25, same height as Martyn with wavy black shoulder length hair, wearing a floor length black sparkly dress; STEVEN, sat cross legged on the floor next to a guitar amp and a stack of effects units, fiddling around with a large circuit board that appears to be part of one of the units, who is 24, average height, wiry frame, with neck length parted hair and a pointy moustache/beard combo, wearing an obscure industrial band's t-shirt, combats and a baseball cap; JOHN, who is loading things into his keyboard stand while absent mindedly flicking through channels on the TV, who is 23, tall, well built with shorter parted black hair, wearing a NIN hooded top and combats; NEIL, who is restringing his bass guitar, the youngest at 21, 5' 9" but very thin, with big brown eyes and slicked parted black hair, but smartly dressed in expensive looking black trousers and a grey shirt; and JIM, whose drum kit sits in several pieces around him as he plays furiously on the Playstation in the other corner of the room, who is 23, 6', well built with a floppy brown hairdo and big, mischievously glinting eyes. Jim wears a pair of faded jeans and a plain red t-shirt. The apartment is sparsely furnished but it is all these guys need - guitars, keyboards, amps and drum kits take up most of the space. The floor is bare except for odd patches of rug, and there are two large, squashy sofas. The general detritus of six twentysomethings living together covers every available surface - magazines, food wrappers, videos, CD cases and the like. As Martyn enters they all stop their fiddling and turn to look expectantly at him.






Any luck today?




I got us something.




Yes! What?




I have no idea.




This isn't going to be

another wind up, is it?




Yeah, like that radio station

launch party.




The pirate station?




The one that got raided by the

police while we were playing.




Yeah, Sarah got confiscated.




I was not resisting arrest!




No, but your outfit was very





Yeah, the schoolgirl thing

did the trick alright.




(coughs to gain their attention)





Sorry, you were saying?




I went to see Barrington at

Waning Bros. Records today.




Why them?




Lucky hunch.



So you weren't thrown out of

a car in front of the nearest

record company this time?




No. Anyway, they're holding

some kind of A&R thing this

evening, and they invited us




What time?




Their building, at 8.




That only gives us..

(consults watch)

two and a half hours.




We've got ready in less.




Yeah, the Philadelphia

Experiment comes to mind.




I'm not the one who wanted

the full pyrotechnics show!




You weren't the one who got

electrocuted when the sprinkler

system shorted out my keyboards,






They all turn to look. Martyn holds up the (now pretty battered) demo CD.


Mr. Barrington listened to the

demo, liked it, made us a

proposition. He's planning this

new tour or something..


Dissolve as Martyn explains things to the outside of the Waning Bros. building, accelerated time photography to fast forward two and a half hours. As night falls, the building and those around it gradually light up for the night, and a stream of people head inside - the other bands and their entourages. The accelerated time shot stops as we watch the Wavelength tour bus, a plain black minivan with the band's logo on the side, pull up at the entrance to the underground parking lot at the side of the building. A security barrier and guard stop the bus at the entrance, and Martyn winds the window down to address the guard.


Hi, we're -




All bands head for the

far side of the lot.




How did -




It's the van. In you go.


The barrier lifts and the bus drives inside. Inside the tour bus, we see that the six members are quite cramped with their equipment squeezed in as well, but are upbeat and chatting about what to expect. Martyn parks the bus next to a line of similar minivans, and the band slide the side doors open and climb out. Two uniformed Waning Bros. staff come over to help them unload. A large elevator can be seen about ten metres away, and the lift doors are just closing on another band, five guys looking like rockers. The skin on their drum kit can be read, and it says "Southern Voodoo."


So, who are you guys?




We're Wavelength.




Oh yeah, the British guys.




How do you know?




We've all been briefed on who's

attending tonight. We always get

a few uninvited guests trying to

sneak in.




How many other bands are there?




Eight including you.



So four go and four stay?




Right. You get time to set up

and soundcheck, then you get

three songs to impress the





No problem.


One of the show's organisers, a thirty year old brunette woman called MADELINE, walks over. She is tall, slim and dressed in expensive jeans and a CK top - your standard outfit for a suit in "casuals." She holds a clipboard and takes down the details of the band. As she talks to them, an old, beaten up bus coughs and splutters its way in and parks up next to the Wavelength bus. Martyn and Steven walk round to see who the other band is, but the van's panels are blank. The engine backfires a few times then comes to a stop, and the van's doors are thrown open. Smoke pours out from the inside, and the members of UNDERDOG step out, coughing and trying to waft away the fumes.

Alex is the same height as Martyn but a little stockier, with short spiky black hair and glasses, wearing all black. Simon is tall, wiry and sporting a brown closely shaven head, with the bombed out look of someone whose nervous system has seen better days. Simon wears a brown leather jacket with a blue t-shirt and black jeans. Ian is short and thin, with closely cropped black hair and glasses, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Rob is Martyn's height, pretty skinny, and dressed in a garish clash of t-shirt, long sleeve and bermuda shirt. Matthew is short and of average build, with very curly blonde hair and a big baggy jumper on over his jeans.


How old is this damn thing?



Older than your last girlfriend,

that's for sure.




Smells alright to me.



This coming from a man who

washes in the morning by dousing

himself in baby powder..




Never had any complaints so far.

Not that anyone comes near enough..




(emerging from the smoke)

What? What? Are we at war?




Calm down, dude. It's okay.

We're here, not back in 'Nam.




Right. Yes. Good. Okay then.




Er, hi there.




(comes over, shakes hands)

I'm Alex. This is my band,





I'm Martyn, this is Steve.

We're Wavelength.



So, what's the story here?

I mean, we've heard about

this cross-country tour thing,

but we're still a bit in the dark.




(off Rob)

So I see.




We need to make it onto

the tour. Things aren't looking

too rosy for us right now.



Yeah, this is a one way trip

for us.


As if to compliment him, the Underdog bus groans once and then collapses down as its wheels fall off. The bus seems to sag visibly, its spirit leaving once and for all.





Here. We'll help you guys

load up and then we'll all

head upstairs.




Thanks a lot.


The unloaders come over and help Underdog get their stuff out, before the two bands and their equipment are helped into the lift and sent up to the stage floor.

The doors open and we are greeted with a large room and a stage at one end roughly six feet off the ground. There is a dazzling array of lights bathing the stage in several different colours as the technicians play around and test things out, and there is a buzz of voices and activity as the six other bands sort themselves out. Two EXECUTIVES, trying to dress smart and official, yet still "trendy," walk over. The first, BLACKSHAW, wearing a Pearl Jam "Ten" cap on, shakes the hands of Alex and Martyn enthusiastically. The other, PETE, looks on with a roll of his eyes at his colleague and greets the other band members.


Hello! Hello! Welcome

aboard, boys. Good to see

you. Oh, and hello, er, girl.








What my colleague here is

trying to say is, put your

stuff over there and then go

mingle with the other bands.

We'll sort you out a soundcheck

slot in a second.







So how does this work?



You each play three songs. The

four bands we like best, after a

vote by the members of the board,

will go on the tour.




What's the tour called?



Provisionally, "Bands On The





(sideways look at Rob and Simon)

How appropriate.




We'll tell you more about the

tour if you actually get on it.




Then let's get set up.


The two bands lug their equipment over towards the stage, glancing around at the crowd of people in front of it as they pass. The other six bands are formed into separate groups, and then there are twenty or so executives and office staff milling around and chatting to the bands. From the equipment cases and drum skins, we see SOUTHERN VOODOO again, then four goth chicks who are HAIKU, next to four long-haired metalheads called SPITBOX, followed by five glam rock types called DABROWSKI, then three punks who are HAIL TO THE KING, and finally two girls and two boys who all look like very out-of-place trendies, called REVOLUTION BABY. Underdog and Wavelength dump their stuff down and begin taking guitars out of cases, setting up keyboard stands, etc. Scanning around, Martyn catches the eye of one of the girls from Haiku, who smiles as her bandmates talk around her. Martyn grins back and waves. She waves back. She is short and pretty, slim with long, curly blonde hair. Dressed like her bandmates in a mix of blacks and reds, she looks good. Martyn keeps his eye on her for a beat, but then he is tapped on the shoulder by Steven, and the two of them help Jim unload his drum kit. Martyn glances back, but the girl and her band are now busy talking to one of the executives. Blackshaw and Madeline step onto the stage. Blackshaw taps one of the three microphones set up, causing a feedback whine which makes everyone wince in pain.


Uh, ah, sorry. Well! Here we

all are then. All eight of you,

ready to find out which four

will be on Waning Bros. records'

inaugural Bands On The Run!


Blackshaw waits for the applause. After a long beat, the suits get the message and start clapping, followed by the bands. Blackshaw sighs with relief.


We'll be on our way soon.

The two bands left to sound

check are..

(consults clipboard)

Wavelength and Underdog.

If those two groups would

like to make their way over to

the stage, the rest of you are

free to watch or head for the

refreshments over there.


She points, and we follow her aim to a long row of tables against one wall. Lots of plates of food, beer and drink are set up there. Without a second's hesitation, every member of the other bands heads for the free food and beer, leaving only the executives in front of the stage. They look at one another for a second, then head for the food too.

Good job. I hate people

watching us check.




Why's that?




Not that it's like a free

preview, it's just an easy

way for people to not like

you straight away as you

tune up and get settled.



I hear ya. You never play

well straight away. You

gotta warm up first.




I got the best way to warm up!

(swigs from a bottle of JD)

Now let's go before I can't

focus anymore!




Hey Rob, how does the bass

line to "Jeremy" go?




Screw you!







Long story. We'll tell you

later on.




Wavelength, you ready?






Wavelength plug in, tune up and let rip, playing one of their songs. We cut over to the refreshments stand, where the other bands, armed with their free stuff, are leaning against the tables and watching the band play. Everyone looks impressed apart from Dabrowksi and Southern Voodoo. Wavelength finish and Underdog step up, playing their main song. Again, Dabrowksi and Southern Voodoo look bored. They want to show the execs how good they are and show up the other bands. Wavelength and Underdog both get a round of applause when they finish. Blackshaw calls all the bands back over.


Right, we're all set. First on are

Southern Voodoo, next are

Dabrowski, then Haiku, Spitbox,

Revolution Baby, Hail To The King,

Underdog and Wavelength. So

let's get started!




Southern Voodoo, please make

your way to the stage.


The other bands manage a round of sporting applause as Voodoo take their guitars up and start playing. We watch one song of each band, dissolving from one to the next and playing about a minute of each. Voodoo play a bouncy, RATM style number that goes down well. Dabrowski play a painfully waily heavy indie song that almost gets booed. Haiku hit out with a rocky goth song, punctuated by excellent guitar solos. Spitbox thrash out a fast speed metal tune which isn't bad, but a bit too extreme for what the executives want. Revolution Baby, looking very uncomfortable, turn out a radio friendly Transvision Vamp-esque number, which is met with very weak applause afterwards. Hail To The King get through three songs in five minutes flat, 100% pure punk. Underdog's U2 style song is a big hit, as is Wavelength's NIN sounding tune. When all the bands have finished, they take up positions before the stage again as Blackshaw and Madeline take to the stage again.

Thanks to everyone. The

panel will make their decisions

shortly. In the meantime, well,

you know where the free stuff is.


The crowd of musicians head back to the free food as the suits huddle and talk to each other, with Madeline and Blackshaw making marks on their clipboards as they talk. After the marks have been made, Madeline takes the stage one last time.


Okay, here are the votes.

Southern Voodoo, 20 votes. You're

on the tour. Dabrowski, 0 votes.

Sorry, guys. Haiku, 15 votes. You're

on the tour too.


Haiku whoop with delight and are congratulated by the other bands, except Dabrowski, who sulk and start loading up with the rest of the free food and drink to compensate themselves.


Spitbox, 8 votes. Revolution

Baby, 3 votes. Hail To The King,

4 votes. Underdog, 15 votes. You're

on the tour. And last up, Wavelength,

20 votes. You're the fourth band.


Cheers. Applause. Spitbox, Revolution Baby and Hail To The King are gracious in defeat. Southern Voodoo look smug and pleased, like this was just a formality. Alex and Martyn congratulate each other.

Nice work, man.




You too. Now comes the

hard part.



Aah, it'll be a cinch.




If the four winning bands

could follow my associates

upstairs to the meeting room,

my staff will help you pack up

your gear. My condolences to

the four losers. Better luck next



The bands pack up their stuff. Martyn manoeuvres himself so he can bump into the girl from Haiku he was smiling at earlier. She is hefting up the bass drum from her kit into its bag when Martyn nudges her. She almost drops it, but he helps her grab it.


Whoops! Almost lost you





Thanks. I'm Alicia.





(they shake hands, more smiles)

Good job up there.




You too! That's an interesting

sound you guys have.




"Interesting" is one word for

it. "Hard to explain" are a few

more. We're a bit too different

to fit in most places.




Try being in an all girl goth




Tell me about it! We get two

lots of hassle - one for being

girls, and two for wearing black

and listening to Siouxsie and the




Allow me to introduce my girls.

That's Emily.








Professional man-hater and band

founder. That there is Kate.


Kate waves with a quick, shy glance up. She's a lot more covered up than the other girls, and doesn't say much either. Kate is short and a little stocky with curly ginger hair, dressed in black and not showing too much of her pale skin. Emily, however, is hot and knows it. Dressed to kill in a PVC miniskirt and bust-flattering black and white top, her shoulder-length black hair floats from side to side as she whips her head round, keeping an eye on everything. Jesse is tall and another redhead, in a short black leather coat and a long skirt underneath.


She's the quiet one. And that

there is Jesse, our career girl.



Don't be fooled. Having a real

job just pays the bills of being

a rock star.




Well, my crew is Steven, Neil,

Jim, John and Sarah. Looks like

we'll all get chance to get more

acquainted on the tour.




I hope so.




Right, I've got to dash. Catch

you girls later!




See you soon.




(off Martyn as he walks away)




Not bad at all.




If you turn traitor to the band,

you're walking home, sister.




Don't tempt me!


Back with Underdog, Alex and Ian wander over to meet the Southern Voodoo boys. Lawrence is a little taller than Martyn and well built with it, with short, curly brown hair and the kind of good looks that leaves babies all over the world. Lawrence is dressed in the ever-vague "smart casual" way, with a swish leather jacket and smart trousers and a shirt on. Jeffries, average height with very pale blonde hair, is in sports gear, brand name tops and tracksuit bottoms. Bill is tall at 6' 3" and powerfully packed, dressed plainly in a tight-fitting t-shirt and jeans. Mike is shorter than his fellows but you can tell he works out. As classically handsome as Lawrence, he dresses like an extra from Goodfellas. Rich is a physically unattractive ginger guy, in the band to make his bandmates look more visually appealing. Tall and stocky, he shares Jeffries's taste in sports gear.

Hey there. I’m Alex, this is





Lawrence. This is Jeffries,

Bill, Mike and Rich.



Good show up there.



We know! We knew we

could make it. You three

were the only real competition.



I dunno, Spitbox weren't bad.




Yeah, but we're better.




(with a "these guys are pricks" look)

Well, we'd best finish packing




Yup, see you boys later.




(once out of earshot)

They seem confident.



Yeah, a little too confident.




Remind me to beat them.


Back with Southern Voodoo, packed up and enjoying a post-gig smoke.


Bunch of pussies. This'll be

a cakewalk.




I dunno, the other bands

are pretty good.



We'll be fine, I think.



We have plenty of back

up plans, remember?




Suits me.


Cut to the conference room. A long, rectangular table with three chairs at its head and a map of the States on the wall behind it. Framed photos of the company's big name artists and their platinum records adorn the walls. The four bands file in and take their seats, admiring the rock and roll heritage on display. Martyn and Alicia end up opposite one another, grinning like schoolkids as they chat to their bandmates. The doors open again as Barrington walks in, followed by BLAKE and KENNY, the other two Chief Executives. The bands quieten down as the three suits take their seats. Blake is tall and thin, while Kenny is short and dumpy.

Hello everyone. This is Mr. Blake

and Mr. Kenny, chief execs here at

Waning Bros. Records. I'd like to be

the first to congratulate you on

making it onto the Bands On The

Run 2001 tour. Well done.


The bands exchange satisfied looks with one another. Blake and Kenny bring up manilla folders and start passing them down the table to each of the bands.

While my colleagues here pass

around some handy information

for you all, I'll explain the details

of the tour a little bit better.


Barrington stands and paces around the room, behind the chairs, smoking a cigar as he talks.


Each band will receive a brand

spanking new tour bus, with

a trailer to carry your equipment

and plenty of room for the band

members inside. Fuel will be paid

for through credit cards we will

issue you. Each member will receive

$20 a day spending money, but if

you wish to use money from your

ticket and merch sales, you may.

In each city along the route, you

have each been assigned a venue

to play, and you will have two days

in each city to promote your show

and sell merchandise, supplies of

which we have already begun to

arrange with your management.

Or your mother, in Underdog's




Hey, what can I say, she's

our biggest fan.



Some would say only.




We will add up the totals for

each city along the way, with

bonus opportunities for cash

also arranged should you choose

to accept them, and the band who

has the most money at the tour's

close will be the winner, and will

sign a record contract with me on

your return. Any questions?



Where will we stay?



Hotel reservations are already

booked. Bed, breakfast and dinner.

During the day, you take care of




What do you get out of this?




A proven band and crap loads

of free publicity.




What kinds of places will we

be playing?




Mostly rock clubs. Decent places

to go. No-one gets stiffed with the

town's crap place.




What about promotion? How

can we go about that?



You'll get fliers and posters at

each stop, but radio appearances,

public gigs, that sort of thing

is positively encouraged. Is that



Nods and murmurs of assent. Everyone seems satisfied.


Good. We'll meet back here at

10am tomorrow to give you

your trucks and your first

lot of cash. Accommodation

for the night is arranged at

the B&B over the road. Try

not to be late. Bands on the

run, dismissed!


The bands get up and shuffle out of the room, chatting to one another and shaking hands with Barrington and the other two suits on their way out. When they have all left, the three suits sit down again and relax.

Well? Are we onto a

good thing here?




They all look great. I

think we're onto a winner

whoever gets it.




I think it'll be either Southern

Voodoo or Wavelength.







Voodoo are the most professional,

but Wavelength are unusual

enough to be very appealing.

I think we'll see a good match.



What about the other two?




Haiku are four chicks. 'Nuff said.

Name me an all-girl band that

ever got anywhere.




The Bangles. The Spice Girls.

Toto Coleo. Bananarama.



A rock band.



Kitte? Drain? The Donnas? L7?

Pat Benatar? Bonnie Tyler?




'Nuff said.




Kenny, you talk a lot of crap.

Why not Underdog?




A van full of pissheads. Only

the Stones and Aerosmith ever

got big acting like that.




We'll have to find out, then,

won't we?


Dissolve to a nightclub, and a big party. The four winning bands have been joined by Hail To The King and Spitbox, and they are all tearing the place up. Rock music blasts out of the places speakers as band members dance, drink and try to get their hands on any ladies (or guys, in Jesse's case). Martyn is trying to speak to Alicia but they can't hear each other over the noise. He gives up, and motions for the two of them to head outside. Steven and Jim watch them go, then Jim laughs as Steven shakes his head and hands over some money - clearly the bets are already on.

Outside, Martyn and Alicia sit on beer crates outside the club's rear entrance. It is halfway down an alley, and we can see the street at the far end of it. Alicia smokes, both are drinking bottled beers.


So what do we think?




About the club? Noisy.



This tour. The whole thing

seems a little..




Yeah, I know. Too good to

be true?



I keep thinking at any minute

I'm going to hear an alarm go

off, and when I wake up I'll

be back at my flat and none of

this will have happened.




(making a noise like an alarm clock)

Baaa! Baaa! Baaa!





Knock it off!





Sorry. You're a nice guy,




Yeah, I hear that a lot. Usually

right before: "And I still want

us to be friends, but.."




You're too hard on yourself.



Sometimes you have to be your

own critic. Keeps your feet on the





I think we have just reason

to celebrate tonight.



Yeah, I guess so. I'm just

trying not to get carried away

by all this.




Not yet, anyway..


They smile at each other. The air of flirting gets a lot more intense all of a sudden. There's an obvious, mutual attraction between these two. Alicia stubs out her cigarette and eyes Martyn up, looking like she wants to kiss him, when - BEEP BEEP BEEP! Her beeper goes off, killing the moment. They both laugh at the irony of it all. Martyn stands, helps Alicia to her feet.


You know, you're the first guy

who hasn't either said he "finds

the whole vampire thing really

sexy," or "always goes for the

freaky ones."



