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Links to Sept 11, 2001 Plane Crashes

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I hope that I can get all the links to the wonderful tribute pages all on this one Link site. If you have a website or know of a website that is a tribute to the heroes, vitims and their families or just a symthy page that is not included on this links page please email me the link and I will include it in this page.

I am still collecting webpages. If you have written a poem and want it posted on this site please email it to me and put in the subject: For 911 Website I will also post pictures but please give me the name you would like to use to have the work acredited to. If you don't here a song playing in the background, then please wait a while, it might take a few minutes to download. It is a new version of God Bless the USA Tim Pilcher and Bryce Johnson wrote this stirring rendition of Lee Greenwood’s original "God Bless the USA." I downloaded it off of Dr. Laura's website after flipping through the radio channels and heard the song and then she said to go to her website and download it. It is no longer on her website, so I don't know where you can get a copy of it.

This site is undercontruction. Please check back often for updates.

The veiws expressed on these pages may not be my own views. If you disagree with something said on these pages please email the owner of that page. If the page was done in the "spirit" to help clerify or to help healing in any way I will post a link to it.

Please becareful of who you give money to. I gave to my place of worship so that I knew that the money I gave was going to where it was supposed to go to. Red Cross and United Way are also two charities that come to mind that you can trust. But never give money over the phone. These charities will not call you asking for money. NEVER give out your banking information to someone claiming to be from the Red Cross.



The Tribute Sites

CNN's transcript for Bush's spech on 9-11-01

MSNBC's transcript of Buch's Sept 20, 2001 speech.

Light a candle for Peace

One of the last pictures on this page is a before/after pic of the NYC skyline. There might be some exsentric pictures that might be offesive to some on this page before you get to the before/after picture. I suggest that you scroll down to the bottom of the page and scroll up until you get to the before/after picture.

Thoughts & Wishes, in Memory of Sept. 11, 2001

Light a candle against terror.....................

God Bless America

Tribute to Victims and Families of World Trade Building

A National Prayer

A picture tribute that takes a while to load but it's worth it!

This is a peom was written by one of the people on one of my email lists. This is her page.

Look What Teens around the world did in tribute!

This site is a Thank You to the rest of the world. Look and see how they have reacted.

This is another Tribute site. This is from a point of view from a sci-fi writer

This page may contain some offesive suggestions on what happened on Flight 93. It was constructed before the author of the page knew about the cell phone calls. It is his attempt to explain what happened to them. The author of this page is someone who has extensively studdied Airal crashes and desasters. The Birbuda Triangle being his area of expertise.

Another tear jerker. Takes a while to download but well worth the wait. While you are waiting get the kleenex.

Yet another tear jerker. Keep those hankies out!! :-)

Yet another Prayer for our Nation So I love prayers. They help me to heal. :-)

A friend's account of what happened. My firend lives in NYC. I immeditaly called her once I got my senses. Of course there was no answer but I was able to "see" her online later that day and talked to her then.

AdoptaPlatoon - Supporting our deployed sons and daughters! This has nothing to do with the attacks but it seems right to include it here. Uplift our overseas troops--become a pen-pal or better yet adopt a oldier and send him/her a care-package. Get the info here.

This is a list of charities that are claiming to send money for a relief fund for NYC and Wahington DC. Please only give money to those you trust and becareful of what information you give out. I gave at my place of worship. If you don't feel comfortable giving online, that might be an option for you. Wal-Mart and home Depot are collecting money for Red Cross and United Way in there stores and McDonald's is also giving taking collections for Red Cross. You might also want to consider going to your local Red Cross or United Way. In any case Red Cross will not call you asking for donations. This is a scam that is going around. Please do not give out your banking information over the phone from someone claiming to be from the Red Cross. No charity should call you asking for money.
