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~*~I am beautiful no matter what they say// words cant bring me down~*~

~ my starry eyed surprise ~

Wish I knew then//What I know now//You held all the cards//And sold me out//Baby shame on you, if you fool me once//Shame on me if you fool me twice//You've been a pretty hard case to crack//Should've known better but I didn't//And I can't go back//Oh life goes on//And it's only gonna make me strong

Well well well...I knew it was only a matter of time. There's nothing I like more than being harassed! *please note that I'm obviously joking* I knew it was coming. I might as well get rid of my diary if some people aren't going to be adults about their lifestyle and what they choose to do. I don't understand it really...I never talk about this person, ask the people I've been starting to hang around with lately and I've never even mentioned their name. I'm a better person than to harass and talk about someone that is supposed to be out of my life. It's pretty sad when the only joy you get is when you pester other people and put them down. I do my best and I've succeeded in not talking about this person, and I just can't see why they can't do the same. All I have to say about it is that they'll get what they deserve and it's not going to be through my doing because I trust that someone higher and with more power than me will take care of it in the end.
Auf Wiedersehen und ich liebe dich ~L i ta~