I'm honoured.. I think.




I have a feeling this tour may

turn out pretty good after all.

(checks her bleeper)

It's my mom. I gotta call home.

I'll see you in the morning. Say

bye to the others for me!


She swigs the last of her beer, throws her bottle O.S. with a smash, then jogs down the alley back out onto the street. Martyn goes to head back inside, but stops in the doorway to watch her go. As she gets to the end of the alley, she turns, sees him, smiles, and blows him a kiss. Martyn catches it and goes inside.

Inside the club, the music has slowed down a little. Most of the musicians are now very thoroughly wasted, slowdancing with whoever is in reach or propping up the bar. Martyn rejoins his band members, sat at a table against one wall except for Sarah and Steven, the group's couple, who dance over on the dancefloor. Martyn sits back down and is passed a beer by Jim.


There you go, my friend.








How was the alleyway?




Guys, I think I'm in love.




You'll have to do pretty good

to beat Bonnie & Clyde over


(points to Sarah and Steven)

Our resident lovebirds have

been on the happy pills all

night so far.




I think I might join them.




Threesome! Alright!


Neil is slapped good naturedly by the others. Slow fade to:

Morning. Wavelength are tucked up in their beds at the B&B, dozing quietly. Martyn and Jim are already up, sitting out on the room's balcony watching the sunrise, sipping from huge coffee mugs. We cut to see them from outside the balcony, then pan across the other rooms. All the bands are on the same floor. Underdog are next door, then Voodoo, then Haiku. Underdog are all asleep, still blasted from last night's partying. Voodoo are all up, getting ready for the meeting back at the record company. In Haiku's room, Alicia and Kate sit out on the balcony, sipping coffee like Martyn and Jim. We cut between the two balconies as the conversation flows.


I'm telling you, Jim, that girl

is beautiful.




I know, I saw her too! She

is pretty fit.




He's pretty cute, isn't he?




Very. Nice eyes.




This gorgeous hair that looks

all shiny and lovely..





You've got it bad. Been a

while since we last, er..

(mimes having a wank)

..has it, sir?




I had an interesting dream last





Who was in it?




He was. And me.

(off Kate's raised eyebrow)

There was nudity.


The girls laugh and carry on drinking their coffee, before Emily calls them and they go back inside. Back to Jim and Martyn.


Seems weird that I'll be

trying to beat her.




Dude, you hardly know her!




I mean in the contest.




Yeah, I know. It's like we've

just made friends with these

people and now we have to

go out and try to outperform

them all!




Won't be hard to beat Southern





Guess not.


They go back inside. Lawrence, in the room next door, pokes his head round the balcony as they go.


We'll see.


The parking lot of the Waning Bros. building. The bands are assembled in various states of alertness, with Underdog looking the worse for wear, clad in sunglasses and displaying messy bedhead hairdos. Haiku are neatly turned out, as are Southern Voodoo. Wavelength look relaxed, joking with members of Underdog as they wait for the record company staff to arrive. They are standing next to four minivans and their trailers, each displaying the logo of the band they serve - black for Haiku, blue for Wavelength, red for Voodoo and grey for Underdog. Madeline, Blackshaw, Pete and Barrington walk over to the groups.


Morning rock stars! Good

to see you all dragged your

inebriated carcasses out of

bed this morning. My tour

manager Madeline will fill

you in.




Each band member will get $20 for

today, with another $20 each day

after that, given out by WB staff

who will follow the tour. Each

band will also receive a phone

and gas card. The directions are

simple: drive to the city in

question, promote, play, sell,

move on. The first city will be

San Francisco.


Murmurs of assent from the assembled rockers - a good city to start in.


Each band will find a folder

in their tour bus with details

of your venue, contact and

a little local information to get

you started. After that, it's up

to you.




We will contact you with

information about the bonus

opportunities as and when. After

each show, we will assemble

you all at a designated after-show

venue to read out the totals and

declare the positions. A starter

supply of merchandise and fliers

has been left in your vans.




All that remains is for me to

say good luck, bands, now go

out there and make yourselves

famous. And don't be crap!


With a barrage of whoops and cheers, the bands file into their vans. Haiku's is decorated like The Crow's bedroom - lots of black, cobweb designs, velvet curtains. Underdog's has an American flag draped against the back inside wall, and is lined with car number plates. Voodoo's truck has an array of CDs on its inside, glittering in the morning light, while Wavelength's has circuit boards stuck to its inside and a large painting of a Borg cube on the rear wall. Each band looks happy with their new mobile home, starting their engines and driving out the parking lot. Each races off down the freeway towards San Francisco.

We look inside each van through three internal cameras - one looking diagonally into each front seat, then one in the side wall of the rear passenger compartment.

In Wavelength's van, Martyn pulls a tape out of his bag, slaps it in the stereo and cranks it up. Jim drives. "Ain't My Bitch" by Metallica kicks in, causing the band to headbang comically, Wayne's World style.

With Underdog, the boys are sharing beers and toasting each other to the tune of U2's "Mysterious Ways," except for Matthew, who drives.

Haiku are rocking to "Subhuman" by Garbage, drumming on the walls of the van, while Voodoo all sing along to "Bombtrack" by RATM. Each band looks fired up and ready for the challenge.

We watch the vans scream past us with their stereos blazing. Within seconds, each van is stuck in a hefty traffic jam. Wavelength and Haiku can see each other’s vans, despite being separated by about five lanes of traffic, and they whoop and make devil signs to each other, scaring the bejaysus out of the cars around them.


So, not so much Bands on the

Run as Bands Crawling Slowly

Through Rush Hour Traffic.



Stop complaining. We’ll be in

the first city soon.




Which is?





(consults map spread across knees)

San Francisco.



I left my heart in San Francisco.



I think I left my wallet.


With Haiku:

The girls are passing round drinks as Alicia drives. Emily reads from the info pack each band has been given.


Right, San Fran is city number one.

Our venue is the Rumble Strip, we’re

on at 10pm Thursday night, which

is in one day’s time. We’ve got all

day today to promote this gig.




Let’s stick to the plan, then.




Right. Pubs, clubs, record stores,

anywhere where there’s people

and music.


With Underdog:

Simon and Ian are playing an impromptu rock ‘n’ roll song, accompanied by the others. Their van is stationary in traffic, like the others. Alex reads the band’s info pack.


We’re sitting in traffic..

(der ner ner ner)

Stuck in a jam.




And boy, do I need a woman

(der ner ner ner)

That don’t smell like ham!




Right, once we get into town,

we need a plan to promote.




Like what?








Not a bad idea. We need to

hit all the rock bars and get

them to put some flyers up,

maybe even play a few gigs

to showcase our stuff.




That may put people off..


In with Wavelength:

John reads the information pack for San Francisco to Martyn and the others.


Our club is called the

"Shine Box," and we’re on

stage at 10pm tomorrow





Okay, let’s get some food down

us first. I spy with my little

eye something beginning with

"services" so let’s park up.


Their van slows, indicates off the freeway and swings into the service station. The trucks of Haiku and Voodoo are here also. The girls of Haiku are sat in and around their van, the side slide doors open, eating burgers and sipping Cokes. Voodoo are nowhere to be seen. Wavelength go over to say hello.


Mornin’ all! Where you





Some dive called the

"Rumble Strip."




Sounds like fun..




Where are the Voodoo





Not sure. They disappeared

off into the stores over

there saying something

about "supplies."




Probably means they’re up

to something.




Wouldn’t surprise me. Okay,

plan. Sarah, Steve, get the

food. The money we were given

this morning should be plenty.

Neil, John, watch the van.

Jim, you’re with me. Let’s

see what those boys are up

to already.




Lead on.


The members split up and wander off. We follow Jim and Martyn into the store. Sure enough, there are Voodoo, stocking up on a variety of suspicious looking items – cans of oil, shovels, hosepipes, firecrackers – any practical joker could tell you they’re planning a major league dirty tricks campaign, and using their funds to buy it. Jim and Martyn sneak round the shelves, following them to watch. Lawrence, Bill and Jeffries each head for the door carrying two plastic bags full of stuff each. They leave their till receipt behind, so quick as a flash Jim swoops in to get it. Leaving the shop, the Voodoo boys head back for their van and drive off without a word to anyone. Wavelength meet up again at their van.


(passing round fast food)





They are definitely up

to something.




Keep your eyes open.




The band who makes the most

cash on this first stop gets

a bonus, so we don’t want to

let them upstage us all!




So let’s get moving.


They head for their van and climb in just as Underdog arrive, smoke pouring out their back windows. Alex gives Martyn the thumbs up as Wavelength drive away.

Back out on the freeway, Martyn glances in his rear view mirror, and we see the Haiku van gaining on them.


What the..




What is it?




It’s Haiku.


With Haiku, the girls have all their leftover food wrappers plus a handful each of cheap burgers. They position themselves near the windows.


Target sighted dead ahead,

Captain Emily!




Torpedoes ready?












Open the bomb doors!


Alicia winds down the window. We are now pulling up alongside Wavelength’s van – it looks like a little fast food incident is looming!


Take aim and fire at

will, ladies!


Martyn winds his window down and looks across as Haiku’s van pulls level – big mistake! Half a burger splats into his face, followed by a dozen more as the girls barrage the van with bits of food and wrappers. Laughing, Martyn motions for Sarah to open the slide door and start throwing things back.

We watch the two vans side by side, an assortment of objects being thrown back and forth, before fading the scene slowly to night. The freeway is lit up, as are the vans, and the artillery assault has stopped. Both vans are smeared with ketchup stains and chunks of dead burger.

Cut back to a static overhead shot as the vans drive beneath us, panning up to watch them head into San Francisco. The bright lights of the city shine back off the vans as they drive down the main street, coming to a halt at a set of traffic lights. Wavelength are heading to the right, haiku to the left. Martyn rolls the window down.


You girls heading off?




Yeah, our place is over

this way. We’re going to

check it out. Call me

later, we’ll get drinks.




You got it. Bye!


He rolls the window up, and the two vans drive away in opposite directions, as soon as Haiku’s vans pulls away, the other members of Wavelength burst into a chorus of "She Loves You." Martyn laughs.

With Underdog:

They screech to a halt outside their venue, a decent looking place called the "Anti-Detox." Right next door is a huge bar crammed with people. The van doors open, and Underdog hop out one at a time. They take one look at the club, then as one walk straight into the bar. The van, empty and unlocked, and also without its handbrake on, starts to gently roll forward. Seconds later, Alex comes running back out to jump in the van, slam on the handbrake and lock it up before squeezing back inside.

With Wavelength:

They back their van into a parking space in an underground lot to the side of their venue for Thursday. Climbing out the van, they head inside.

The club is a good place, full of noisy but not rowdy rock fans. A variety of recent metal hits blasts out of the club’s speaker system. Martyn, Neil and John all grin and nod in time to the music.


(shouting over music)

Let’s go find the manager!

He can help us set up later.




Good idea! Ask at the bar.


They wander over to the bar. We can’t hear what they say but the barman points them to a back room. Martyn thanks him and the band file in through a one way door.

Inside the room, BOB, the place’s owner, welcomes them. Bob is a barrel chested, long-bearded old school rocker, with long grey hair and a tatty old leather bikers jacket. He shakes hands and offers the band a seat on a squashy sofa against one wall.


Nice to see you all made

it here. Barry and I have

been arranging this first

gig for months now, so it’s

all set up and ready for you.




So what do we do?




In actual fact, not a lot.

All you guys need to do is

show up here at 10 and play.




Promotion time!








Good call, for a change.

Steven, John, you’re the

two technical guys, go make

a run round the stage, see

if it’s all in check. The rest

of you, you’re with me. Let’s

grab some fliers from the van

and spread the word.


Wavelength split and leave the bar. Martyn and Neil head over to where the van is parked and grab a handful of fliers each, passing some onto Sarah and Jim. The four then head off in those pairs, chatting to people up and down the street, handing out fliers to likely looking rockers, goths, spookies and foetuses. We walk past them, over the road and round the corner to the chosen venue for Underdog, a busy looking bar/club called "5’o Clock Somewhere." The underdog boys are heading inside as Alex parks the van round the back.


So we just say hello. Then?




Then we grab the fliers and

start handing them round.




Where should we promote?




(checks watch)

Well, it’s coming up to 6

now, so the best places

to hit would be..



A bar. About three hours later. It’s packed and noisy. The whole of Underdog is sat round a table against one wall, with about fifty empty beer glasses and bottles littering their table top.




Underdog drink as one and cheer.


Wait, wait, uhh..




We had to do something..









Something important..




Can’t remember..


Ian knocks over a beer glass, and pulls some of the fliers out of his pocket to try to mop it up. The other band members stare at him and the fliers for a few seconds. Then, for a second, the entire soundtrack goes quiet, except for the SFX of a penny dropping and rolling to a halt. Soundtrack back up full as Alex screams:


The gig!!


As one, Underdog leap up, grab fliers and start throwing them into the crowds of the club, desperately trying to make up for lost time.

With Haiku:

The girls are a bit more organised, walking down the main street as a foursome, using fluttered eyelashes and big smiles to get fliers into the hands of as many people as they can. Turning a corner, Jesse and Emily stop dead and stare, their mouths wide open. Kate and Alicia are laughing about something, and do not notice for a second, until they look up to see:


The entire street is covered with wall-to-wall Southern Voodoo posters, fliers, photos and advertisements. Stuck over other posters and advertising hoardings, their logo is very prominent. Fliers flutter in the early evening breeze up and down the street. Everyone walking seems to be holding a Voodoo flier.


You have got to be kidding me!




Are these guys human?




You all saw ‘V,’ right?


The three girls exchange a worried look before Emily comes to her senses and rallies them.


So are we going to let this beat

us, then?




Hell no!




Then I declare Operation

Waste Disposal open.


The girls attack, tearing down Voodoo posters and replacing them with their own.


The same street, now much more Haiku friendly. The girls dust off their hands – a job well done. Until Jesse, looking along the next street, calls them to turn round. The girls slowly turn, almost knowing what they’ll see:


Yes, the next street is also filled with Voodoo posters. Their tour van can be seen at the bottom of the street, parked on one side of the road. A small crowd is gathered round it, and the camera leaves the girls to walk down towards the commotion.

With Voodoo:

The band is playing an acoustic set for the benefit of the thirty or so people watching, the song finishing just as the camera arrives. The band are applauded.


Thank you, thank you! And

don’t forget that Southern

Voodoo posters and merch

are available right here,

right now to show your



Jeffries slides out two boxes full of Voodoo demo CDs from inside the van, and there is an immediate clamour of people exchanging money for the CDs, which are sold out in a matter of moments.


Thank you! And make a note

of our venue, the SouthSide

Bar, and the time, 10pm. I

hope we’ll see plenty of you

lovely people there.


To more cheers, the band get back into the van and drive off round the corner, no doubt to set up again a little further along. The van drives O.S. and we walk back up to Haiku, whose faces burn red with barely concealed anger.


Of course you realise,

this means war..

With Underdog:

The boys, now looking very much the worse for wear, stagger out of a new bar and head down the street. Ian has an armful of fliers which are mostly fluttering away in the breeze, though everyone is too drunk to notice. Simon is singing happily:


The ladies are loving me

tonight, oh yes, the

ladies are loving me,

loving me..




Si, shut up or we won’t

get let into any more

places to promote!




They want it, yes, they

want it, ooh yeah, they

want it..


They pass outside a trendy and very full bar where two large, surly bouncers, complete with black overcoats and sunglasses, stare them down as they walk past. Simon is undeterred:



Yeah, you know it, baby!

Shout it if you know it!




Er, Si, dude, that’s

the next place on the





Ah. Shit.




(big cheesy grin – quite clearly 100% smashed)


(over enthusiastic)

Can we come in to hand out

some fliers please?


The two bouncers exchange a look, a brief smile, then look back at Ian and shake their heads slowly. Ian, still smiling, answers with the same enthusiasm as before.




He walks off, leaving a cloud of fliers on the floor behind him as he walks. The bouncers exchange another look as Underdog walk O.S. before each kneeling, picking up a flier, checking no-one is looking then pocketing it. Back with Underdog, Simon is starting to sing again with Rob backing him up when Alex suddenly stops and shouts out to them all:



Hang on a minute!!




(thrown off beat)

What? Eh?




Where the hell is Matt?


The band exchange looks for two seconds, until:


The first bar we saw the group on, where there is a long line of people dancing on top of the bar, legs kicking out and arms waving. Matt is in the thick of it, having a wail of a time. "If You’re Getting Down" by 5ive blasts out at us.


Underdog on the street. They look up and down the road, back the way they came, calling Matt’s name out.


Matthew in the bar, having tequila poured down his throat from a large jug as a crowd chants "Go! Go! Go!" to the tune of "Tequila" by Terrorvision.


Underdog again. Ian is still wandering around, calling for Matt until Alex stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

Never mind. He’s a big lad,

he’ll find his way home.




Where are we staying?



I have no idea. I hope

he does.


The boys walk O.S. except for Ian, who turns and calls to Matt a few more times before giving up and turning back round. He sees that the others have moved on and starts after them, before looking down at the pile of fliers in his hands. With a sigh he throws them O.S. and jogs to catch up. We pan across from Ian’s last position to see the fliers have all landed in a bin by the side of the street. Which has a Voodoo poster on it.


With Voodoo:

Who are just finishing up their night’s promotion in a cosy little downtown café called "The Bistro." We go from an establishing opening shot of the café’s exterior, where we can hear Voodoo playing yet another acoustic number, to inside, where the low lights and general bluesy, chilled out atmosphere are helping Voodoo win over a ton more potential concertgoers.


Thank you, thank you. And

don’t forget, we’re all

playing at the SouthSide bar

tomorrow night at 10, so if

you love rock, come along,

and if you don’t, go see

Wavelength play with their

crappy keyboards, Haiku wear

too much makeup and Underdog

get wasted and sleep.


The crowd laughs, loving the fact that Voodoo are so boldly dissing their rivals. the band pack up their equipment and walk offstage.

CUT TO: Voodoo outside, carrying their instruments and heading over to their tour bus, chatting and laughing.

REVERSE ANGLE as we see the back wheels of a huge, Harley style motorbike, its engine purring, facing the Voodoo tour bus. A big leather bikers boot is in view as well, as the bike’s rider is sitting on the bike, watching the band.

BACK ON Voodoo as they start to load up their stuff, pausing to remove a Haiku poster gaffa taped across the van door handles.

BACK ON biker as he suddenly guns his engine and races towards the van. Voodoo look up, then scatter in shock as the biker, still viewed from behind, barrels towards them. He shoots past the van and off down the street, but as he passes both drivers side tyres on the van burst, and the whole thing sags to one side with the weight of the gear inside it. Lawrence and Jeffries look down the street as we see the biker, a well-built, burly man with long hair blowing in the wind, is riding off down the street. All that can be seen to identify him is a pattern of studs on the back of his leather jacket that spells out "BOOZE."


Who the hell was that?




One of Underdog’s low-life

drinking buddies, no doubt.




Aah, look at this! Both tires

are gone!




What the hell did he do?




Doesn’t matter. Next time we

see him, we kick his ass.


Off Lawrence’s determined expression, we:

SMASH CUT TO: the inside of the Shine Box, Wavelength’s venue. It’s pretty crowded.

CAPTION: The Shine Box, 8:45pm.

We see Jim poking his head round a curtain at the rear of the stage, looking out over the rest of the crowd, before disappearing again. On the other side of the curtain, we see that it hides a small staircase leading up into the band’s dressing room, where Wavelength are sat around in the small room on marshmallow-like plump sofas. Their equipment is propped up against the walls, a window gives a view of the street outside and a small stereo plays "Prison Sex" by Tool.






Starting to fill up. Looks

like our ceaseless promotion

paid off after all.




Good! I was beginning to

think those darn flyers were

never going to get shifted.




Well, we still have to play a

good set and sell stuff yet.

How’s the selling going?




Sarah, John and Neil are

flogging t-shirts and CDs out

there now. Seem to be doing





Great. Then we chill out.


Looking out the room, over towards the bar, a makeshift Wavelength merchandise stand has been set up, with the three band members behind it doing good business selling stock to eager punters.

CUT TO: The Anti-Detox, Underdog’s bar.

CAPTION: The Anti-Detox, 9:00pm

As expected, the boys from the band are all sat round the bar, signing CDs, selling things but mainly drinking and getting to know the people in the club. The barwoman, STEPH, is talking to them. Matt is still missing.


So you lost your drummer?



Something like that. He

was with us one minute,

and the next..


