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Do you like to share your scrapbooking hobby with others? Would you like to make money from your hobby? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you need to email me and get some information about the newest in direct sales scrapbook suppliers!

Leaving Prints is a ground floor opportunity that could be just right for YOU!

My name is Lawanda Kress, and I am Independent Instructor US#9 for Leaving Prints. We are a very fast growing company, and since we started our prelaunch in September, we have become 400 Instructors strong!

The prelaunch opportunity we are conducting will last until January 2nd, 2003. On that date, Leaving Prints will officially be launched.

At that time interested parties will be able to sign up as Instructors for a $75 sign-up cost and receive 30% discount on products, or Hobbyists at a $25 sign-up cost, and receive 15% discount on products.

Prelaunch is a very good deal, because during this limited time, you can sign up as an Instructor for just $25!

The time is right and the opportunity is perfect! Scrapbooking is the number one hobby in America! So if you are ready to make some money with this fun and important craft, then please email me at I will be happy to share more information on this excellent business venture.

Please check out the official Leaving Prints Website to see what products we have to offer!

Just another tidbit of information: I have started writing articles for BellaOnline again, this time for scrapbooking, of course! And if you click here or on the tips button to the left, it will take you to my Bella Site, where you can find tons of links, interesting articles, and numerous ideas for scrapbooking.

Please email me for more information regarding

Lawanda Kress
Scrappin' Mama

Leaving Prints Independent Instructor #US9


Most of the floral images through-out my pages came from: