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Today is: . STATUS:Straight Reppin Brown Pride all over Southern CAlifaz n what bitches? VIVA VILLA!
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The Struggle Continues... Zapata Style!

Party WooHoo
Party Players (323)960-5157

Our Cali Leaders: Gil Cedillo Nativo Lopez

Resting leaders: Bert Corona; power is not handed to you, you take it."


Would you like a site? email me.

Welcome to my web site:
This site is representing that Mexican pride, party scenes, and socioeconomic issues. It was NOT created to discriminate by excluding the rest, but since I'm Mexican I can better relate, understand and reach out to Mexicans and most other "Latinos" about our society struggles. Further more, to study the sources from where these issues generate from that affect most Mexicans/Central American in our US communities and home country affairs. Making our people aware of the people that take advantage of our status for their interest. I'm not saying nor guarantee that a Mexican-run society would be problem free. However it will be better then what it is now living under a white-run society. Like I hear a saying in Mexico "better the devil we know than the devil we don't know." For instance, Not all minorities suffer discrimination such as black, Mexican, and the rest of Latin Americans. Jews are a small minority, yet hold tremendous power in politics. They oppress anyone that doesn't think for their interest. They have manage to influence politics in their favor in US soil and their home Israel. One of their threats primarily in California is the young, and eager Mexican population that want to see more and more of their kind in political roles. Jews if not having succeed in bribing a Mexican through their wealthy and well organized tactics they can manage to easily manipulate the rest of society with the same elements against these non-wealthy, but radical fundamental Mexicanos. This is one important issue we aren't much aware because of no mass media involvement that Jews run.
Many of our own issues are due to government oppression that exist and existed decades, centuries ago that I believe still affect us psychologically now to a certain degree. However, in this new millennium, we have the labor and mass (southwest) power to change it, but is going to take our willingness to do so and a lot of effort. Therefore the purpose of this site is to improve our socioeconomic standing by promoting higher education and awareness, and give a sense of pride to the weak and easily manipulated Mexicanos that reject their culture. It's all about partying, meeting people, cruising, clubbing, and representing that Brown pride y que? pero as you'll see, I definitely promote education because its the key of success of any individual. Education, Education, Education, yes, yes, yes, you'll see this word everywhere on this site, but im pretty sure education has been promoted since way back, so what keep us behind? What are we looking for from this education? Yes, our people have advance somewhat, but what's the limit? What is the goal we need to reach as a people in general? I'll answer these questions to my belief in what we as a bronze people need to achieve in a such divided world. We need to fulfill our cabesas with more than just a partying lifestyle, and this goes to the youth that don't do anything for themselves, and waste their live in gangs. Mexican empowerment cannot be achieve with the awareness of one individual, everyone has to contribute somehow. I'll explain more about these contribution and strategy we need to follow in order to achieve what I believe would be best for our people. Whatever it is that you do or studying for, give it your best, and never forget who you are. Stay up!

The party numbers on the right should be currently active for parties in the LA area. Hit them up so we can party all f* night long, morning too f* it.
Any suggestions or an email of any express feeling please send to Or tag my new guest book: [View | Sign] & forum. MEXICANKAOZ.NET putting it down for the Brown! Representing with Respect. Alrato!