Clicks his fingers. Off that, we

SMASH CUT TO: A magician’s stage show in a packed theatre somewhere else in the city. A large disappearing box is centre stage, and funky music plays as the Criss Angel lookalike onstage lowers one of his glamorous assistants into it. He struts around in front of it as it turns three times, then with a mystical wave of his arms the magician pulls the chamber doors open. Inside is Matt, looking more than a little lost and confused. the music still plays as the magician looks at Matt, not really knowing what is going on.

Hello? Could someone help me?

I’m trying to find my –


The magician turns to the crowd and gives them a fake laugh, like this is all part of the show. With a frantic wave to his assistants, they close the doors round Matt’s plea for help, spin the chamber again, and open it to show that it is now empty inside. A round of applause. the magician bows, then spins and opens the chamber again to show his glamorous assistant, who steps out of the box to more applause.

CUT BACK TO: Underdog, a wide angle shot facing all four remaining band members. Alex puts his hands over his eyes, See No Evil style. Simon puts his hands over his ears, Hear No Evil style, and Rob puts his hand on his mouth, Speak No Evil style. Ian looks at them, swigs from his beer, then slowly slides off his barstool to the floor, his eyes glazed and drunk.


Still, we have a gig to

play. Si, can you drum?




Like a lover’s heart on

Valentine’s day.







Er, yes.




Okay then, we play on.

And when Matt finally

shows up, we kick his ass

then you’re back on guitar.








Now, somebody pick up Ian

and let’s go backstage to

warm up.


The Underdog boys pick their comatose guitarist up and head to the back room of the Anti-Detox to get ready. They pass the stage, which is plastered with posters advertising the band. A decent sized crowd is gathering.

With Haiku: The Rumble Strip is buzzing with life, full of goths who obviously have taken this place as their hangout. This means Haiku fit in like peas in a pod.

CAPTION: The Rumble Strip, 9:15pm

The girls are mingling with the crowd, handing out CDs, t-shirts and making a good impression on the place. Haiku posters adorn every wall and the flyers are also all over the place. The girls reconvene at the bar to discuss strategy.


Right. We’ve sold..


two hundred bucks worth

of stuff already, so we’re

onto a good night here.




Are we fixed on the setlist?




Yup, should be a good one.

Goths don’t mosh so much as

sway more aggressively, so

we leave out some of the heavy

numbers to keep them sweet.




(grinning at a private joke)

Moshing goths..



The interior of a dimly lit, hazy with dry ice filled goth club, with flashing disco lights and a dancefloor full of goths, all swaying from side to side in the goth dance style, with some mediocre goth tune blasting out in the background. One goth bumps into another, but there is no reaction other than a faint disgruntled moan from the goth who was bumped..


Back on the girls. Kate giggles.


Anyway, off backstage to

get the stuff set up. Jesse,

get some drinks.




Aye, captain.


The girls troop off, Jesse follows after grabbing four beers.

With Voodoo:

The Voodoo boys are sitting around inside their van, which is full of lots more instrument boxes than the other vans. They crack open bottles of beer and toast each other.


Think they have any idea

what’s waiting for them?








Should be a good night all

round. Cheers!


They toast each other then drain their beer bottles. We focus on one of the instrument boxes, and then:


The inside of the Haiku girls’s changing room, and an identical case. Kate walks up to it, pops the catches and lifts it open. We look up at her from the inside of the case and see her expression turn to one of shock.


The Voodoo boys laugh.


Kate lifts out a purple inflatable guitar from the case and stares at it, her mouth open in shock..

The other girls enter the room, chatting and laughing, stopping one by one as they see Kate and the toy guitar. As one they race for their other cases, but find that all the guitars have been replaced, and the drumkit boxes are full of cardboard cases. As Alicia tries hitting them to see what kind of noise they make, Emily goes redder and redder as her anger and temperature rise.


Those motherfu-




What are we going to do?




I can’t use these.




Well, obviously! We need a

plan, fast! We’re on stage

in half an hour!




(thinks, then;)

Got it.

(takes out her cell phone and dials)



Martyn is walking round the streets near Wavelength’s venue with Jim and Neil, relaxing himself before the first gig, when his phone rings. He answers it.






(through phone)

Marty! We are in it deep,

we need help.



What’s happened?




Dirty tricks are afoot.

Basically, someone’s switched

our gear and we have a gig

to play with blow up guitars.




Hm! I wonder who could be

behind this one..




Three guesses and the first

two don’t count. Anyway, we

need help. When are you guys

on tonight?








Can we borrow some stuff?

Our venue’s just round the

corner from yours so it

won’t make you late.




I’ll see what we can do.

Leave it with me, Lis,

I’ll see you in a bit.




My hero!


Martyn hangs up and strokes his chin for a second in thought. Jim and Neil look at each other, wondering what’s going on.






What’s up?




The Haiku girls have had

someone play a pretty

dirty trick on them, and

now they have a gig to play

and no stuff. Can you two

help me get our spare guitars

round to their venue?




No sweat.


The three walk O.S. The camera stays in the street and picks up the Underdog tour bus driving past, with Rob hanging half out of the passengers window singing "Freefalling" by Neil Young at the top of his voice.

With Underdog:

Inside the bus, only Alex and Rob are inside. Alex is scanning the streets for any signs of their missing drummer while Rob, merrily blasted, lolls around and sings along to the radio.


Can you keep it down a

bit? We’re going to get

pulled over for disturbing

the peace in a minute..




This is how I relax

before a gig, so there.





(scans the streets, then sighs in defeat)

Look, it’s getting late, and

there’s no sign of him. We’ll

have to head back to the gig.




Matt’ll be fine! He’s a born

survivor. Got the instincts of

a finely tuned jungle cat thing.



The camera is close up on what looks like a dense bit of jungle foliage, but as it pushes forward we see that it is just in the lobby of a posh hotel and we were looking at a large fake plastic tree. We sweep forward through the lobby, as tourists, hotel guests and porters walk by either side of the camera, before turning a corner and looking over to a large, ornate fountain which is the centrepiece of the lobby. Lying half in, half out of the fountain is Matt, his body being gently massaged by the spray of water coming from the fountain. No-one says anything to him, but a young girl stands watching him. Matt is asleep and snoring, until he wakes with a start, falls into the fountain’s basin and thrashes around in the water for a few seconds till he tries standing up. He looks down and see the girl looking at him. She smiles and runs off with a giggle. Matt looks all around. Hotel guests and porters are glaring sternly at him. With a sheepish look, Matt climbs out the fountain and walks out the hotel, dripping on the expensive carpets and leaving a trail of wet, squelchy footprints as he walks.



The inside of the van again.



Yep, his spine’s like a

coiled spring, ready to

pounce at any moment.




Shame his mind’s like a

cloud on a windy day, then.


Alex parks the van up and the two get out. We Steadicam follow them inside, and as Alex throws open the back doors and walks inside, the camera pushes into the darkness..


Black. But as we pull back, we see we are looking at the side of Wavelength’s van as it speeds down the road to Haiku’s venue. Martyn drives, Jim is in the passenger seat with the window wound right down.

We switch to the parking lot of the Rumble Strip, where haiku are anxiously waiting for the boys to arrive.

Back in the van, Martyn can see the girls up ahead.


There they are!




Here comes the cavalry!


Jim fetches out an old, cheap trumpet, leans out the window and starts to play "Charge Of The Light Brigade."

We see Emily and Jesse exchange bemused looks as Alicia and Kate giggle.


Are we sure about this?


Martyn then slams on the brakes and the van screeches to a halt. Jim is thrown forward in his seat and the trumpet flies from his mouth, cutting the tune abruptly short. We follow the trumpet as it bounces and rolls to a stop at Alicia’s feet.


Looks like they’re here.


The girls head for the van as Neil slides the side door open. Martyn and Jim clamber into the back to help pass out the equipment.

So what’d you get us, boys?




One spare bass.




Two spare guitars.




And a snare and two cymbals

nicked from the house drum kit.




Great. They have a drum kit

here too so that should be





Thanks a million, boys!




Yes, thank you!!


Alicia throws her arms round Martyn, who blushes a deep crimson as Jim and Neil grin at each other.



Hey, our pleasure. We’d like

to think you’ll help us out

if we ever get stuck!




Let’s hope nothing like this

happens again!




Any ideas who it was?


The girls all exchange a look through narrowed eyes.



Oh yes.




The inside of the SouthSide bar as Voodoo take to the stage to a big cheer. the band wave to the crowd and set themselves up.


The inside of Underdog’s club, looking out onto the stage.

CAPTION: The Anti-Detox, Showtime.

The crowd are being warmed up by the night’s MC.


And now for our main

attraction this evening,

as part of Waning Bros.,

Records’ "Bands On The Run"

tour, the Anti-Detox is proud

to present.. Underdog!


The crowd cheer as Underdog walk on stage. Simon goes to pick up a guitar until Alex slaps him on the back of the head. Simon then goes to sit behind the drums, playing a few little paradiddies to warm up. Alex goes to the mic stand.

Good evening!

(the crowd cheer)

Now sadly, tonight we are

playing without our regular

drummer Matt, who is

currently AWOL somewhere in

this great city of yours..



Matt is running down a street being chased by a huge pack of assorted varieties of stray dogs, a similar shot to the opening of "Trainspotting." Iggy Pop’s "Lust For Life" plays. A car pulls out in front of him and he leaps the bonnet. Freeze frame as he is in mid-air.

CAPTION: Mattspotting


Underdog at the club.

ALEX if anyone finds him,

could we have him back,

please? Okay, anyway, this

is our title track, and

it’s called "Underdog!"


The band kick into their song.


The Rumble Strip, backstage as the girls frantically tune up the guitars and set the straps to their liking.






All set.




Good to go.




Let’s get ‘em. Takes more

than cases full of toy guitars

to stop the mighty..




..the unstoppable..




..the invincible..




..the beautiful..






The girls high five and walk out onto the stage. We Steadicam out the dressing room behind them and onto the back of the stage as the girls take their positions, and we look out over the packed cheering crowd as Alicia settles in behind her drums and starts the drum intro to the first song. As the band start to play the camera walks off the stage and down into the crowd, then through it and over to the doors of the venue, and then outside into the street.

Over the road and a few doors down is Southern Voodoo’s venue, the SouthSide Bar. A long line of punters are waiting outside, and we sweep past them and the bouncer into the place itself, which is also packed. The noise of everyone talking is deafening, and the stage is set with the band’s instruments.

CUT TO: Backstage with Voodoo, who are standing by an open security door leading out into the parking lot. Bill is throwing the last of the boxes of stolen equipment into the back of a rubbish dumpster, which drives away as he steps back inside. Matt pokes his head out the dumpster and sees Bill walking away, but his shout of "Hey! Help me! I need to find my band!" is not heard as Bill shuts the door.


All done?




Yep, that’s the last of them.




Don’t you guys feel just a

little bit bad about this?


The other band members exchange a look, then burst out laughing and walk back over to the steps leading up to the stage. Jeffries pats Rich on the shoulder.

You’ll learn. People have done

this to us in the past. It’s

like karma. We’re not playing

for the sake of it, we want to

win, and sometimes to win, you

have to break a few eggs.


Jeffries joins the others. Rich looks guilty but with a resigned nod of his head he pushes the door closed and follows his bandmates. We Steadicam up the stairs behind up and onto the back of the stage, and as he arrives the house lights dim and the crowd cheers as Voodoo take their places on stage, picking up guitars, etc. The camera walks off stage and then pushes back through the crowd to watch them as Lawrence steps up to the mic.


Thank you! We are Southern

Voodoo and we’d like to

thank you all for coming

along to our first show on

the first ever "Bands On The

Run" tour!


The crowd cheer. Lawrence waits for them to quieten a little.


And for not going to see the

other shitty bands..


Laughter. Lawrence turns and checks that his band is ready to go. They all give nods and thumbs up to show they’re ready.


Okay, this is our first song,

it’s called..


SMASH CUT TO: ECU of Jim’s mouth as he speaks:


What a bunch of absolute

cocksucking arse!


Pull back to see we are sat in Wavelength’s dressing room. They’re all set to hit the stage and are dressed up a little – Sarah has tied her hair up Geisha style while Jon is wearing his Cyberdog outfit. Jim is currently talking to the rest of he band and waving his arms round while he speaks. Martyn is out of the room.


They’ve been slagging every

other band off up and down the

town, handing out false info

about our shows and taking down

all our flyers and posters.




Well that’s just because they’re

shit and trying to cover their





How is their show doing?




Sold out as far as I know.

They’ve poached people from

other venues as well.




Well, dirty tricks are sadly all

part of the game at the moment..




I’m not letting them stand for

it. Marty and I saw them pick

up a load of supplies right after

we set off. We haven’t heard the

last of them I don’t think.




(heads back in from outside)

Think nothing, gig on. We play.






The band head out the door at the back. As with the other bands we Steadicam with them out onto the stage. They take their positions as the crowd cheers. The announcer’s voice is heard over the speakers:


And now, ladies and gentlemen,

put your glasses down and your

hands up for.. Wavelength!!


A big cheer as Martyn waves to the crowd. He points to John who starts the keyboard riff to the first tune and starts to bop to it. Next he points at Jim who plays the percussion over it, then at Neil who kicks in with the bassline, then at Steven who plays some ear-bleeding feedback notes through his wah pedal, and finally at Sarah as she sings the melody notes that Martyn sings over when he finally plays the first chord as Jim’s beat hits the crescendo, and with a furious drum roll they’re away. We watch them play for a minute then dissolve into the same scene but after the night is over. The room is empty, the floor peppered with empty beer bottles and plastic cups, and the stage is empty. A cleaner slowly pushes his broom along the floor to gather the mess up as we pan over to the bar. Wavelength sit on stools along it, looking exhausted but happy as they share a post-gig drink with club owner Bob.


You guys did good, I reckon.

Best crowd I’ve seen in here

for a few weeks.




That was the plan!




The cash has been passed along

to the Waning Bros. people

for the post gig meeting.




Yeah, speaking of that we’d

best be off.




No problem. Your stuff will be

safe here till you get back.




Thanks a lot, Bob. I hope every

guy we meet is like you!




Don’t be mistaken – I am an

asshole but you kids made me

a shitload of money so right

now I’m everybody’s friend!


They laugh. The band finish up their drinks, shake hands with Bob and make their way outside. A van from Waning Bros. is waiting outside, which the band pile into. It drives off.

We pick the van up again as it drives down one of the city centre streets. Looking inside, Wavelength are sharing the van with Underdog and Haiku and all three bands are laughing and joking. Martyn and Alicia are snuggled up and talking while Jim and Steven are drinking heartily with Underdog. Sarah talks to Jesse and Emily.


So how’d you girls do in the

end then?




Fine. No worries. It took

a few songs to get used to

it not being our own

equipment, but after that

we were fine.




Where are Voodoo anyway?




They’re already there. They

went straight there after

they finished while we were

all still catching our breath.




I’m beginning to think those

guys aren’t human..




You saw "The Invaders," right?


The van comes to a stop, overbalancing the Underdog boys who all collapse into a heap at the back of the van. As they laugh and try to get up, it’s pretty obvious that by now they’re all pretty well steamed. The doors slide open and the bands file out. They are in the parking lot of a quieter bar just outside town. Madeline is waiting for them with a smile.


Good evening, everyone! Make

your way upstairs, Mr. Barrington

and Mr. Blackshaw are waiting for

you all to read out the totals.




Totals? Totals? By jove, I’ll

give them a total to think about!


He tries to air guitar to something playing in his head but falls flat on his ass at the first power chord.


Any news on our drummer?




No luck so far, I’m afraid. We’ve

got people out looking for him

but until he can get in contact

with us, we’re not sure where

he is.


CUT TO: Matt is standing outside a bus, looking around trying to figure out where he is. He appears to be somewhere fairly busy. We are looking up at him from about a foot off the floor, and as we watch the bus pulls away behind him to reveal the outside of an airport terminal. A plane flies overhead as we see a sign on the wall of the building that says "Welcome To Hamburg."

CUT TO: An upstairs room in the quiet bar the bands are gathered at. Underdog, Wavelength and Haiku sit a little apart from Voodoo, the rift between them and the other bands showing already. Barrington, Madeline and Blackshaw all stand together armed with clipboards as the bands carry on drinking, spread out across three squashy sofas against a set of windows overlooking the street.


Good evening, kids! I’m only

here for the first of these to

keep an eye on you, after that

my associates here will oversee

the rest of the tour. Are we a

man down?




Yeah, our drummer, Matt is MIA

at the moment.




I’ll sort it. Anyway, I’ll pass

you over to Maddy.




After the first show, your ticket

totals are as follows: Underdog,

you got 54 people through the door

at $6 a ticket for $324.




Haiku sold 60 tickets at $6 for a

total of $360.




Next, Wavelength, you sold 65 tickets

at 6$ a piece for $390.




Finally, Southern Voodoo. You sold 80

tickets at $5 each for a total of $400.




Next up are the merchandise sales

totals. Haiku and Underdog have both

sold $250 worth.




Wavelength, you’ve sold $300 and Voodoo

have sold $400.




So after the first round, your totals

are as follows: Underdog, you have

$574, and Haiku have $610.




Wavelength have $690 but Voodoo are

in the lead with $800.




Right! You’re free for the rest

of the night It is now..

(checks watch)

..just coming up to 12 midnight.

I recommend you all go out and

let off some steam then meet us

back here at 10am sharp to be

given the next city!




Bands on the run, dismissed.


The bands pull themselves up off the sofas and head outside. Voodoo gather together and head off separate from the rest of the bands, who mill in one big group just outside the doors to the bar.


Anyone got any good ideas?








I’m with them. Let’s go find

someplace quiet and chill out.




(jerks a thumb toward Voodoo)

They not coming?




Stuff ‘em.




Amen to that, brother.


The bands head off down the road towards the bright lights of the city centre.. and we

DISSOLVE TO the inside of a huge club, still bouncing with people. The camera pans around it, looking for our band members, who are spread across three different tables, which they have dragged together to sit as one big group.


So I think it was a success.



It seems that way. There

seems to be plenty of

interest in the tour by

now, so all we have to do

is not mess up!




Who cares right now? This is

officially downtime until we

wake up tomorrow.


The three bands all clink their glasses and bottles together, with some difficulty, and we pull back from them as they start to chat again. We pull back until a cage dancer comes into shot on the left of the screen, and Matt is seen, slumped unconscious on the floor of the cage, the legs of the dancer moving expertly around him.

CUT TO: Outside the club, many hours later. With the exception of Martyn, Alicia, Kate, Sarah and Steven, everyone has a guy/girl on their arm as they stagger outside. Simon has two girls and has the biggest smile of them all. Martyn and Alicia hang back behind the group to talk as they head back to their hotels.


You alright?




I’m fine.. a eeny weensy bit

drunk, but look, I can still

walk in a straight line..




Well, almost..




I’m in complete control of

my faculties, I’ll have you





I thought so too, until you

referred to them as "faculties"

just then..


Alicia giggles and grabs a hold of Martyn’s arm as they walk along.


I wonder what that lot’ll

get up to?


Alicia throws Martyn a "you know very well" look.

CUT TO: Alex, Ian and Simon head into their rooms with their girls, Jim, John and Neil with theirs, and Jesse and Emily disappear into their hotel rooms with blokes in tow, each door slamming shut. Sarah and Steven go into Wavelength’s room together. Kate, Martyn and Alicia climb up the stairs after them.


This is goodnight, sweet ladies.




If those two keep us up, we’ll

bug you to keep us company!




It would be an honour.


Martyn bows as Alicia and Kate exchange a smile and dive inside. Martyn turns and falls over, out of shot. He jumps back up again and fumbles with the key to his room, closing the door just as he turns the light on.


Turn the lights out!!




There’s people shagging in





My eyes!!


CUT TO: The next morning, CU of a phone ringing in the hotel lobby. A hand reaches in and answers it, we pull back to see it’s Jim, looking a bit bed-headed but otherwise ok.


Hello? Uh, Alex? Yeah, I’ll

go get him. (pause) Oh. I

see. Right.


CUT TO: Jim’s hand knocks on the door to Underdog’s room. Simon opens it. He is naked (male parts mercifully out of shot), but as soon as Jim starts screaming he slams the door and opens it a second later wearing a dressing gown.


Sorry, was in the shower..

The guys are still asleep.

What’s up?




There’s a call for Alex.

It’s important.




Right, cheers.


CUT TO: Alex is sitting down as he takes the call, in the lobby of the hotel. We pull back to see most of the other band members are sat around other chairs in the reception area, looking over to Alex with some concern.


So what was the call?




His dad died last night.




Oh no..




