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"Tina's Notebook" "Tina's Notebook"

<BGSOUND SRC="images/BridgeOverTroubledWater.mp3" LOOP=INFINITE>

Hey.. My name is Tina.. and welcome to my Notebook.
This is just my "little spot on the internet" that I come to when I need an escape of sorts. Or just when I need some time to let some emotion flow from me that may have been bottled up. Over the years I have created many pages at different stages in my life. I like to call it my "bridges" during my road of life. Some painful.. some happy. But yet they were times in my life that will forever be a part of me.

So many times things happen in our lives that we don't have all the answers to. And we don't know the outcome or the future so we just have to travel down our road and do the best we can.

At times our journey is painful and we are left with scars that will never heal. Those are the valley times when we can feel so small. Or we can be tossed out to sea.. being pushed back and forth with the force of the waves crashing against us. Other times we are on the mountain, loving life with all we have. No one said that life would be easy.. just that it would be worth it.

So how can we define "life"??

Maybe it's a path filled with bridges..
And we cross them one at a time..

Yea, I think "life" is like that...

"Bridges On Life's Highway"

We just have to take the lessons life offers us and keep on moving forward. Brighter days are ahead. As we grow each day we can become the kind of person we were meant to be. Then we can see what "life" and "love" are really about. And we can learn to appreciate it and value it as it was meant to be treasured.

"Life is a journey.. We take it a day at a time.. And we love.. And we learn... And we love more.."

Some songs speak for themselves and need no further words to be understood....

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