*Please feel free to write your thoughts* SCROLL DOWN FOR MESSAGE BOARD===>

The Southwest of the United States is one of the world’s most diverse regions. We meet different people from different nationalities, languages, and ideas. Having a diverse society is interesting since we can learn about different cultures from up-close. The bad aspect from this issue is that having diverse communities will always create racism, discrimination and prejudice no matter how much the government prohibits them. America promotes the rich diverse region it has-not because they are pleased-because America learned a lesson in the 60’s when black and brown movements erupted and demanded equality, and not until these two groups started to boycott American goods and services that corporation started to integrate them in society thus contribute to the good and services economy. Any politician, when speaking to diverse populations must have a diverse agenda and he/she would have to say what that particular group wants to hear in order to gain votes. I believe we still live in that same society that existed before the 60's the difference is the way it is shown on the surface. No one, especially white Americans since they were the oppressors, want to be label as racist or prejudice, therefore the majority of negative thoughts they and we have of one another will always be kept inside. Society has tried to make me a person with the capacity to tolerate diversity. However, its obvious that society tries to hard to make everyone equal and truly does not put their ideals into practice. Society has made me a radical Mexican human being that looks at the world from the past and present, and my primary goal its to pave a brighter future for everyone, primarily my people and demand what we deserve due to the way how society has aligned us on the side for many decades, and tried to deny us health care, driver license and education. Wasn't it enough the lands they stole from our forefather? Wasn’t the human rights and land grants Americans took away from Mexicans that were to be protected under the treaty, enough? Everyone wants self determination whether it is blacks, whites, Jews, natives, etc. Sometimes its seen and sometimes it isn’t shown. Why when I demand for my people’s interest I’m label as prejudice? Everyone does it the difference is that I’m not a hypocrite and I will say what I feel and what’s right. I will demand for my people because another fact is that we are very much under represented. If I wait for America to give and protect my rights, my future is doom. They will only look at me when it’s for their interest of labor work or fighting one of their stupid imperialist wars. Of course this is not my only cause; I also highly promote education in many fields upon my and all people in order to achieve that brighter future. Education is the key of success of any individual. I’m not stupid to believe that only by gaining power would assure a prosperous society without problems-sure its helps to have power-but that’s just part of the enlightenment, we also need to enlighten ourselves in many fields whether it is engineering, science, medicine, technology, etc. Problems would always evolve and we need our intellectuals in these fields that would have the knowledge to overcome them for the society to advance. Its up to us to not begin but keep on the movement that our Chicano generation initiated in the 60‘s. History would be rewritten, its human history, our future history and our Mexican destiny.

STOP THE IGNORANCE: A man without knowledge of his people is like a tree without a root. Cultural conciousness is needed to preserve our identity and history, and to prevent society to Americanize our minds for their interest, let it be the other way around. Lets gain resources for our interest as Mexicanos and Chicanos.
Sites that promote the understanding of our identity, and identify the oppressor: [] [Chicano History] [] [] []

THE JEW EFFECT well publishes this issue. Visit them for more information.
The political fight of Mexicans vs Jews in California.

Articles to read:
500 years of Mexican resistance!
The Mexican Intellectual Science and Treason
Monument to Mexican Immigrants Support this project!
The View From Los Angeles
Is Mexico reconquering U.S. southwest?.

"El Paso [elsewhere in the gringo nation] is still anti-Chicano. They're all trying to be Hispanics or 'Highpanics.' It's anti-Chicano because Chicano is a word of confrontation, it tells the system, we define ourselves. We're part of the Latino world BUT we define ourselves. Nobody else defines us, and this is a dangerous line to take because it means that we don't bow. I know they can kill me. I am vulnerable, but it doesn't matter. I am going to die anyway. But I have to say what I need to say. I have to do what I need to do."-Ricardo Sanchez

EDDIE ESTRELLA 24 La Puente. Check out some links; 1 2

Send in your pics!

Name: Fernando Age:18 City: Long Beach, CA mail:WESTSYDEPLAYA19

Name:Gladys Age:21 City:Paramount/Irvine, CA mail:xxGladys81xx

Despite our differences, I got nothing but love for this girl. She's very pretty with very nice curvas, phat azz =), and most importantly very strong intelligent woman. Check out her site

In time the act of denial becomes a self-denial:

I look at my self
and see part of me
who rejects my father and my mother
and dissolves into the melting pot
to evaporate in shame...

LEAVE ME SOME WORDS... if nothing else better to say rather than sur 13 or gang shit just dont leave anything. Don't contribute to the stereotype and don't show the world your ignorance! I understand the effect of oppression that leads to many negative things such as gangs. However, this site was to share words of change, not words of ongoing stupidity.

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Since June 2001