Long story. Alex and his dad

were never close, and he’s

been ill for a while. They

haven’t spoken properly for





Still, that’s not good news.


Alex heads over, looking distracted as he scratches the back of his head.


You alright, mate?




Yeah. He was up in the hospital

again. His lungs, same as last

time. Died in his sleep this

morning. The funeral’s not for

a while, and my mom’s okay.




We’re meeting up to get the next

destination in two hours.




I’ll be fine. I’m just gonna

take a walk, ok?




Yeah, we’ll see you later.


We watch Alex go out through the main doors, pausing to light a cigarette and then heading out of view. The camera pans back round to the group, who are quiet at this solemn moment.

Come on, let’s finish getting







They get up and drift off.

DISSOLVE TO: The parking lot, two hours later. The four bands are stood in front of their respective vans, as Barrington, Madeline and Blackshaw stand before them armed with their clipboards. A few jokes are exchanged as almost everyone wears sunglasses against the morning sunshine.


Good morning, bands! Hope you

all got a good night’s rest. Well,

Voodoo sneaked off to play another

gig after we split up for the night,

and have earned another.. (checks

clipboard) $112 for their troubles.


As one, the other three band’s heads snap round with an emphasised ‘snap’ noise to glare at the smug looking Voodoo boys.


The next city will be.. Chicago!

There are the info packs in your

vans as before, with maps of the

area, details of the clubs you’ll

be playing and some other useful





So all that remains is for me

to say-



BARRINGTON (interrupts)

Bands on the run, dismissed!

I’ll see you again at the last



The bands get back into their vans and head out the parking area. We stay with Barrington and his two execs.


Did you see the look they

gave Voodoo when we told

them about that secret gig?




They’ve got the right idea.

They’re using every second

of their time to make cash.




All the same, I think some

rivalry might be sparking up





Are the cameras still working?




Like a charm.




Great! I’m starved, let’s go

get breakfast before I have

to head back.


CUT TO: The inside of Haiku’s van as Kate opens the info pack and passes the contents to Emily. Jesse drives as Alicia strums an acoustic guitar in the back seat.


Our venue is called "The Pit"

apparently. Let’s hope that it’s

better than the name suggests!




Isn’t it ironic?




Don’tcha think.




Anyway. We’ll be given a bonus

opportunity the morning after

we get there. Until then, it’s

the usual. Chris and the rest

of our gorgeous management team

have stocked us back up with CDs,

flyers and posters to flog.




We’ll be fine, I reckon.


CUT TO: Underdog’s van, where the boys are headbanging madly to Andrew W.K.’s "She Is Beautiful".

CUT TO: Wavelength’s van. Martyn is sat in the back seat, reading the info pack.


We’re playing this place

called "Brennan’s" in the

town centre. A big local

alternative rock club,





Sounds like our kind of

place then.




Hope so. We need to make

some serious cash here to

try and catch up those

darn Voodoo boys!


CUT TO: Underdog’s van, where they’re still headbanging.

CUT TO: Voodoo’s van, where the five guys are driving along with self satisfied smiles all around. Lawrence is finishing off reading the info pack to the others.


And finally, our venue is

called "Superior’s."




They’re going to think we set

that up, you know..



Long as we still beat the

others. That’s what we’re all in

this for at the end of the day.




I think we’re in with a

good shot here.


CUT TO: Underdog, still headbanging until the van screeches alarmingly to one side, causing driver Ian to suddenly stop moshing and scramble the wheel back straight again. We hear the honks of several car horns as the contents of the van are thrown around. Once level again, the song ends as the band members pick themselves back up.


So where are we playing?



ALEX (reads)

Place called "Rebel Planet"







DISSOLVE TO: External shot of the vans cruising along at night, passing signs for the city limits of Chicago and heading into the city. We are with Underdog’s van as they pull up outside a Travel Inn where the three other vans are already there. Wavelength and Haiku sit in and around their vans as Underdog pull up.


Sorry we’re late, we had to

make a stop for provisions.


As if on cue, the back door to their van slides open and Simon and Rob fall out, already completely wasted. Ian just rolls around laughing at them from inside the van.


But it seems that common sense

is quite hard to buy these days..



We were just catching a moment

before heading out to scope out

the town. We’ve been given our

bonus task for this stop too.



We have to find the producer

of this daytime TV show in one

of the bars round here, and if

we do we get chance to have a guest

appearance on the show!




Thing is, we have to look for a

blonde 30 year old, and introduce

ourselves with the line "Do you

believe in love at first sight?"

If we have the right person, we get

the slot.




And if not, we get a slap.



Sounds good either way to me..




Shut your hole, gimp boy!




You guys coming?





(he turns to the van)

Guys? Who’s capable of

coherent thought?








I’ll give it a shot..




I’m very, very drunk but





(turns back)

Let’s go!


The three bands head out into the big city night.


Where did Voodoo get to?


CUT TO: External shot of a bar called "First Strike." Inside are Voodoo, just getting ready to play a short set in this cosy bar atmosphere. A merchandise stand is prominent at the side of the stage.

CUT TO: Back on the streets with the others.

Probably playing somewhere..



Hey, this is our place. Shall

we go in?


The bands are stood outside "The Pit" which looks every part the goth hangout they had hoped – an imposing building with dark, bassy music rumbling out from inside. Kate and Alicia share a grin before they disappear inside.

I have a plan and it’s as

hot as my pants..








Let’s split up. Some of us

go here, some to your venue

and the rest to ours. That

way we can scope out all

three places at once.




Okay. I think me and Mart

should take this one.




Simon and I will go to your venue

with John and Neil. The rest go

take a look at this "Rebel Planet"

place, ok?




We have a plan! See you later.


The bands disperse. We follow Jim and Martyn down into the Pit. it’s a goth club and so is full of a motley assortment of trads, rockers and spookies. Alicia and Kate are already right at home, talking to the bar staff and handing out flyers like their lives depend on it. Jim and Martyn go take a look at the stage for tomorrow night.


So when are you going to

say something to her?



About what?



About how you’re so blatantly

mad about her?



I hardly know the girl, Jim!

I can’t just go asking her

out while we’re in the middle

of all this, either.



Won’t hurt to spend a little

time with her though..




No, guess not. How’s this stage

look to you?



JIM (glances briefly at stage)

Fine. So what will you do?



You don’t give up, huh..


Alicia comes bouncing over.


This place is great! They’ve

been advertising the gig for a

few weeks already so we’re

being promised a full house

tomorrow night.




My technical assistant here and

I have examined the stage, and it

all seems to be in order.








So, we can either stay here for a

bit or go find the others.




Let’s get one drink here then

head back out. Give us chance

to meet the regulars!




Yup. Hmm.. hang on.


Jim walks over to a group of goth ladies in one corner noticing that one is blonde and therefore may be the producer they are after, and gains their attention by clearing his throat.

Pardon me, but do any of you believe

in love at first sight?




No, but I believe in love at

first bite!!


She hisses at Jim to reveal a pair of beautifully crafted vampire fangs. Jim is captivated for a second, which is all the girls need to grab him and drag him to the floor, all three of them pouncing upon him. We pull back to see Alicia and Martyn exchange a look, before Martyn shakes his head and they walk away, leaving Jim struggling in the background.


CUT TO: Simon, Alex, John and Neil are walking into "Brennan’s" which seems to be your classic rock club. A good sized venue with plenty of punters. The band members mill around, handing out some flyers and chatting to the punters.


You heard anything about your

missing drummer yet?




Matt? No, he’s still AWOL

somewhere.. we’re hoping he’ll

catch us up before the tour is

over at least.


CUT TO: The inside of Chicago airport’s baggage claim area. We watch the rotunda displaying people’s luggage for a few moments until Matt, still unconscious, slowly passes by, covered from head to foot in airline baggage stickers.

CUT TO: Back at Brennan’s.


This place is great! We’ll

have no problem doing a good

night here. No sign of that

producer though.


CUT TO: Ian, Rob, Sarah and Steven inside the "Rebel Planet," a hive of nu-metallers, old school rockers and a variety of other rock sub-classes.


Mama, I’m coming home!




I’m gonna see if the bar staff

are ok about us flyering here.




(points to a poster for the BOTR tour)

I think they will!




This place seems fine too. I

think we’re gonna have better

luck in this town.


CUT TO: Back with Voodoo at their sneaky gig as they are selling CDs, t-shirts and tickets to a huge crowd of admirers, having finished their set. Lawrence holds up a wad of cash to the rest of the band with a grin.

CUT TO: Rob back at the Rebel Planet.


Much better luck.


DISSOLVE TO: Back at The Pit, now much later in the evening. Jim and Kate have left to meet the others, leaving Martyn and Alicia with a bar and plenty of time to get better acquainted.


So then, I had to say: "No,

you don’t understand, I had to

do it outside the church!"




Oh my god, you’re the




It’s probably very, very illegal

to do what I did..




Anyway! Enough talk of poop.



Heh heh.. you called it "poop"..



What’s wrong with that?



Nothing! It’s refreshingly..

girly. There are too many

women out there today who

try so hard to be all hard

and manly..




You mean, like Emily.



That thought had crossed my mind.




Emily’s fine, she just doesn’t

trust men because she’s had a lot

of shit off them trying to get

our band off the ground!



You seem to be managing ok

at the moment!




We have good friends..


She smiles at him. Martyn blushes a little and grins back. We pull back out of the club and leave those two to it.

CUT TO: The rest of the three bands have all met up at Wavelength’s venue and are currently dancing and drinking as best they can. Jim is sitting at the bar, a large bandage on the side of his neck. He looks pretty pale. Steven, Ian , Rob and Simon are wandering round trying to find this elusive producer. Ian approaches a fat blonde rocker girl.


‘Scuse me, do you believe

in love at first sight?




I do now, honey!


She grabs Ian and starts (wo)manhandling him. He struggles as Simon and Rob leave him to try elsewhere. Rob spots an old school blonde rocker woman, clad in leather jacket and scruffy denim.


Do you believe in love

at first sight?








Fair enough..


Simon sees a likely looking blonde woman, sitting quietly at a table by herself.



Let me try. Pardon me,

but do you believe in love

at first sight?


The woman doesn’t answer, but with a furious look just slugs Simon in the jaw as hard as she can. As we keep him in shot next to Rob an Ian, his eyes roll up and he falls slowly to the floor, out cold.


I.. AM.. NOT.. IN..




Whatever you say! Let’s get

the heck out of here, man..


They quickly drag the KO’d Simon away. Pull back to see Emily and Jesse who have watched the whole exchange. Ian can still be seen in the background trying to beat away the fat girl from earlier. They exchange a look at the antics of the Underdog boys.


Let’s use our famous woman’s

intuition to win this before

those boys get us all thrown

out of here.




Aye, cap’n. Scanning now.


Jesse starts to make a "boop boop" noise as she pans her hand around the club, the booping getting gradually faster before it settles on a blonde woman sat with two of her friends at a table on the far side of the club. Jesse puts her arm down with a satisfied nod.

That one.




You sure?



Look at her.


The woman is wearing a black denim jacket with a Metallica patch sewn unevenly on the back but on closer inspection is actually dressed pretty normally underneath.

If I was a daytime TV producer

trying to go undercover in a

rock club, I’d dress like that.




Let’s find out!


They walk over. Emily waves hello to interrupt the girl’s chat, then speaks.


Do you believe in love at first





I do now, and you just won a

place on the Debbie Eliot show!



Woohoo! Alright!


DISSOLVE TO: The end of the night. The groups filter out of the club and head back to their hotels to regroup for the night.

CUT TO: Haiku’s hotel room. The three girls are minus Alicia, and are sitting around playing through a few songs. Halfway through one number, Emily calls a stop.


This is no good. We don’t have

a beat! Where the hell is Alicia




Last I heard, she was still at our

venue with Martyn..




I see!


CUT TO: Wavelength’s room. Everyone is asleep except for Jim and Neil who are chatting as they flick through the TV channels.

Where the heck has Marty

go to anyway? And why do I

have a sudden craving for

extra rare steak?


CUT TO: Wavelength’s van. A light is on inside. We look into the van and see Martyn and Alicia, the contents of her bag spread out on the floor in front of them.


Damn it, damn it, damn it!



Well it’s gotta be here somewhere.




They won’t let me into the hotel

if I don’t have that key!



Can’t we call the girls somehow?




(throws her bag down)

Aah, forget it. It’s too late

by now, they’ll be asleep

and when my girls sleep, they

really sleep.




Well, we have blankets in here,

and the van is nice and warm.

We’re parked right outside, let’s

crash here for the night.




Oo, slumber party!



Well, sort of..


DISSOLVE TO: The van again, now it is morning. Jim and John bang on the slide door. There is a series of clicks as the lock is opened and then Martyn slides the door open. Jim is wearing a big pair of sunglasses, a wide brimmed hat and has every inch of skin covered from the sunlight.





(big grin)




Lis lost her keys to get back

in so we crashed in the van..








She slept on the back seat, I

slept in the driver’s seat.




We believe you..





There she is!


They look, and sure enough Alicia is curled up in a blanket at the back of the van, sound asleep. Martyn grins at her, and as he turns back to the other two wearing the same grin, they both point and tease him with the classic "Aaah!" manoeuvre.

Shaddap. What’s today’s plan?




Well, O fearless leader, we

plan to do a bit of cross-city

promotion today, record stores,

bars, that kind of thing.




Alicia needs to join her band to

go play that TV show.




Right, yeah, ok. See you in a



He closes the door again, leaving Jim and Neil to walk away, singing "Jailbait" by Motorhead as they do. Inside the van, Martyn gently rocks the sleeping Alicia until her eyes flicker open. She sees Martyn and smiles, yawning and stretching out like a cat. Martyn’s eyes widen as he is treated to a flash of Alicia’s belly as her shirt lifts when she stretches.

I, uh, you, er, well, I..




Sorry, did I oversleep?



Your girls need you for that

TV appearance now.




Oh yeah.. thanks. I’d better

get going. Thanks for looking

after me, Marty.



Well, I wasn’t just going to leave

you, was I?


Alicia hugs him and leaves the van. Seconds later, the rest of Wavelength leaps into the van, dressed in summer clothes and shades, armed with beer and food.

Come on, dullard, we’ve got

work to do!



Right, yeah..


CUT TO: The opening credits of the Debbie Eliot TV show, a standard female fronted mid-day chat programme. The show’s logo appears on screen as the camera pans across a studio full of cheering people, settling on a stage with three chairs and the show’s host, Debbie Eliot herself, every inch the picture of daytime TV perfection – the hair, the teeth in that winning smile, and the outfit.


Hello, and welcome to the show.

We have a special musical treat

for you later on, when the touring

band Haiku are going to play us

one of their songs as part of the

now-infamous "Bands On The Run."

But first up, couples who have to ask

that most difficult of questions..

Can a trained monkey really be a substitute 

for a husband? We meet three women who 

made that choice, next.


CUT TO: Underdog, whose promotion tactics for the day are getting started. With a small set up of half a drum kit and three acoustic guitars, they start to play an unplugged set. As we pull back we see that they are playing outside a row of shops, basking in glorious sunshine and attracting a small crowd straight away.


Thank you, ladies and gentle-

men, we’re Underdog and our

plan is to whore ourselves to

you for a quick buck. Boys?


The band start a number, the crowd seems to like it.

CUT TO: Haiku in the studio, watching from the stage as today’s show comes to a close, the debate in the studio hopping up. On the stage we see that three women are now sat in the chairs from before, and each has been joined by an angry looking ex-husband or lover, each woman also with a monkey. Each monkey is dressed – suits, tracksuits – and jumping up and down and howling as the women shout at their exes.


Okay, okay, a little calm here

please! I’m sure we can find a

solution here for everyone!


The three couples continue to argue. The show is getting more out of control, the guests fighting with each other as show security tries to pull them apart, meanwhile the monkeys are running amok, hanging off guests and leaping about in the crowd.


Aah, screw it, let’s have

some music. May I introduce

Haiku. I’ve been Debbie Elliot

and thank you for watching!!


She throws her cue cards and mic away as the camera pans back over to Haiku. The girls are staring in confusion at the mayhem on stage, except for Alicia who is roaring with laughter from behind her drums. She calms down a little and taps out four betas with her sticks to start the girls off, and they launch into a song as the battle between guests, security and monkeys gets more intense.

CUT TO: Underdog, now playing to a larger crowd. They finish their song to a round of applause and a sudden flurry of eager punters wanting to buy stuff. The boys sell t-shirts and CDs as fast as they can until the crowd disperses and they are left to enjoy the spoils. Keeping the shot fixed on them, we hear the roar of a speeding motorcycle off to the left, then a blur of motion races across the shot, and when we see the band again a six-pack of beer has been placed at the feet of every band member. The motorbike roar fades off to the right. Underdog look at each other for a second, wondering what just happened, then Ian shrugs and opens a can of beer.

CAPTION; Black screen, white lettering – TWENTY SECONDS LATER

ON SCENE: The boys are hammered and falling about laughing as usual.

CUT TO: The outside of a restaurant in the middle of the town. It is now the evening.

CAPTION: Later that day..

CUT TO: Inside the restaurant, Haiku are sat round a dinner table, enjoying a three-course gourmet meal. The girls clink their wine glasses together to toast a successful days work.



Well, at least they got the

stains out.



I may need some new drum skins

all the same..



Yeah, and somehow I can’t ever

look at that mic again knowing

where that monkey had it..


The girls shudder at the memory. Someone clears his throat O.S. to get their attention. The girls turn to see a well dressed young man who appears to have left a table of other lads a few feet away.


Er, excuse me, ladies, but

am I right in thinking that

you’re that Haiku band who

are playing at the Pit

tomorrow night?




That’s us.


Yup, bang to rights.




Well, ah, my friends and I

were wondering if we could

ask a favour of you.




Go on..




It’s our good buddy Mike’s

bachelor party today, and we were

trying to find something to do

for him to mark the occasion.

We saw you when you came in,

and I got to thinking.. would you

play him a little song?



Hmm! Sounds good, what’s in

it for us?




We’ll buy CDs and merchandise

and come see you play tomorrow

night. There’s a lot of us.




I’m game, how about you girls?


Kate nods and the other girls follow.


We’re in. How shall we do this?




Well, the party is still going

on round the corner at a bar

called McGee’s, all you’d have

to do is pop round and play.




It’d have to be all acoustic if

that’s okay, our stuff’s locked

up a way away from here.




(looking relieved that they’re up for it)

No problem, bring whatever you

want, anything would be great!



Alright, youngster, we’ll be round

when we’ve finished eating.



Great, great. Thank you!


He goes and sits back down with his friends, who buzz with excitement at having booked the girls. Emily has a big grin on her face.


Good things always find us in

the end, girls!



Usually by accident..


CUT TO: Wavelength are playing a showcase gig at the Swing Door club, winning the crowd over and trying to shift a few more tickets. Martyn and Sarah’s vocals double act seems to be working as the two head into the crowd to finish the set from the floor to a big cheer and applause. They climb back on stage.

Thank you, we’re playing at

Brennan’s tomorrow night so

it’d be great to see you all





And buy stuff!


Martyn laughs and the band start to pack up their gear. As the crowd clamour around the merchandise stall and try to chat to members of the band, Martyn looks up as he hears his name called from the other side of the room.
REVERSE ANGLE: The Haiku girls have just walked in, and the camera slants to a catwalk style angle as the four girls strut in, dressed to kill and looking about as hot as a cappuccino mixed with lava, mischievous grins on their faces. "Wild Thing" by the Troggs kicks in.

REVERSE ANGLE: The camera, on the same slant angle, zooms up on Martyn as his jaw drops as he realises just how good Alicia looks.

REVERSE ANGLE: A spotlight falls on Alicia as she walks up to Martyn. She stops a few feet in front of him, hands on her hips.


So what does a girl have to

do to get a drink round here?


CUT TO: Haiku and Wavelength sat round the bar a few minutes later. The girls are recounting the bachelor party story.

So when we finally got there,

it was full, and I mean full of

cute, young, single guys..




(worried glance at Alicia)





But we were all good girls.

Well, almost.




What? He was asking for it!




Anyway, we get our guitars and

treat the guy to a little song..


DISSOLVE TO: The bar of the bachelor party, packed full of about 50 odd young guys, and Haiku perched on bar stools, three with guitars and Alicia with a little double-bongo set. They start to play "Happy Birthday," joined by all the guys.


But then things got a little

ugly all of a sudden..


We hear the doors to the bar slam open. Every man in there goes quiet in a second, except for the girls who carry on singing for a few bars before they notice and stop, followed by Alicia who is still bopping away on her bongos before she too, grinds to a halt.

