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How one person can make a difference:

Everyone is on Earth for a reason. But lately, it seems like in the news and in my own life, help is not being given as much as it could be. People sit all day watching television or eating hamburgers that they forget that a child is starving in another country. A child. An innocent, living person who has not even had a chance to know what life is. People go cold, hungry, abused, neglected, and in poverty while you and I are in our comfortable homes driving our comfortable cars talking with our comfortable friends. I would really like to say I give of all my time and money to helping others, but I can't. I am somewhat selfish, like all other humans. But I am inspired and I hope this can inspire someone else. Please, just donate a small amount of your income or a small amount of time to help someone. Even if it is just a nice word to someone who needs it, spread the love. Love is contagious. I hope you've caught it. E-mail me if you have any ideas or suggestions or Instant Message me on Aol Instant Messenger. My s/n is MeaganR424.
