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In Loving Memory of my Beautiful Friend Linda Austin.
A loving tribute to Linda Austin-Mother, wife, sister, friend.
Gone but Never Forgotten.

Beloved Wife, Mother, Sister and friend


Best Friends 1995 Best friends August

My reception 1999
December 2001

Linda's vow renewal
2001 Photo

Mark, me and Linda
August 1999

My reception
I was so glad when Linda was
able to come to my reception
August, 1999.

- Linda Austin -
October 24, 1949 - August 28, 2003
In Loving Memory.

LInda's Little sunshine

Linda lost her battle with cancer on August 28, 2003 She never gave up hope for one milisecond. She had a faith in her Lord that could not be shaken, she always said that "the Lord will provide and she never, ever thought otherwise. Her faith in the Lord was something to be envied. Linda was my very best friend for over 23 years, we laughed and cried together many times.
She always Called me her "little buddy." Whenever we went to the mall we always did that Laverne and Shirley dance, the one where they wrapped their arms around each other and schlamieled, schlamazzoed.
In all the time that I knew Linda she never had a mean or unkind word to say about anyone,if someone was mean or unkind to her she always wanted to find out why, or she made excuses for them, they were having a bad day etc.
She really did love everyone she met. She had an uncanny ability to find out someones birthday upon her very first meeting of them, and once she knew it she never failed to send a card.
She was always so eloquent whenever she wrote a letter or sent a card, it was like she was always saying what was exactly in her heart.
Linda lived for her family and friends, she loved them all very much and even though some of her life was spent in trials and tribulations she always remained optomistic. I can remember one day specifically that will stand out forever for me. I was about 21 or 22 at the time and helping Linda do dishes at her house..I was complaining about how I hated to do dishes and Linda in her sweet way said to me. "You Know Chris, I used to think that way too but now I thank God for giving me dishes to do because that means I have food to dirty them with." I will NEVER forget her for saying that to me, it just struck me at that time how absolutely petty I was being and after that is when I decided that I would never hate doing dishes ever again.
Linda loved butterflies, daisys, seashells and little lambs, she also loved to sing and just be silly but most of all she loved the Lord and her family and friends.
We will all miss her very much but know tht she is in a much better place where there is no pain or heartache.

Linda is survived by her loving husband Jim, her daughters Sonya and Jenni and her grandsons Austin and Morgan. <BGSOUND src="/la3/linda1/bocelli.mid" loop="10">

border= Linda and Family.
Photo taken in 1991 in AZ,

border= Linda's Memorial Sept.20, 2003



This page dedicated to the memory of Linda Austin

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