REVERSE ANGLE: An angry looking woman stands at the entrance to the bar, shaking slightly with growing fury. Three of her friends appear in the doorway too, out of breath as though they’ve been running to catch up to her.


We’re sorry, we tried to stop





But she thought you may be, well..




Up to no good.




And who are these three?



MAN #1

Uh, they’re the entertainment..




(raises eyebrows)



As one, all the guys in the room dart out of the way as the angry woman stomps over to the bachelor whose party this is and the girls, looking a little worried.


Uh, hello, we’re the band..




I see..



JIM (V.O.)

Then what?


CUT TO: The two bands sat at the bar as before. There is a pause while the Haiku girls exchange a knowing glance, then Emily opens her mouth to continue.

CUT TO: The bachelor party again, but the angry woman is chasing her fiancée round the bar, slapping him and screaming several layers of abuse at him for being a no good, dirty, rotten whatchemacallit. The camera leaves those two in the background and pans to see Haiku talking to the young man who invited them in the first place.


I’m really sorry about all

this, she just gets a little..
















Jealous. So, the guys and I each

put $10 together for you to say





That’s real sweet, thanks!



We’ll all still come to see

you tomorrow night too.



See you there!



JIM (V.0.)

So that means..


CUT TO: The two bands back at the bar.


Yup, 10 times fifty equals..



(holds up a wad of notes)

We got five hundred dollars!


The girls sing in harmony.


We got five hundred dollars,

we got five hundred dollars..



Well done! That’s not bad for

one night’s work..




Anyway, home time I think.




Yeah, gig tomorrow night,

we’d best get to sleep.




Good call. See you girls





Yeah, we’ll see you at the

hotel for breakfast.




Hey, I just thought.. where are



CUT TO: Voodoo just finishing a song to a packed out club, which from a banner behind them we can see is called "Jumpstarts." A big crowd cheers them as they walk off stage.

CUT TO: The two bands back at the bar.


Hopefully not making too much



CUT TO: Voodoo backstage, up to their armpits in cash and cheering as they chug beer bottles and count their winnings.

DISSOLVE TO: Wavelength enjoying a breakfast buffet at their hotel. Underdog are at a table in the background laughing and joking, while Voodoo keep to themselves in one corner. Haiku walk in and join Wavelength at the buffet, then both bands go and sit with Underdog.


Any plans for today?






CAPTION: Black screen, white letters – THAT NIGHT.

CUT TO: The same table, same three bands, but it is now the evening and they have obviously just finished their evening meals.



..not really, no.



Ah well. Let’s go play our

gigs then!


Voodoo have already left as the three bands file out of the dining hall.

CUT TO: Wavelength’s club, Brennan’s. The band are set up on stage. Martyn grabs the mic as the crowd cheer their approval.



Thank you, we are –


CUT TO: Underdog, on stage and ready to go, Alex talking to the crowd as Martyn was.


Underdog, and we’d like to –


CUT TO: Haiku, on stage like the other two, Emily speaking.

Thank you all for coming, and we –


CUT TO: Voodoo, ready to play. Lawrence is speaking.


Hope you all enjoy the show.


RAPID CUTS: Voodoo’s drummer Bill hits his sticks together for the first beat in a four click intro. We CUT TO Alicia who hits the second, then CUT TO Simon who hits the third, and then CUT TO Jim who hits the last and then a cymbal crash as Wavelength launch into their song. As we watch Wavelength play, a graphic appears on the bottom of the screen. It shows a pair of coloured bars, one green and one red, the green is marked "Tickets" and the red is marked "Merch." Wavelength play as their bars fill up to show they have made $378 on tickets and $266 on merch, making their new total $1384.

DISSOLVE TO: Underdog playing, whose graphic shows they have made $360 on tickets and $250 on merch. They now have $1184.

DISSOLVE TO: Haiku playing, and their graphics show the girls have made $349 on tickets and $675 on merch, plus $250 for winning the bonus challenge. Their total is $1884.

DISSOLVE TO: Voodoo, finishing off their set to a round of applause. Their totals appear at the bottom of the screen. They have made $395 on tickets and a further $390 in merch. Their new total is $1585.

CUT TO: Later that evening, after the gigs, and the bands are assembled to have Madeline and Blackshaw read out the totals.


So after two rounds, our leaders

are now Haiku, with $1884.


The girls cheer and are applauded by the other bands.


That’s all for tonight, bands

on the run, dismissed.


The bands chatter amongst each other as they get up and file out. Ian and Alex are talking.


Any idea where we’re playing

next then?




I think I heard someone say it



CUT TO: Underdog’s van as it drives along a motorway, passing a huge road sign that says "Welcome To Pittsburgh."

Inside the van, we see the Underdog boys chilling out as only they know how – each with a beer as they chat with each other. Alex, driving, doesn’t drink as he is reading out the info pack for this stop.


Okay then. We can win the

chance to play a song to

open the local football team’s

game tomorrow later on, so

that’s worth going for.




Sounds like fun!




Yep, so let’s get to the hotel

quick and get set up for the

next few days.




Not at this rate, matey..


Ian points out the windscreen to the traffic ahead.

CUT TO: Overhead shot of Underdog’s van. Pull back as the van slows to a halt to show us that there is a bottlenecked traffic jam just in front of them. Two cars have become stuck at a set of traffic lights, trying to cut each other up and refusing to give way to each other. We can see the two drivers gesticulating angrily at each other, surrounded by other cars that have become stuck. Car horns beep all around.

CUT TO: Wavelength as their van comes into the city through a clearer road. Martyn is trying to navigate as Steven drives.

I don’t believe we’re lost

already, we just got here!




Look, the street we need just

doesn’t seem to be here, that’s





Let me have a look, you great

big dullard..




It must be along this bit..


Steven leans across to point to a road on the map and stab at a certain point with his finger.




He settles back into his seat. Seconds later a car horn is heard and Steven looks over to the left. He swears, and then the van is rocked by a massive impact.

EXTERNAL SHOT: A bus has jumped a red light to try and save some time and run straight into the side of Wavelength’s van, which slews off line and runs up onto the pavement.

INSIDE THE VAN we see the band pick themselves up after the impact and leave the van to inspect the damage.


(hands on head)

Oh, great!


Outside, we can see the damage better – the slide door is dented and marked with grey paint from the bus, which has pulled over to the side of the road out of the way. The driver’s side window is broken and Sarah dabs at a few small cuts on Steven’s left arm from the glass. Steam hisses up from the tires, and black rubber marks stretch across the road from the scene of the accident.


This could be costly..



Brilliant, we’ve been here

30 seconds and boom!




Well, we’re all ok, and the

van’s not that bad.




Yeah, it should still run no





(kicks the van)



We pull back from the crash scene a little and pick up Voodoo’s van as it drives past. Jeffries and Bill lean out the windows to take a look at the smash.


How’d it look?




They’re all ok, but the van’s

a bit beaten up.




That’ll come out of their

winnings for this city, I think.




Well, that’s something I guess!




Are we going to go for that

bonus challenge then?




Absolutely, I say we head over

to the hotel and see what we

need to do.



Good job we missed all that

traffic too.



Yeah, it’s be a pain to get

stuck in that lot..


CUT TO: Underdog, still stuck in the same jam. The two angry drivers are half out of their cars now, sounding their car horns at each other as they rant.

Inside the Underdog van, Ian is getting more impatient.


Parp them!








Parp them, go on! They need

a parping!



I’m not giving anybody a bloody

parping, you little eejit, get

back in your box.



I’ll do it then..


Ian reaches across and sounds the horn a few times. Alex swats him back out of the way.


And how is that going to help?




It might!


Another horn beeps nearby. Ian laughs and Alex sighs. Then they realise that the horn beeping nearby is actually playing a tune, beeping in a little rhythm. Alex and Ian exchange looks, then nod their heads for a few seconds as they try to match the rhythm, then they join in, beeping along. Soon other cars have joined in, and in a matter of moments the cars all around the two angry drivers are playing a tune at them, people drumming on their cars to add a beat. The drivers slowly realise what is going on, and both begin to laugh. Soon, they get back into their cars, manoeuvre round each other and head off. Alex looks across at Ian who is grinning smugly in his seat.


Okay, so maybe sometimes that



With Haiku: The girls are driving along, with Jesse reading the info pack out to the others.


So our club this time is

called "Pussycats" and is

apparently the top goth and

alternative place in the area!




Sweet. We may even meet a few

friends there!




I think we need some happy





Happy music?




Yeah, something to keep

us in good spirits.




(reaches forward with a tape)





What’s this?





Happy music.


Emily puts the tape in. After a few seconds, "Better The Devil You Know" by Kylie kicks in, and when the girls realise what it is they all burst out laughing.

CUT TO: Wavelength, stranded by their van as Steven and John change one tyre. The bus is gone now, and Sarah chain smokes as she sits inside the van, the slide door having been forced back and fixed up with gaffa tape to hold it in place for the moment. Martyn sits down next to her. She is shaking a little, and she snuggles up to Martyn as he throws a reassuring arm round her.


You okay?



Ask me again when I’ve

finished this pack of





We’re all ok. Steven’s arm is

fine, just a few cuts. The only

things dented are our pride and

the side of the van.




It was just a shock for a second,

you know? Like at any moment, all

this could be taken away from us

and there’d be nothing we could do.




I wouldn’t let it.


Sarah smiles and stays leaned against Martyn as Haiku’s van pulls up on the other side of the road, the Kylie tune from before still playing. The girls leap out of the van and come running over.


God! Are you guys all okay?



We’re fine, we got hit by a bus.




The police left a minute ago,

and the Waning Bros. people are

going to sort it out, apparently.




We may have to pay for the damage

to the truck though, we’re on our

way to a garage when the tyre’s








You girls head on, we’ll catch

up with you later.




You’re sure you’re alright?



Yeah. Thanks, girls, we

appreciate it.


Haiku head back for their van and drive away.

With Underdog: The boys pull up outside the hotel for this stop and get out of their van. Voodoo are already parked up, and Rob stays by their van as his band mates walk past before he calls out to them.


Hey, wait up a second.








I have a great idea..




(looks from Rob to the van and back)

I think I do too!




We can’t let Voodoo sneak out

and play more secret gigs in

this town too, can we?



It’d be nice to slow ‘em down..



So let’s do a little industrial

sabotage then!


Underdog exchange glances, then break out in grins and descend on Voodoo’s truck. Rob and Ian let down three of the tires while Simon and Alex lift the bonnet and steal a few sparkplugs from the engine.


I’ll move our van now so it

doesn’t look too suspicious.




(playing with sparkplug)

Righto, we’ll meet you in our





I think this calls for a group

evil cackle..


Underdog throw their heads back and laugh, Dr. Evil style, as one. As they laugh, Haiku pull up and park a few spaces away. The girls walk over into frame as Underdog continue to laugh.


Dare I ask?


The laughter stops abruptly.


We’re innocent.




100% not guilty of letting their

tires down.




And we most certainly did not

steal several important engine





Nice trick!




Yeah, I’m only sorry we didn’t

think of it first!


The band head inside.

CUT TO: Harlow in their room as the girls throw their bags and other luggage onto the beds. Alicia and Kate flop down onto their beds as Jesse picks up the phone.

Room service? We’ve had a

long day, and we’d like to

order an insane amount of

food and alcohol to make

ourselves feel better.


Jesse puts the phone down and turns to the other girls.

It’ll be here –


CAPTION: Black screen, white lettering – "In A Flash."

SMASH CUT TO: The girls, sprawled all over the room. The suitcases and bags are open and their contents are spread liberally all over the place. A tower of empty beer cans bottles and spirit bottles litters the floor. The girls are singing drunkenly to "I Should Be So Lucky" by Kylie.

Downstairs with Underdog, the boys are chilling out in the hotel lounge, drinking and smoking as they chat and laugh to each other. We close up on Ian as there is a timid cough to his left (O.S.) to get his attention. He turns.

IAN’S P.O.V. – We see two men, one dressed as a Klingon in full battle armour and one dressed as a Star Wars stormtrooper.

ON IAN as he yelps in surprise and falls backwards off his chair.


Oh, god, sorry, we didn’t mean

to startle you..


The stormtrooper tries to speak but all we hear is muffled mumbling from inside his helmet. The klingon slaps him to remind him that no-one can hear so the stormtrooper takes off the helmet to reveal an atypical geek underneath – glasses, messy hair, acne.


Yeah, we were going to ask,

are you one of the groups who

are doing that ‘Bands On The Run’




We most certainly are.







We’re on our way to MeCon 2002

and wondered if you guys would

like to come along?




There’s a couple of other live

bands there, but we’d love a

high profile band such as you

guys to play.




So what do you say?








Let’s do it! These people will

have money and they will buy

many, many things..




Will we need to dress up?




Should you want to get into the

spirit of things, we’ll lay on

any outfits you could need.




Outfits, eh?


Ian looks skyward and the camera looks up to follow his gaze.

DISSOLVE INTO: Underdog on stage in front of a crowd of assorted Star Trek junkies, Star Wars outfits and all manner of outfits and monster costumes. Underdog themselves are dressed in a variety of rubber gimp outfits.

SMASH CUT back to Ian sitting on the sofa in the hotel as Rob slaps him up the back of the head, disturbing his thoughts.


Not those sorts of outfits..




Right then, you pair let us

know where we need to head for

and what time to get there,

and we’ll do the rest.




Will do.


He scribbles down the necessary details on a sheet of paper and passes it to Alex. The klingon and stormtrooper then wave their goodbyes and head off.


Wasn’t he a little short to

be a stormtrooper?


With Voodoo as they are seen talking to the hotel’s manager. A smile and a handshake show the group cementing some kind of deal but we can’t hear them speaking to find out what.

With Martyn and Jim as they knock on the door of Haiku’s hotel room.


Just a (crash) minute! Ow,

shit, who left their guitar



Jim and Martyn exchange a glance. Jim starts giggling while Martyn shakes his head and prepares his smiley face for when the door is opened. Alicia opens the door with a big smile. She’s wearing a cutoff midriff-baring t-shirt and jeans cut into shorts, with her long blonde hair tied into long ponytails. Jim stops giggling and gawps as Martyn blushes and tries to talk.


We, er, well, I mean, I,

sort of, well, uh, if you,

ah, well, if not just you,

of course, because, like, er..




We’d all love to go explore the

city with you guys.


Martyn stops talking and looks confused. Alicia turns to Jim.


I speak Gibber. Give us ten

minutes to get ready then

we’ll meet you down in the

lobby, ok?


She closes the door. Jim prods the dumbstruck Martyn.


I tell you, that’s girl’s

got a chest like two small boys

fighting under a duvet..

The two head off.

Down in the lobby, Wavelength join a by now pretty boozed up Underdog in the seating area. The two bands are ready to go exploring, and are soon joined by Haiku who come trooping down the stairs like a posse of vampires on day release. However, as the three bands start to head outside, the hear an announcement.


And now, ladies and gentlemen,

for your entertainment in the

bar area we now present the

band Southern Voodoo, promoting

their show later tonight.


There is a ripple of applause off to the left of the screen, and the three bands heads turn to look. We pan left with them to see the entrance to the bar area, which is pretty full up.

CUT TO inside the bar area, looking from the centre of the room back over to the entrance as the three bands walk in.

CUT TO their view of the stage, as Voodoo take their places.


Good afternoon, ladies and

gentlemen, we are Southern

Voodoo and we’d like to

invite you all to come see

us again at the Trip Joint

this evening.


More applause, and Voodoo start with one of their slower, more mainstreamy numbers.

CUT TO the various shocked and angry faces of the other bands.






Do they never sleep?




Maybe they’re pod people.


Underdog exchange worried looks.



I think it’s time someone put

those pods in their place..




(also determined)

Yeah, back on the pea plant

with all their brothers.


Alex throws a confused look at Ian, then gives up with a shake of his head.


Sod ‘em, let’s go do some

flyering round the town.


The bands file out.

CUT TO: The three bands in a montage of wandering in and out of various bars round the city, putting up posters and flyers as they go.

With Underdog as they walk down one street, a little way ahead of the other two bands. Ian and Simon are giving out flyers to every pretty girl that walks past.


I’m getting a bit worried

about Matt now. I hope he’s





I’m sure he’ll catch us up.

He knows how to contact the

record company people, so

sooner or later he’ll turn up.






Our view of the boys is blocked as a truck drives past with a large billboard either side of it. The side facing us has a large photo of Matt, a worried look on his face, next to huge black lettering saying "Have you seen this man?"

With Wavelength and Haiku, chatting until Martyn and Emily’s pagers go off. They both head for the nearest payphone.


After you, it’ll just be the

bonus thingy, letting us know

how we go about winning it.





(she checks her pockets)

Crap, does anyone have a quarter?


Everyone searches their pockets but they all come up blank.


No way, we can’t all not have

any change..




I’ll handle this. Stand back.


Neil walks up to the phone booth, and after checking the street for anyone watching he reaches into his bag and pulls out a dictaphone and a hex wrench. With a trained hand he deftly unscrews and opens the front of the phone to reveal the internal speakers. Listening to his dictaphone for a second, he winds the tape inside on until he gets to the right place. Then he holds the dictaphone next to the speaker.


What number’s on the pager?




Uh, 555-1024.






Neil dials the number in. After a few moments he gets a recorded message telling him to insert coins. In response he plays the dictaphone, which blasts a shrill note down the speaker. Everyone else, who had crowded round to watch, jumps back and cover their ears in pain. There is a satisfied beep from the machine and it starts ringing. Neil quickly screws the cover back on and passes the handset to Emily.


(with a grin)

It’s for you.




You little star!


She gives him a peck on the cheek. Neil blushes and grins as he packs his kit away.


You, my young Jedi apprentice,

are one of the coolest people

on the planet right now.




Yoda has taught me well.




(into phone)

Hello? Yes, it’s Emily from Haiku.

How do we win the bonus op? Uh-huh..

right.. ok, thanks a lot.


She hangs up and turns to the others.


Piece of cake. All we need to

do is drink a bottle of the

Pittsburgh Steeler’s official

beer and we win the prize.




Which is?




We get to play a song to

the crowd at Sunday’s match.




Could work out nice, there’s

bound to be a big crowd for that.




Boy, it’s a good job we’re not

competing against each other or

anything, isn’t it..




I prefer to think of it as

"sharing the information."


We pan up a little to get a slight bird’s eye view of the three bands as Ian speaks.



This looks like a job for –


SMASH CUT TO: Later that evening, looking down on the bands from the same angle, but now they are all in evening clothes and in the middle of a packed club, bopping to Drowning Pool’s "Bodies" which plays.




Emily and Jim both fight their way through the crowds at the bar to end up stood next to each other, trying to get the bar staff’s attention.










So this is the part where

friendships are cast aside for

whoever can be first to grab a

bottle of the beer, right?




Actually, I was going to wait

till you got yours then challenge

you to a chugging contest.





You’re on.


CU on two bottles of beer as they are slammed down onto the counter one after the other. Jim and Emily take them up and face off. The club’s music fades out and is replaced by the Imperial March music from Star Wars. We cross cut between Jim and Emily, throwing in random close ups of various parts of their faces – eyes, noses, mouths.


You ready?




Bring it on, limey.




Hit it.


The music switches to "Wish" by NIN as the two start to chug. A crowd has gathered round them, and the boys cheer Jim as the girls chant for Emily. Both are going for it, stray lines of beer running down their necks as they near the end of their bottles. Both finish at the same moment. In slow motion they turn to the bar, their bottles raised in the air to slam down onto the counter, but they only get halfway before a third hand slams an empty bottle down onto the counter. Emily and Jim both turn, with shocked looks, to see that Bill has drained his bottle and beaten them both. The Imperial March music starts up again.


We have a winner!


The crowd cheer as Bill shakes hands and waves to the crowd. Emily and Jim both slap their heads Homer style and walk away, muttering to themselves. We watch them rejoin the others.










Lost we did.




Beaten and defeated.




By Bill, the flid.




Never mind, there’s still plenty

of places we can try yet.




Yeah, let’s leave them lot here

and get moving.




I wonder how they’ll get on

with the prize?


DISSOLVE TO: The next morning, in Voodoo’s hotel room. All the boys are asleep when the phone rings. A bleary Mike fumbles around, knocking over lamps and things until he gets a hand to the receiver.






This is your early morning call,

gentlemen. The taxi will be here

to take you to the stadium in

ten minutes.




Yeah, thanks..


Mike puts the receiver back down. The rest of Voodoo are gradually coming round, muttering and swearing about how early it is.

CUT TO: The Voodoo boys assembled outside the hotel foyer, coats wrapped tight against the chilly morning breeze. They are all carrying parts of their equipment – drum cases and guitar bags. A taxi pulls up and the band get in. As it drives away, we pan up the face of the hotel until we see Ian peering out of Underdog’s room’s window.

CUT TO: Inside the room over Ian’s shoulder as he watches the taxi drive away.


Boy, am I glad I’m not up

this early in the morning.



ROB (O.S.)

Close the curtains!


A beer can is thrown which hits Ian on the side of the head. As he falls, his outstretched arm pulls the curtains closed again.

ROB (O.S.)



CUT TO: Voodoo as their taxi drives away and they are left standing by a jetty leading out onto the Three Rivers, Pittsburgh’s own body of slightly stinky water and the home of the Steeler’s football stadium, which can be seen dimly through the slight fog in the b.g. A boat is waiting for the boys, and its captain, COOPER, wanders over to say hello.


Mornin’ boys, ‘spose by now you

know the deal.




Yup, we do.




When does the game start?




(checks his watch)

In about half an hour. You see

those fans packing the walkways

going to the stadium? That’s

your audience. You get to play

your stuff to ‘em while they

wait. That’s as good as playing

at the stadium itself. Here, let

me help you get your gear set up.


As Cooper grabs two drum cases and heads towards the waiting boat, Rich mutters under his breath while Bill just curses quietly.


This is stupid.




Too right, these people are all

going to be in bed by 7, never

mind coming back out to see us





Don’t worry, I have a plan.


Off Lawrence’s sneaky expression, we:

CUT TO: The boat is now in motion, heading out across the river as Cooper whistles cheerfully to himself. Voodoo are all set up at their places, guitars, drums and mics ready to go. As they near the stadium, Cooper grabs the loudspeaker mic to announce their presence to the fans.


Good morning, Steelers boys and



We see the assembled crowd of queuing fans cheer in approval.



And now, as advertised, we are

proud to present the top rock

group Southern Voodoo, here to

blast away those early mornin’



Cooper puts the mic back as the band get ready to play.


You guys all set?




We sure are.

(he nods o.s. to someone)

Hit it.


The camera pans quickly to follow his gaze and we see Jeffries, who has set up a mic over the speaker of s portable CD player. He presses play and Voodoo’s CD starts to play, the band quickly picking up the pace and miming along with their own songs.


Are you sure this will work?




These people are too drunk to

do anything except cheer and

then throw up, they won’t

notice a thing.


Lawrence prepares to sing but is caught out a little as the vocals on the CD start a few seconds before he opens his mouth. From off screen there is a loud shout:

MAN (O.S.)

Hey! They’re just miming!



MAN #2 (O.S.)

Get ‘em!


Seconds later the boat is pelted by a barrage of beer cans, bottles, rocks, footballs, anything the fans can get their hands on. The band dive for cover as Cooper valiantly tries to steer the boat out of the path of danger. We cut to a shot further back, giving us a broadside view of the crowds lining the outside of the stadium as they attack the boat. Cooper turns the boat back towards the shore, but a football hits the engine which bursts into flames. Cooper looks back at the damage and then screams a warning to the band.

Make your peace with God,

boys, she’s goin’ down!


As we watch, the boat slowly sinks downwards out of view, the equipment floating away to cheers from the crowd. The band and Cooper disappear beneath the waves for a second. As we watch, bubbles rising from below, an inflatable dinghy floats past holding the unconscious form of Matt, who is wearing a Steelers t-shirt and one of those dual beer can hats. As he floats out of shot, Cooper and Voodoo swim back up to the surface, panting and gasping for air as they start to swim back to shore.


Well, I hope the others had as

bad a day as this!


A stray beer bottle bounces off Lawrence’s head before we:

CUT TO: A stage set up, close up on a mic stand. There is lots of background chatter which quietens down as the house lights dim a little. A banner in the background tells us we are at the MeCon 2002 sci-fi convention. Alex walks into shot, a pair of Vulcan ears on and dressed in a full 60s Star Trek blue science officer’s uniform. He clears his throat and speaks softly into the mic.


Welcome to the final frontier.


The camera pulls back quickly as Alex raises his arms to the cheers of the crowd, and the rest of Underdog kick into a heavy cover of the theme to Star Trek, which the crowd of sci-fi nuts go berserk for. The rest of the band are dressed up too – Ian in a bulky Cylon warrior’s armour, Si in a badly fitting Godzilla costume and Rob looking divine in his Xena Warrior Princess costume. He leans close to Alex for a word.


Do I have to wear this?




It was the only thing in your

size, now shut up and keep playing!


We watch the band play and dissolve into the same scene, only at the end of the set. The costumes are falling off and the band have obviously played a good show. Alex steps up to the mic one last time.


You should know this one.


Underdog kick into the theme from "Red Dwarf" and the crowd roar their approval. Alex goes to sing the first line but is hit in the face by a black bra thrown from the crowd. He looks into the crowd to locate the owner. We see a girl in full Klingon female warrior makeup and dress winking back at him. She grins to show a nasty looking set of teeth. Alex grins back and starts singing, the bra draped over his head.

CUT TO: The corridor outside the convention hall. A lonely janitor is pushing along a sweeping brush as the band’s music thunders from inside the hall, the voices of all the singing fans carrying along with it. The janitor shakes his head sadly and goes back to his sweeping.

DISSOLVE TO: An accelerated time shot of the hotel as the sun sets and night falls. Traffic gets thicker all around.

CUT TO: A slow-motion shot as the doors to the hotel open and Wavelength walk out, decked out Matrix-style in long jackets and dark clothes. We try not to notice Jim trip over something in the background and crash to the floor as his bandmates carry on towards us without looking back. They get to their van, load up their stuff and jump in. Martyn finds a letter inside the van which he opens.


What is it?




It’s the bill from the garage

for the repairs. The van needed

two new doors and lots of other

stuff.. (reads) shit!




Now what?


Martyn passes him the bill.






What happens now? I mean, who

pays for that?




There’s another note here from

Barrington. It says that sadly,

the rules of the tour are that

expenses like this are deducted

from our earnings so far.



No way! So now we’re over six

hundred dollars out of pocket?




‘Fraid so.




Let’s just go play and worry

about this later.




Good call.


Martyn starts up the van and drives away. As they drive off, we see the next van along is Haiku’s, and they climb into it and reverse out the parking area. This reveals Underdog, still half in costume from the convention as they hurry inside their van and back out. This shows us Voodoo, who are shouting and swearing at each other as their sabotaged van fails to start. We look from inside the Underdog van as they exchange a look, then burst into a group evil laugh.

DISSOLVE TO: Another accelerated time set of shots, showing us the four band’s venues filling up with punters and gradually livening up. We are in Wavelength’s club, the Natural Blues, when the lights go down and the band walk on to a cheer and round of applause. Sarah walks up to the mic.


Good evening, Pittsburgh!


The crowd cheer.


In honour of the name of our

wonderful venue tonight, we’re

going to start with one of our

slower numbers, so I hope you

like it. It’s called "Chasing

The Sunrise."


Wavelength start the song, a slow Snake River Conspiracy style tune which shows off Sarah’s deep and powerful vocals.

DISSOLVE TO: Haiku on stage at Pussycats, an alternative-friendly bar filled up with goths and freaks who are loving every second of it as we join Haiku halfway through one of their heavier numbers.

DISSOLVE TO: Underdog, playing in the Whitewash, whose décor seems to be inspired by the milk bars from A Clockwork Orange. In tribute, the boys are dressed in white tops and trousers, and each have dabbed on eye liner a la Malcolm McDowell in the movie. Their U2 style tune has filled their venue up pretty well.

DISSOLVE TO: Southern Voodoo’s venue, the Trip Joint. The place is full but there is no sign of the band, and the crowd are getting restless. Through the catcalls and stamped feet, a nervous looking young sound engineer walks onto the stage. He taps on the mic a few times and the crowd moan at the squeal of feedback this produces.


Uh, we’re sorry for the delay,

ladies and gentlemen, but we

are assured that Southern Voodoo

are on their way. They apologise

for the delay and will be here

as soon as they can.


A shot of Underdog laughing evilly in their van, then back to the club.



Uh, thank you.


He walks off the stage, but we stay on the scene and the computer graphic bars to show each band’s earnings fade onto the screen. Haiku have made $381 from tickets and $271 from merch for a total of $652. Voodoo made $312 from tickets and $266 from merch to total $578, while Underdog made $376 from tickets and $660 from merch thanks to the convention, totalling $1036. Wavelength made $401 on tickets and $250 on merch for $651, but the repair bill for their van leaves them with just $51.

CUT TO: The post-gig debriefing, upstairs at the Whitewash bar. All the bands look tired but happy. And drunk. Madeline reads out the tour totals so far.


Okay then, Haiku are still

our leaders with $2536, but

not far behind are Underdog

with $2220, and right behind

them are Voodoo on $2163. Sadly,

Wavelength’s loss from their repair

bill leaves them trailing on $1385.

That’s all for now, bands on

the run dismissed.


Wavelength are visibly depressed. Haiku and Underdog try to comfort them. Martyn in particular is looking very miserable, and Alicia leads him outside for a quiet word.

CUT TO: Outside the Whitewash. Voodoo are getting into their truck and heading off, but Martyn and Alicia pay them no attention as the band drives away. Martyn sits against the front wall, swigging a Bud, as Alicia rubs his arms and tries to comfort him.


Look, it’s just cash. We have

one more city to do and there

is still plenty of time to make

more cash. Please don’t stress,

I hate seeing you get upset!



It’s just a bit of a pisser,

you know? It wasn’t exactly our

fault we got into that smash!




You’re all still okay so that’s

what matters, right?




Yeah.. it’s just bad timing. I

think we’d still be last even if

we had all the cash, though. Just

by a little under two hundred

dollars instead of nearly eight.




(hugs him)

Still loads of time. You’re a

great band, you’ll do fine.




You know, as one of our main

rivals, you should be happy

to be in the lead.




Oh, I am, trust me.


They laugh – it’s broken the tension. Martyn visibly relaxes. Alicia is still hugging him. She sighs contentedly.


You know, I may need my body

back at some point..




Not allowed, you’re too warm

and huggable.




Well, I like to think so.


Alicia looks up at him. Their eyes meet and suddenly the atmosphere is charged again – the obvious mutual attraction is stepping up a notch. Alicia leans in a little closer for a kiss.. but is disturbed by the rest of Underdog, Wavelength and Haiku pouring out the front of the bar in a bustle of laughter and noise. Martyn and Alicia sharer a grin then rejoin their buddies.

CUT TO: To the backing of "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel we watch the three groups walking down the street, passing by several bars and clubs, the crowds spilling out onto the pavement. We arrive at the parked vans of Haiku and Underdog, and they head off as Wavelength carry on walking. They reach their van as the music fades out. As Martyn fumbles for the keys, a couple of rockers walk past and recognise them.


Hey, it’s that Wavelength band!








Evenin’, we’re just off home

as it happens.




There’s lots of traffic out

there tonight, seeing as the

Steelers won this morning.




Go Steelers!


He does a little victory dance. Some people walking past laugh and join in as his friend carries on talking.


Where are you guys headed?



Our hotel, out on Salisbury Street.




Aah, you’ll never get there this

time of night on a game night.

Listen, if you want to give me a

lift I’ll show you a great short




What’s in it for you?




A ride home! I live just round the

corner from the hotel!




Sounds good. Hop in.





(to his friend)

See you later, Jay.




Yeah, later, Bob.


The rocker climbs into the van. Steven slides the door shut and the van pulls out and drives away. We watch from inside the van as the rocker, sat in the passenger seat, tries to direct the band.


Now, take a left here.. yeah,

then bear right.. uh huh, follow

this route.




Are you sure about this? We’re

getting further away from the

city at the moment..




Naw, man, trust me, this is the

quickest shortcut in the world.


External shot as the van screeches to a halt. We are in a run down old industrial style area, with a few bums scattered around open fires. A makeshift roadblock of tires, sheets of metal and burned out cars lies ahead. There are several gang members standing around, bathed in the glare from the van’s headlights. Inside the van, Martyn and the rocker slowly turn to face each other.


Okay, so we may be a little bit

off the beaten track here..


Martyn looks back out front. Suddenly, the Biohazard track from the "Judgement Night" soundtrack kicks in as three gang members drop down out of nowhere in front of the van, swirling knives and nunchucks around. Martyn and the others scream in terror.

CLOSE UP of Martyn’s foot as it stamps on the accelerator pedal.

EXTERNAL shot as the van screeches forward, scattering the gang members as the van powers straight towards the roadblock.


Dude, turn around! We’ll be





No time! Hang on!!


We watch the van blast through the roadblock and thankfully barrel straight out onto the main freeway again. A few cars sound their horns as they swerve out of the way before Martyn gets the van under control again. Inside the van, everyone slowly calms down. We pan across to see the rocker gradually getting his breath back. He turns to Martyn and gives his a comradely slap on the arm.


Nice driving, dude! Now, I know

where we are now, so all we need

to do is –


We see Martyn turn and glare at him, then an external shot of the van as the doors slide open and the rocker is thrown out with a yelp. The door closes and the van carries on o.s. As we watch, the rocker picks himself up, looks around, then shrugs, lights up and walks off.


Underdog’s van blasts into shot to the tune of Blink 182’s "All The Small Things" as the hard drinking rockers roll into town. We ride inside their van as Alex ceremoniously prepares to open the final instruction and info pack. The rest of the band drum on the van walls and seats as he opens it.


Ladies, I’d like to tell

you that..


We’ll be playing a frat house

party tonight!


A cheer.


That means girls!




And beer!




Girls and beer!


Another cheer.


The address is here, we

just drive to it, play and

pick up the cash.




Child’s play.


Alex’s mobile phone starts to ring. He answers.




Split screen, Martyn is on the other end of the line. He is in Wavelength’s van with John driving.






‘Ello matey. What’s up?



A plan so cunning you could

put a tail on it and call it

a weasel, my hard rocking amigo!




I like those sorts of plans best.



We’ll tell you where our frat

party is if you tell us about

yours. Then we both play both.




So we both get double the cash?




You bet, I checked the idea

with Barrington, he said it

showed good initiative so if

we do both we get paid for both.




Bonus! What about Haiku?




I can’t reach them yet, if I

get them in on it we can do

all three!




And Voodoo?



Screw ‘em!


The two guys laugh.


It’s a plan. There’s a bar in

town marked as a meeting point

for tomorrow, called Denny’s.

See you there in one hour!




Roger roger.


Alex hangs up and turns to the others.


Double or nothing?




You’re on.


Cut to the bar one hour later, with Underdog and Wavelength sat round a long table.


My man Neil here had another

idea. Go ahead.




Well, Voodoo have this great

habit of sneaking out the

hotel each morning and making

a shitload more money than us.

I say we follow them one day

and try to stop ‘em!



I like it.




Still nothing from Haiku?




I spoke to Emily, she says

the girls are all worn out and

are just going to do their

one gig and go to bed, else

they’ll be too worn out for the

battle of the bands next week.




We on the other hand are






Fear no beer!




Now all we need is to find

Matt and the gang’s all here..


Cut to the inside of an alien spacecraft. The camera pans across shelves of what look like human body parts and wicked looking medical instruments, before we come across Matt, clad only in a pair of Mr Happy boxer shorts, being dragged into a plain room by two shadowy figures. We stay with Matt as the two aliens throw him rudely into the middle of the room. The door slides shut, sealing Matt inside a completely seamless and smooth room. He bangs on the walls a few times, then tries to wrap his arms round himself to shut out the cold. Moments later, what appears to be a bed rises silently from the floor, catching Matt unawares so he ends up sprawled on top of it. The door opens and in walks a dazzlingly attractive alien female. She speaks as Matt gazes in wonder.


Good afternoon. We will begin

the cross species breeding

experiment now. Please remove

your clothes.


Looking from the other side of the doorway, the alien woman slips off her silver jumpsuit to reveal a perfectly sculpted body underneath. As Matt gapes in shock, then gradually with a happy grin, the door slides shut again.

Cut to the evening, and the camera pans down from the stars to look at a frat house on campus grounds. Students of all shapes and sizes mill around, most heading for the frat house.

Moving inside with them, a Papa Roach track is blaring out from a stereo somewhere as students pack the house, drinking and chatting. At the far end of the largest room is a small soundstage set up, and Wavelength are tuning up ready for their set. Alex walks over from a small group of girls to talk to Martyn.


You seem to have made a few

new friends..




They’re offering to take us

out round the town later. I

did some maths and there’s one

for each of us, seeing as your

two lovers are with each other..


Martyn looks across at Sarah and Steven, laughing as Steven tunes up his guitar.


I’d love to, but I’m meeting

Alicia after this is done.








Hey, just a post gig drink.



Right. And the fact that she’s

hotter than a demon’s jockstrap

has nothing to do with this..








Right, right. We’re ready when you

are. Five songs each, jawohl?




Hai. See you in a bit.


Alex walks back over to the girls, who have been joined by an eager looking Ian, Si and Rob, while Martyn taps the mic to get the crowds attention.


Evening all. We’re not good

on long intros so we’ll make

do with a 1,2,3,4..


Wavelength start their song. We fade from them to Voodoo, who seem to be just finishing their set.


Thank you, thank you. We’re

sorry that Haiku couldn’t make

it tonight, but we’re glad you

guys let us play at such short

notice! And for the record, you

were a better crowd than the other

frat house we played..


A drunken cheer from the crowd.


Well, we gotta split. Later!


Cut to outside as Haiku’s van pulls up in a screech of tires. Emily leaps out followed by the others. She is fuming with rage.


Those double crossing..



Em, don’t kill anyone!



Nobody human, anyway!


We follow the rampaging Emily as she stomps into the frat house and confronts Lawrence as the rest of Voodoo pack up.


That was you, wasn’t it? That

bogus bonus opportunity call?

That made us late for this gig?




I haven’t got a clue what you’re

talking about. This frat house

called us to say you were a no-show

so we swung by to help out.




Why I oughtta..


Emily goes to take a swing at Lawrence but is restrained in time by Jesse as the rest of Haiku catch up.


Easy! You want to watch her,

she’s got a right temper on her..




Alright, that’s it..


Jesse punches Lawrence flat on his ass. The frat crowd starts to chant ‘Fight! Fight!’ as Haiku launch themselves on Voodoo, trashing their equipment as the beleaguered guys try to fend the crazed girls off. From that, we fade back to Underdog and Wavelength’s frat party. Alex leaps into the arms of the crowd as the band play the closing note of their set. As the rest of the band chant ‘Surf! Surf!’ Alex is hoisted into the air and carried around the building by the jubilant students. Over this scene, the frat party cash totals show up: Wavelength and Underdog both made $200, Voodoo made $250 and Haiku made nothing.

Dissolve to a high speed film shot of the sun rising. Pan back to see we are watching the sun rise from a hotel room balcony. Normal speed film again as we see Martyn, in shades and shorts, basking in the sun’s rays. Pulling back more, we see the rest of Wavelength just waking up in their hotel room, sitting around and watching TV as they come round. Pull back more, out of their room and into the hotel corridor to the next door along. It opens and we peer into the darkness. It is Underdog’s room but they are all, as expected, sound asleep. Pulling back, out and along to the third room, Haiku’s, we find the girls in a similar state to Wavelength, but the girls sport bandages, plasters and a few minor cuts from their scuffle with Voodoo. Pulling back and out into the last room, we bump into Voodoo as they leave, carrying their stuff with them as they quietly file out of the hotel.

Back with Wavelength, Martyn is standing on the balcony looking out over the side of the city we can see when he spots Voodoo loading up their van down in the parking lot. He heads back inside.


They’re on the move.


As one, Wavelength spring into action, pulling on clothes, grabbing their bags and filing out of the door. They walk down the corridor to Underdog and Haiku’s rooms, knocking on each. A dishevelled Alex opens their door and blinks, bleary eyed, at Martyn.






The plan! Follow them? See

where they go and why they

always seem to play more and

make more cash?




Do the what with the what now?




Never mind. See you later.




(from inside room)

Alex, come back to bed..












Emily answers Haiku’s door. She and her band are dressed and ready. Cut to the two bands filing out of the lobby and into the parking lot. They all pile into Wavelength’s van as Neil calls someone on his phone.


Flashheart One to The Watcher,

come in, over.



JIM (through phone)

Watcher here, over. I got

them travelling east out

the city on route 38.

There’s a club on that road

called Definitive Blues, I’d

say that’s where they’re headed.




Confirm, Watcher, over.


Neil hangs up to see Jesse throwing him a confused look.


‘Flashheart One’?




It’s my plan, so I get to think

of the codenames!




Where is Jim, anyway?




Up where the air is clear.


Martyn switches on the radio and dials in to a local rock station. We hear the DJ.


So we have with us today a

very special guest, out there

in GHYU Radio’s own traffic

chopper, from the touring band

Wavelength and part of Waning

Bros.’ ‘Bands On The Run’

extravaganza, Jim Mayou! Jim,

can you hear me up there?


Cut to a traffic helicopter with GHYU branding on it flying low over the city. Looking inside, we see Jim sat in the back seat, with the pilot and the traffic announcer in the front. Jim is quite clearly loving every minute of it.


Yup, I’m here!


Back in the van, Emily throws Martyn a confused look.


How in the world did you

pull that one off?




GHYU is a subsidiary of Waning

Bros. records. I rang up and

said I was Barrington and sorted

the whole thing out. No sweat.




Jim’s up there with an eye in

the sky, keeping tabs on what

Voodoo are doing so we can head

‘em off!




Call him and get us to that club

before they do!






The van drives away. Cut to Voodoo, driving unsuspectingly through the traffic. The helicopter passes overhead, as we look out across the freeway Voodoo are on to one running parallel a distance away, where Wavelength and Haiku are making up ground on their rivals.

Cut to the outside of the Definitive Blues club as he Wavelength van screeches to a halt outside, dropping off Neil and Kate, who race inside as the van drives off.

CAPTION: A few minutes later..

Voodoo’s van drives up but there are "Bar Closed For The Day" signs in every window. Lawrence stops he van and gets out, banging on the door and windows a few times before shrugging, getting back into the van and driving off. Wavelength’s van reverses out onto the street as Neil and Kate run out the club and jump back in. The signs disappear from the windows. Inside the van, Neil is on the phone again.


Watcher, next target!




They’re going north on highway 9.

The only club that way is a rock

bar called Linebackers, you can

head them off by going down route

22! Go go go!


Back outside Definitive Blues as the van screeches off.

CAPTION: One busy day of sabotage later..

It is night and Voodoo’s van parks slowly up outside the hotel. The band get out, looking far from pleased.


Don’t ask me what was going

on today.. everywhere was

either closed, cancelled on

us or just plain not wanting

us to play!




God knows.


Lawrence looks over to Haiku’s van and his eyes narrow. He suspects them and the others.




Inside Underdog’s room, the three other bands clash their beers together triumphantly with a cheer.


I love it when a plan comes





So what now?




We play the Battle Of The Bands

on Monday night, so we have the

rest of the weekend to sell

our souls for more punters.



No gigs played will count

so they can’t stiff us again.








If my calculations are correct,

Haiku still lead, just. And you

guys are just in second. Bt we’re

still last.




But the winner of the battle

gets $2000 so it’s still open.

Merch sales count on the night

only so the winner of the battle

is likely to be the winner.




Best of luck, kids.




Best of luck.


They clink their glasses together again. Dissolve into the same scene but it is later on. Some band members are asleep, some unconscious. A few random groupies from the frat parties are in the room. Alicia is stood out on the balcony so Martyn sneaks out to see her.





Hello stranger.




How do you think its

going to go tomorrow?




I’d rather not think about

it right now. I have a

tendency to worry about things

before I actually need to.




We’re both a little guilty of

that, I think.


She shivers as a cold breeze blows over. He moves closer and wraps his jacket round her, but leaves his arm round her shoulders. She leans in against his body.


Like, right now, for example, I

could be worrying about how

getting cosy with a rival band

member could be compromising

my performance!




You can compromise me any

time you like..




Yeah, I know.


She smiles up at him then snuggles back against him. Martyn punches the air quickly out of her view then goes back to standing nonchalantly.


And anyway, if I miss out

on a nights sleep, it’s no

big deal. I can catch up when

we get back home.




Why are you so sure of missing

a night’s sleep then?




Take me somewhere and show me.

Or maybe I’ll show you..


With a mischievous grin she walks back inside. Martyn takes a deep breath. And another, steadying himself on the balcony railing. Then he shakes his head, rotates his neck to a series of cracks, slaps himself across the face a few times, jumps up and down and then turns and follows Alicia back into the room.


(from inside the room Martyn and Alicia just went back into)

And where do you two

think you’re going?




Cross-band relations.



DISSOLVE TO the next morning, we’re outside the hotel as the three bands leave, dressed in more summery kinds of clothes to go with the sunshine and clear blue sky. They split up into two groups. Underdog and Wavelength are in one, Haiku in the other.



So! Plan for today is?




We hit the beach to relax

and recharge, ready to burn

out again on Monday night.




Girls go shop. Buy pretty things.

Come back, dress up, kick ass.



At least she’s honest.




That’s one word for it..




To the beach!


The two groups split up and head off screen.

CUT TO: Black screen, caption in white – MEANWHILE..

CUT TO: The outside of a trendy café on the main street. Yup, it’s Voodoo again, playing an acoustic gig to a small set of fans. They finish a song and Lawrence speaks to the crowd.


Now, you’ll be glad to hear

that was all for free. What

you may also be glad to hear

is that we’re playing in the

big battle of the bands show

this Monday night at the

Coliseum, so we’d like to ask

you all for your support and

to make sure you’ll be there!


People crowd forward to buys CDs and other merchandise as the band start to pack up.

CUT TO: Underdog and Wavelength chilling out on the beach. Sarah sunbathes while the boys variously drink beer or play a game of beach volley. It soon becomes clear that both sides are absolutely crap at beach volley, but try their best anyways. Jim is absent from the scene. Martyn cranes his head round to the van, parked just at the entrance to the beach. We see Jim sat inside, hidden in the shade.

Dude, are you coming out

here or what?



Naah, I think I’ll burn too

easily. Plus I don’t think I

have any sun cream.




He’s been acting weird ever since

that girl bit him back in Chicago.




Maybe he’s allergic?




He may have rabies.





Maybe he’s a vampire!!


Beat. Then the guys shake their heads and say "naah"..

CUT TO: Haiku out shopping. The girls are browsing round various goth stores, looking for extravagant outfits to dazzle the crowds on Monday night. Kate looks up and notices something outside the shop. She motions to Jesse and points outside.

JESSE’S P.O.V. We see Voodoo’s van has just pulled up across the street. Kate and Jesse look back at each other, then grin and disappear outside the shop.

Outside the store, we see the two girls leave and scurry across the road, hiding at the back of the van. Peering round the side, the rest of Voodoo climb out of the van, stretch their legs and head over to a burger bar two shops along. They slide the van doors back shut again and walk off. Once they are gone, Jesse and Kate sneak over to the doors. Jesse pulls out a couple of her hairpins and gets to work on the locks while Kate keeps watch. In a few seconds, she’s picked the lock and they slide the door open and hop inside, closing the door behind them.

Inside the van, they head for the equipment cases stacked up at the back. Opening them to reveal the guitars and drums, Kate looks at Jesse to get their next move.


Operation Detuner, my black

eyelinered compadre!


Jesse starts to remove the strings from the guitar she is holding. Kate cottons on and starts to remove the skin from the drum she is holding.

CAPTION: Black screen, white letters – A FEW MINUTES LATER

We see Voodoo heading back to their van with bags of fast food. Rich unlocks the door to the van and the boys jump inside. The van starts and drives away, and as it leaves we pull back to stand behind the shoulders of Kate and Jesse as they watch Voodoo leave. They are standing on the kerb behind a lamppost. Jesse holds a bundle of guitar strings in her hands, Kate has lots of drum skins. With a grin, they throw the items into a bin and walk back into the shop with the other girls.

CUT TO Back on the beach with Underdog and Wavelength. They’re all sat just drinking and talking now. Alex’s phone rings and he gets up to answer it.


Hello? Yes, this is Alex.

Uh-huh.. right! Ok then,

see you later!


He hangs up and sits back down.


Who was it?



You know that guy we met at

the tattoo parlour?


Close up on Rob. The screen shimmers as we go into a flashback. Rob walks into a tattoo parlour followed by the others. They laugh and chat to the owner. A shimmer to change scene has Rob sat in the chair, tapping his fingers as he waits for the tattooist to show up. The guy walks in, a big, hulking rocker woman, heavily tattooed. She is clearly very drunk but grabs the needle anyway. Close up on Rob’s shocked face, then on the needle as it whirrs into life and heads towards Rob’s skin. It touches then the flashback ends. Rob shudders and rubs his arm. Clearly something went on but we don’t know what.


I have a vague recollection..



Well, anyway, they’ve said

they’re having a house party

tonight and would we like to

go along and play?



Sounds okay to me.




Yeah, good one. We’ll be getting

some rest tonight, I think. I

heard Alicia say that Haiku

have a gig so we’re gonna go

show our support for them.




(checks watch)

Well, with the time rapidly

approaching 5pm we should be

making our move back to base.




Yeah, we’d best be heading

back too, Mart.



Agreed. See you in a bit,



They pack up and head back to their vans. As they leave the shot, we can make out something in the water heading towards the beach. Moving in closer, it turns out to be Matt, who is slowly being washed ashore. As we stand over him, he finally comes to a halt on the beach. The next wave of surf to come along wakes him up, and he thrashes about for a few seconds before realising where he is. As he looks around, he sees Underdog’s bus drive away from the beach. With a sigh of relief, Matt picks himself up and walks back towards the road.

CUT TO: That evening, as we look at the outside of a packed club in the middle of the town. Wavelength’s van is parked outside. Inside, we see the crowd gathering before the empty stage. The place is pretty full and bustling with noise. Walking through the crowd to the entrance to backstage, we pass a burly security guard and then go in. Backstage, their small dressing room holds Martyn, Sarah and Jim along with Kate and Alicia. Emily and Jesse are nowhere to be seen. Alicia paces up and down frantically.

Where the hell are they?

They should’ve been here to

soundcheck an hour ago!



Calm down, it’ll be okay. I’m

sure they’re just stuck in

traffic or something.


CUT TO the inside of a big department store, where Emily and Jesse are still shopping to drop. Each has a huge bag of goodies and are busy scouring the racks for more.

CUT TO the backstage room again. Alicia looks at her watch and starts to panic again. The club’s manager then pokes his head into the room.


Haiku? You’re on in ten

minutes, we’re packed out

there tonight!




Er, well, thing is..





That’ll be fine, thanks.


The manager leaves and shuts the door again.


It’s not fine at all!




Listen, we’ve been on this tour with

you long enough to know your songs.

You need a singer and a bass player,









So we’ll fill in. What songs

were you going to do?




‘Bless Me,’ ‘Involved,’

‘Be Still’ and ‘Limerick.’




I don’t know ‘Involved’ but

I can do the other three. Can

we play ‘Resistance’ instead?




No problem.




Right then!




Sarah, as ever you are our





Well, you’ve got to know

these things when you’re

a king! Er, queen.




Are you sure you can do this?




Wouldn’t have said it if I




Kate, you need a second guitar

in there too?




It’d help..



Right! Let’s get to it then.


CUT TO the front of house. The stage lights dim and the crowd cheer as the five rockers walk out onto the stage. Sarah takes to the microphone.


Evening all!


Another roar of approval from the crowd. Martyn passes Sarah her bottle of wine as he switches his guitar on.


Now then, some of you may

have noticed that only half

of the actual Haiku is here

tonight. There’s been a bit of

a mix-up, sadly, so as good mates

of the band we’re helping out.

I just hope we’re as good as they

are! Anyway, here’s the first tune.


Alicia starts the drum intro and the band play. No problems, the Wavelength members know the songs well enough to play them as well as the full band.

DISSOLVE TO after the gig, the five sat round the bar winding down. The doors fly open as Emily and Jesse rush in.


Oh god! Oh god, we are so,

so, sorry..



The damn place we were in

didn’t have any clocks, and

we just got a bit..





It’s fine. These guys helped









We knew the songs, so to avoid

you guys losing the gig we just

helped Lis and Kate play the set.



Thank you. You saved our asses.




Not from me.. how could you both?
Every chance we get is precious

now, and you two spend the day

shopping?? What were you thinking?




(holds up an admittedly cool top)

We got pretty things..






Alicia gets up and stomps off backstage, followed by Kate after she throws a pleading look at Emily and Jesse. Martyn and Sarah exchange looks and deduce its maybe best if they’re not around.


We’d best be getting back, anyway..




Thanks.. Look, we’re not mad

at you for helping.



We didn’t want you to think we

were stepping on your toes or




Hell no, that’s one of the nicest

things anyone’s ever done for us!




We fucked up, and now we’d better

sort it out.




It’s ok. See you tomorrow.


The Wavelength guys and girl head out as Emily and Jesse take a moment to compose themselves, ready to get blasted by the angry Alicia.


Come on, time to face the music

and dance.


They head to the backstage area. As the door closes, the club is lit up by a flash of lightning, and a crack of thunder sounds overhead.

CUT TO: Underdog arriving at the house party. It is pouring down with rain. The house is a decent sized student digs, detached, in the middle of a well populated part of the town. The band run out of the van, jackets over their heads and instruments slung under their arms.

Inside, they shake themselves dry as the tattoo shop owner comes over to welcome them.


Glad you could make it! Come on

in, not many people are here yet

so you can set up while its still

nice and quiet.



Thanks, don’t mind if we do.


The band file into the main room. Last in is Rob, who sees the woman from his earlier flashback and shudders. Si notices and takes the bandmate to one side.


We’ve all been meaning to ask,

what happened at the parlour?

You came out looking paler than

Ian’s ass but haven’t said a word

about what went on in there.




(slowly, as though reliving a terrible tragedy)

It should have been simple.. a

quick job, not too complicated..

but when she came in drunk I knew..

I knew! All she had to do was..



What? What?




A Decepticon logo.




From Transformers?



That’s the one. All she had

to do was draw a poxy logo

on my arm. But someone must’ve

shown her the wrong page in her

book.. because she did this!


Dramatic swell of music as Rob lifts his shirt sleeve to show.. an Autobot logo! Si gasps in terror. Then holds it for a second. Then lets it go and peers at Rob’s arm.

So what is it?




What is it?? It’s a.. oh,

for god’s sake. It’s a damn

Autobot logo, ain’t it! Sworn

enemies of the Decepticons?


Simon shakes his head and still looks blank.

Were you even conscious for most

of the Eighties?


Simon goes to answer but Rob stops him.

You know what, never mind.


They join the others and start to set the drum kit up. Then they sit down and crack open a round of beers.


They’re still sat round. More empty beer cans in front of them. No-one’s shown up yet.


Still sitting round. Rob is asleep. Ian gets up and wanders into the kitchen while Alex and Si play cards. No-one’s shown up.


Surrounded by beer cans, Rob, Si and Alex are all slumped across the sofas. Ian holds a spoon and a banana and chatters to himself.


(holding up spoon)

The spoon is too big..

The spoon is too big!

(holds up banana)

I am a banana!


CUT TO: Rob throws the last of their bags into the bus. Ian and Si are already inside, Alex drives. The tattoo owner is pleading with them to stay.


Come on, guys, just a little bit




We’ve waited three hours!




You’ve drunk too much to drive.




I intend to crash into something

and get us towed back to the





I’m sorry. Look, please stay.




Sorry, we’re meant to be bands on

the run, not bands sitting on the

sofa getting pissed!



Although that does sound like a

great idea for a sitcom..



We’re going! Bye!


The van drives away. Badly, as Alex is clearly not quite fit to drive. The tattoo guy gives up and goes to head back inside when he hears a car horn toot from o.s. He turns to see that two coachloads of people have just turned up, including an entire cheerleader squad and one hundred tanked up students. As they pour into the house with a cheer. The tattoo guy looks wistfully after the departing Underdog.

DISSOLVE TO: The freeway later that evening. Wavelength are driving home and pass a pick up truck which is carrying the dented Underdog van behind it. Ian waves to them as they go past.

DISSOLVE TO: Morning outside the hotel, as the sun rises. Caption at foot of the screen – Monday morning. 11 hours to Battle of the Bands.

CUT TO: Haiku’s room. Emily, Jesse and Kate are up, watching TV, but Alicia sits stoically on the balcony outside, obviously still in a mood with them.

In Wavelength’s room, Sarah is in the bathroom washing and singing one of their tunes to herself. Her voice cracks a few times as she goes for a high note, and she stops and holds her head in her hands. Steven walks in and puts his arms round her.


What’s the matter, babes?




(a little croaky)

My voice is breaking, Steve. I

think doing that gig last night

with Haiku did it. I should have

rested for today.




(kisses her head reassuringly)

You’ll be fine. Just keep quiet

till later. We’ll be okay.


He hugs her again but Sarah still looks worried.

In Underdog’s room, the boys are quite clearly very, very tired, all asleep but not looking particularly healthy. Voodoo’s room is empty. The boys are out playing. Again.

CUT TO: Alicia and Emily sat out on the balcony. Alicia peers over into the car park as Voodoo’s van drives away.


Hmph. Looks like the boy wonders

are off again.




Stuff ‘em. We’re still gonna

win this. We’re leading,









Lis, I am really sorry about

last night, okay? Please let’s

just forget about it.




I just don’t think you see

how close we are here.




I know, we could win this, and

then it’d be like-




It’d be like every dream we ever

had coming true, I know. And I

do not want to come this close

and screw it up now.




Listen, sister, this is my band

and I’m not going to let it

down again.




Well then I hope you’re right.


CUT TO: Underdog’s room. The boys are up and about but all look like death.


Aah gan shite, mah fookin’









My uncle was from Newcastle,

taught me how to speak in





Aah, right..


There is a knock at the door. Alex gets up to answer it. It’s Matt, looking dishevelled but otherwise alive and well.


Is this.. our.. room?


He collapses into Alex’s arms. They carry him onto the bed. Fade to black as the band fuss round him.

Fade up on a close up of Matt, tucked up in the bed. Ian talks from off screen.


Matt.. Matt.. drink this,

man, it’ll help.


A can of beer is held in front of him and waggled from side to side enticingly. Matt groans and shifts away from it. The can is taken away, and replaced by a large joint, waggled again. Matt groans and shifts the other way, away from the smoke again. Finally, a small rubber duckie is held in front of him and squeezed once. The resulting squeak wakes Matt up and he sits up, bolt upright, in the bed.

What the?!




Calm down, it’s okay. You found

us! Where the hell have you been?






Matt opens his mouth as we enter a rapid montage of shots detailing what Matt’s been doing – the dancing in the bar, the magic show, the hotel fountain, the dogs, the rubbish truck, but stops at the alien woman.

CUT TO: The rest of Underdog, spellbound by Matt up to this point but who suddenly all burst out laughing. Undeterred, Matt continues, and we see him being washed up on the beach, hitching lifts and following posters advertising the battle of the bands to find the hotel in question. Exhausted, Matt falls back on the bed again.


Well, at least he’s back and

in one piece. Can you still



Matt taps a little riff weakly on the side of the bed.


Man, he’s still better than you,





Bite me.



Ladies and germs, we have our

drummer again! Now we’re



Matt starts to snore loudly.


That is, assuming he catches up

on enough sleep by tonight..


CUT TO: The Coliseum, the local big venue. Banners advertising the night are plastered around the entrance and the surrounding town, and people are already starting to mill around outside. The parking lot is only about a tenth full, but the crowd there seem enthusiastic enough, standing around outside their cars, drinking and playing stereos to warm themselves up. We look at the side entrance and see the four bands’ vans all lined up.

CUT TO inside the venue, backstage. As roadies and crew wander around in the b.g. carrying lighting rigs, amps, cables and other stage equipment, our four bands have assembled together by a waiting Barrington, Blackshaw and Madeline.

Well, you all made it. Well

done. This is the final test,

however, so you now have..

(checks watch)

just over three hours to get

psyched up and ready for the

battle of the bands.




As you may know, tonight’s winner

takes home $2000, and even given

the present standings that’s

enough to let any one of you

four bands win.




You can do some last minute

merch sales after the battle,

and any sales you’ve made the

past few days also count. The

current standings are Wavelength

still last with $1705, Underdog

third with $2610, Haiku second

with $2766 and Voodoo lead with



There is some muttering from Haiku about the results.



There’s plenty of time and space

here to practice and chill out

before tonight. The bands will go

on in ranking order, so Voodoo go

on last and Wavelength first. Any



Emily raises her hand.


Yes, Emily.




How did Voodoo catch us all up

so damn quick?




They’ve played thirteen shows

the past few days and sold

$400 worth of merch as a result.

The gigs were free but the other

cash all counts.




Right! We’re off to get some

food, see you lot later.


Barrington and his two aides walk away. Voodoo head off to their dressing room as the other three bands huddle round to talk.


Four hundred dollars??




Thirteen shows?




They’ll burn out.




We hope..




Never mind that now. Let’s go

relax back in our dressing rooms

for a bit and worry about playing






The bands split up and start to filter off backstage. Martyn hangs back to talk to Alicia. Soon it is just the two of them.








We haven’t had much chance to

talk since.. well, you know,

the other night, and I was just

wondering if..


With a sweet little smile, Alicia shushes him by placing one finger on his lips, then gives him a little kiss.


Relax. Yes, I’ll still go out

with you.




Right. Right, yes, er, great.




Even if we kick your ass.


She grins and Martyn grins back, throwing an arm round her as they begin to walk backstage.

Oh really? And what makes you

so damn sure?




Sheer talent.








And sex appeal.



Sex appeal! I could resist your

admittedly considerable charms

any time I want!




Really? So if I came over and

was all tired..


She makes a mock yawn and raises her arms, leaning in closer to Martyn and giving him a killer puppy dog eyes look. Martyn looks back for a second, then mutters ‘damn..’ under his breath and disappears into the Wavelength dressing room. Alicia smiles to herself then goes to the Haiku room.

CUT TO: Underdog, sat round discussing strategy. Each dressing room is big enough to hold seven or eight people. The bands’ cases of equipment have been stacked up inside, as well as personal effects brought in from the vans. Matt taps on things with a set of drumsticks, the others strum their guitars and tune them up. Alex sits on the tabletop and addresses his troops.


Right. Keep it simple. No over

the top stage theatrics. Just go

out there, play the best songs we

have and then sit back and wait

to see who wins.





No theatrics??




I don’t want to risk pissing the

crowd off, especially with Voodoo

on last. Agreed?


The band members nod.

CUT TO Wavelength’s room. Sarah is resting up at the back of the room, drinking a glass of water as Steven massages her feet. The other members tune their guitars up as Martyn speaks.

Plan. In homage to our heroes,

Nine Inch Nails, we’ll be

dressing up in their style to

play tonight.




You mean..




(holds up two boxes of flour)

The flour effect.


CUT TO Haiku’s room. The girls are still not happy with each other. Alicia sits and drums as though doing so is stopping her from shouting at her band mates. Kate quietly tune her guitar up.


Come on, this is getting daft

now, you can’t still be mad at

us both..




Can’t I?




Look, we’re no going to screw this

up tonight. You’re just tense

because this is the biggest gig of

the tour, don’t take it out on us.




You’re right, I just..

(more furious drumming)

I don’t want to mess up.




We’ll be fine.




Silent Bobette over there is right,

we’re going to be okay. Look, we

even have new clothes..


She holds up two of the tops she and Jesse bought. Alicia rolls her eyes but looks up. The tops are fantastic. She slowly starts to grin.


Maybe your shopping fiasco will

do us some good after all..


CUT TO Voodoo’s room. The boys seem confident. Lawrence swigs from a beer as the other members lounge about.


I am so, so tired..




Yeah, thirteen gigs in two days

may not be the best way to unwind!




But who’s leading now? We are.

Who’s on top form and going to

win? We are. So stop your

complaining already!




Would have been nice to have a

day off though..




Yeah, they have a great beach



Jeffries is clonked on the head by Lawrence’s beer can, thrown o.s.

CUT TO: The outside of the Coliseum. Accelerated time shot as the sun drops, the city lights come on and the car park gradually fills up. Soon a horde of punters are waiting outside, and the doors open to let the flood in.

CUT TO inside the Coliseum, over looking the stage. The house lights are up so we can see the punters, still in accelerated time, file in and start to fill the place up. The lights gradually dim as the place packs out.

Back in normal time, a spotlight falls on stage and Barrington walks on to a cheer from the crowd. A mic stand is waiting for him.


Thank you! And welcome to the

Bands On The Run grand final,

the Battle Of The Bands!


Another cheer, Survivor’s ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ plays over the PA.


On first are England’s finest, the

electric rock explosion that is

Wavelength. Next up are the most

balls to the wall bunch of booze

hound rockers to hit these shores,

Underdog! Third on the bill are all

girl goth rockers Haiku, and to close

the night . Now, the rules here

are simple. Each band plays a set. After

the show, grab one of the voting forms

from any of the attendants here, vote

for the band you liked best and stick

that in the ballot box. We’ll

announce the winners later this evening.

Till then, have a good night, and get

ready for Wavelength!


Barrington walks off stage to another cheer.

CUT TO Outside Wavelength’s dressing room. Laughter is heard from within, as well as what sounds like people rolling about and knocking into things. A stage hand with headset mic knocks on their door.

MARTYN (from inside)





Wavelength, you’re on.



Righto, we’re just putting the

finishing touches to our stage



More laughter. The stage hand stands back and waits. Moments later the door opens. Slow Mo as Wavelength stride out, plastered from head to foot in the flour. They are dressed mostly in blacks to accentuate the patches of grey and white powder. They walk o.s. to a cheer from the crowd.

CUT TO the stage as the band walk on to a cheer. Martyn huddles the band together for a final word.


Now, we probably won’t win this

now, so let’s just go all out

to impress.




Rock hard.




Rock heavy.




Rock animal.


They high five their hands together and take their positions on stage. Martyn picks up his guitar and walks to the mic. Sarah is on the other.

Good evening, Columbus! We are

Wavelength from England, and we

sound a little bit like this..


Martyn points to Jon who starts off a killer keyboard loop. Jim starts to drum with it, and a bar later both guitars and Neil’s bass crash in together, blasting out the heaviest song the band know. Sarah headbangs out front as the guys literally throw themselves against each other. The crowd are swept up by it all in moments and are moshing like they ought to by the time Sarah starts singing.

CUT TO the side of the stage, Alicia, Alex, Emily, Si and Ian watch.


They’re pretty good!



We’re all pretty good. Best of

luck, boys.


They all shake hands.

DISSOLVE TO Wavelength still on stage, now at the end of their set and looking physically exhausted, but still rocking as hard as they can. Jim gets to the last drum outro of the set as the rest of the band deliver a wave of feedback and noise, while Sarah shouts out thank yous to the crowd. Swept along by the moment, Martyn grabs a mic stand and races for Jon’s keyboards. Jon dives for cover as Martyn smashes the stand down, causing the keyboards to howl out some unearthly noises. Martyn hits them twice more and they fall silent, but by now Jim, Neil and Steven are in on the action, smashing their guitars together and then hurling them at the drumkit, which Jim upends with a mighty roar. Martyn punches the air victoriously as the crowd go wild, and the band stagger off the stage to cheers.

CUT TO the side of the stage as the band wearily head down the steps leading to the backstage area. Underdog and Haiku greet them enthusiastically. Alicia throws her arms round Marty, covering herself in flour. As Martyn releases her and opens the door to their dressing room, Lawrence walks over. The two rivals eye each other warily for a moment, then Lawrence offers his hand. Martyn shakes it.


Good set.








See you later.


Lawrence goes back to his room as the rest of Wavelength show up and pile into the dressing room, jubilant from their set. We can hear Barrington's voice o.s.


Well well well! Did I promise

you a good night or what? You

want more? Well next up are the

chosen sons of Satan himself,

the band that fear no beer, the

mighty Underdog!


Another cheer. Back at the steps, the band get ready to walk on. Dressed simply, they look a little nervous.


Ready boys?




Time to kick ass and chew





And we’re all out of gum.


They walk on to a roar of approval. The band take their places and start to play. They are subdued at first, as though the tension of the moment has gotten he better of them at last. Matt looks around at his bandmate with a worried look. The crowd are getting into their tunes but his bandmates don’t look their usual manic selves. Then Matt glances up into the balcony and sees the mysterious bearded biker who has been following them round. He nods once to Matt and then clicks his fingers. In the same instant, Underdog suddenly come back to life, starting to bounce around the stage and working the crowd up even more.

DISSOLVE TO Underdog’s last tune. Alex steps up to introduce it.


For years, we tried to come up

with a killer tune to end our

sets with. Then one day, we

tried putting Little Richard’s

‘Long Tall Sally’ on at 45 rpm.

It sounded like this..


He turns, counts the band in and then they launch into a frenetic high speed thrash version of ‘Long Tall Sally’ that lasts all of thirty seconds and finishes with a drum solo that sees Matt gradually smash his kit to pieces as the rest of the band wave to the crowd. Suddenly, a bright light shines on Matt from above. He looks up, one hand shielding his eyes, as do the rest of his bandmates. Just as suddenly, Matt appears to teleport away, disappearing from behind the drumkit. The audience think it’s part of the show and go crazy, cheering and clapping, but a confused looking Underdog wander off stage.

CUT TO the side of the stage as they walk down the stairs. Wavelength, cleaned up, and Haiku, dressed up, greet them.

You guys still rock like a

fat man on a see-saw!




Yeah, what he said.




That thing with Matt wasn’t actually

planned, you know..



Yeah, right, you old kidder..




And who was that mysterious

bearded biker up in the balcony?


The boys all look up to the sky in thought for a moment, until Emily barges past them.



Girls! To Action!


Haiku bounce up the stairs as Underdog retreat to the dressing room. They wait just in the wings as Barrington announces them.


And now, the girls who put the

‘woah!’ in ‘woman,’ the ladies

who put the ‘Grr!’ back into goth,

the unstoppable, the incredible..



Cheers as the girls take their places. Emily steps up to the mic.


This first song’s an old one, so

some of you may know it..


Kate plays the intro as Emily starts to sing Kylie’s ‘Confide In Me,’ softly at first but as the bass and drums join in gradually more shouty, until at the first chorus the girls kick in, all guns blazing. Again, the crowd go bonkers.

DISSOLVE TO the end of the set, playing their last song, a slower, more melodic number that ends with just drums and Emily singing. The crowd have already learned the words and are singing along, so Emily stops and beckons them to carry on as Alicia plays. After one refrain Jesse appears to Alicia’s side and lights both her drumsticks. Alicia plays on, gradually setting the whole kit on fire and then standing back and letting it burn as the crowd shout their approval. Haiku leave the stage as the flaming kit is extinguished by the stage hands.

CUT TO the girls walking off stage. Wavelength, Underdog and Voodoo are all waiting, though Voodoo aren’t saying a word.

Nicely done.




You had them eating out of

your hand by that last one.




That was the plan..




Kinda hot up there though..


They laugh. The three bands all pile into Underdog’s room as Voodoo climb the stairs. We can hear Barrington’s announcement.


Last up, the slickest bunch of

mo’fo’s in the business, the hard

working and hard playing boys of

Southern Voodoo!


More applause. Lawrence steps to the mic with a smile.


Fuck the other three bands,

are you lot ready to really



A cheer but also a few boos at that remark.


Let the voodoo healing commence.


Jeffries’ guitar intro starts the set. Voodoo play into a slower, 70s rock style groove for their first song, showing off their playing skills.

DISSOLVE TO the end of their set, and a frenetic duelling lead guitar battle between Mike and Jeffries that has the crowd clapping along to keep the time. The rest of the band stop playing as the two virtuosos play on, both finally coming to an end that has the crowd applauding warmly. The band wave and leave the stage. Barrington walks back on, clapping.


Those boys could rock a shit

out of a donkey! Now then, the

rest is up to you. Go vote for

your favourite act of the night

and we can see who wins. Thank

you all for coming and goodnight!


Barrington leaves. The crowd bustles and heads away from the stage. We see a montage of sots of various crowd members getting hold of the ballot sheets and marking which band they liked best. Each band gets an equal number of votes as we watch.

CUT TO the merch stands for each band, staffed by Coliseum workers and trying to cope with the huge demand for band t-shirts, CDs and other goodies. Martyn walks over to the Haiku stand and sees that Alicia is helping out with it. She bounds over to him, grinning from ear to ear.


What a buzz! I’m telling you,

I have no idea who’s got this.

The amount of stuff we’ve sold

just at this stand.. wow.



I came to get a CD.




One of ours?



Yeah, I realised I didn’t have one.




(picks up a box from under the table)

You’re in luck, this is the last

one in all the world. That’ll be

ten bucks, s’il vous plait.






He pays. She takes the note but keeps hold of his hand.


So you gonna meet me after all this

or what?



You know I will. We’ve got that

meeting out on the river to see

who won, then we’re free again.

If you’re still awake after we

finish, let’s go find someplace

quiet and-




And finish what we started.


They share a grin. Martyn heads back to the dressing room as another crowd of people show up for Alicia to serve.

DISSOLVE TO a riverboat, out cruising gently down the river near to the stadium. The Coliseum can be seen a little way off. On the boat, the four bands lounge around, chatting and drinking. Voodoo keep to themselves but Martyn and Alex have the occasional word with Lawrence and Rich. The bands fall quiet as Barrington, Blackshaw and Madeline walk out onto the deck.


May I just say well done to the

lot of you! That was the best

bloody gig I’ve seen for years.

Emotion, action, pyrotechnics,

massive repair bills – everything

a good concert should have. You

little bunch of stars have done me

proud every step of the way.




But I suppose you’d like to know

who won as well?




That’d be a start!




Yeah, bitch.




It’s okay Pete, I’ll handle this.




Handle! Bitch!




As you may have noticed, you

all sold a shite load of merch

after the gig, which all gets

added to your totals.




(nodding sagely)

Totals, bitch.




Shut up, bitch!


Si slaps Ian round the back of the head. Ian falls silent.



In fourth place, despite it

being a close run thing all

the way, are Southern Voodoo

with $3435.


Voodoo look shocked and angry at the news. The other bands grin smugly at one another.


Second and third placed is

a tie. One band was ahead by

a fraction until a receipt was

found for a late CD sale that

put the two bands level on £3356

each. Wavelength and Haiku, you

tie for second. Well done.


Whoops of joy from both bands, and Alicia looks over to Martyn as she realises his CD was the one that tipped them both level. She smiles at him as he nods back. A dawning realisation from Underdog that they’ve actually managed to win!


So guess what, Underdog?








You bloody won!



Won what?








Is this a wind up?




I do not lie. First place, winner

of the inaugural Bands On The

Run tour, with a grand total of

$5210, Underdog!


Everyone cheers, except for Voodoo. Rich at least claps for the winners. Underdog realise as one that they have won and go crazy, grabbing champagne bottles from the riverboat’s supply and spraying all and sundry with them. They begin to conga round the boat, joined by Wavelength and Haiku, when Barrington holds up his hands for silence.


But the big news is this. You’re

all going to be on television!


Another cheer, the conga lines resumes for a moment until the bands all stop dead as this news sinks in.

We’re going to what?


You’re all going to be on TV! I

had little miniature cameras

placed into every tour van, and

even some on your clothes and



As Barrington speaks, we see a series of close up shots of the cameras in the vans, then also on guitars and pieces of clothing.



While you lot have

been out there, we’ve recorded the

lot, and will be editing it down

and selling it to a major music



Silence. A sea of shocked faces look back at Barrington.


What’s in it for us?




If you promise not to sue me,

you’ll all get a cut of the money.


A few seconds of silence. Then, the bands all cheer as one and carry on with the conga line. Barrington joins in. The conga line splits up as the band members race about, getting more and more drunk. Martyn and Alicia finally get a moment together.


Looks like we’re all going

to be famous after all, then.




Certainly does. How are we

going to get that quiet

moment together now?




(looks overboard)

I have an idea..


Martyn looks quizzically at her, but as Alicia steps up and prepares to jump overboard, he suddenly realises and starts shaking his head. Too late, Alicia leaps and drags Martyn over with him. They both land in the water to a cheer from the riverboat.


Now what?




Swim for it! I hear they

have sharks in this river..






She laughs as Martyn swims for shore. She swims after him. Pull back on the riverboat as the two simmers head out of frame. The party on the riverboat is still in full swing as we look up to the stars. A moving star grabs our attention, so we focus in on it. The night sky glitters at us in all its glory.. until a glowing flying saucer buzzes into frame. We see a pod bay open on its belly and Matt floats serenely downwards onto the riverboat. The ship then blasts away at tremendous speed and as it leaves the frame, we CUT TO BLACK.

END CREDTS roll for a few moments, until a voice calls out.


Hey, wait a minute! Who was

that mysterious bearded biker

guy, anyway?


The credits roll to a halt and the music stops.

Black screen. Caption – THE STORY OF THE BOOZE.

CUT TO Ian, Si, Rob, Matt and Alex sat round, talking to the camera as though a documentary is being filmed about them.

It all started when we met

up with some old college friends

of mine and started a drinking

fest that lasted something like

three days?




Three days. We’d sleep, wake up,

eat then drink again.




So anyway, it turns out when we

got back to their flat that

these guys were like part time

occult practitioners or something

and had this whole summoning thing

set up.




They were talking about binding a

demon to do their bidding in this





So I bet them a beer they couldn’t.




Just the one?



Yeah. Kind of a stupid bet, I know..




So they start the ceremony, and there’s

all this flashing light and howling

wind, and suddenly FWAKAM! This ball

of energy appears and starts glowing

in the middle of the room.




They told us they’d need our help to

finish the ceremony, so we joined in.


Brief shot of Ian and Rob, linking hands with the other practitioners, wearing bras on their head, ‘Weird Science’ style.


Now I think about it, they were

probably just taking the piss..



Anyway, the ball of energy took

shape, and eventually formed

itself into.. him.








The Booze.




The what?



The Booze, the ancient patron spirit

of drinking and drinking-related








The Booze told us we’d freed him

from a dimension without alcohol

where he’d been banished to many

millennia ago, and for helping him

escape he’d look out for us for the

rest of our active drinking careers.




And then with that, he vanished.




This explains so much..



Yeah, like how the six pack in my

fridge never runs out.




Or how I managed to down those two

bottles of vodka at that party.



We asked what to do about him, and

he said that the only way to repay

the Booze was to sacrifice an

alcoholic of equal value.




So when we found out that Mike from

Southern Voodoo was an alcoholic..





You didn’t kill him, did you?




Course not!!




We tried, but he got away..




So what happens now then?




We’re stuck with The Booze.




But it may not be so bad..




Not so bad? We’ve got a demon of

beer as our mascot!


A second for the penny to drop, then Alex grins. So do the others.



As the remainder of credits roll, we watch the following scenes as the credits scroll either side of them.

Underdog are in the recording studio. They are generally too drunk to manage to play anything, as every time they go to the fridge in the studio it is miraculously full of beer again.

A small alien Matt drums away happily on a high-tech drumkit on board an alien spaceship as its mother, the alien woman from earlier, looks on.

Wavelength play a packed concert venue.

Then the voice from before shouts out again.


Hey! What was the bassline from

‘Jeremy’ story?


Back on Underdog sat in the room as before. The credits roll around the scene.


We were warming up for our first

ever gig, and one of the covers

was going to be Pearl Jam’s hit





Only in rehearsal, things didn’t go

according to plan..


DISSOLVE TO the band standing around inside a garage, rehearsing. They all look a few years younger. Rob is getting ready to play as Alex kneels down by a tape player. He presses play and ‘Jeremy’ starts to play for a few seconds, the bass intro. Then he stops it and stands.



Just like that, dude.






Rob tries to play the riff but gets it wrong. And again. And again. And once more, before the rest of the band burst out laughing.

Back on the interview.


The dumb bastard couldn’t play

one seven-note bass line!




But everyone else could..


CUT TO the rehearsal as we cut between Ian, Si, Alex and even Matt all playing the bass line intro perfectly. Then Rob tries again and still gets it wrong. More laughter.


Eventually we gave up but Rob

assured us he could play it

on the night. So the night of

the gig came around..


DISSOLVE TO the band on stage in a small club. The crowd cheers as they finish their song.


All he had to do was play the

bassline and we were home free.


Alex steps up to the mic.


And now, a cover some of you may



The spotlight falls on Rob. The entire crowd goes silent in anticipation. Rob cracks his fingers and gets ready to play. Then starts to play. He manages two notes, completely wrong, before we cut back to the interview room. All of Underdog except Rob are howling with laughter.


So that was the first and so far

only time we ever tried to play it





I can do it now though!


More laughter. Rob reaches o.s. and grabs a bass guitar.


Look! Look!


He starts to play. He still can’t do it, and his efforts only make Underdog laugh harder.

Back to black and the credits, then the next few scenes come up.

Haiku walk past a television shop as every screen shows the ‘Bands On The Run’ TV show as it debuts on cable TV, with a montage of scenes from the film edited together.

Finally, Voodoo are seen playing a gig, but as the camera pulls back we see the venue is largely empty. A poster advertises them as being ‘Stars Of Bands On The Run!"