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Who is she?

well I guess I should tell you a little......

you did click here

I'm from the Northern Sierras but have 

moved to the Colorado Rockies in 1974.

I spend a lot of time with computer graphics.

I have just started a NEW Home Based Business keeping me Very  

busy called  

I make  skin nourishing products here at  home

and sell on-line and through local Health Stores

'To Nourish the Body and Spirit Daily'

My 'Poetry' site is there mostly for the graphics I love to create,

and use words of phenomenal writers to help guide others in their 

efforts to know themselves better and learn to fly free.

My biggest love is Oil Painting.   

I love the feel of the slide and squish of the

brush & paint.  The smell of oil and turpentine.  

I enjoy spots of paint dried on my sandals and fingers.  

 I am a very casual type of person, 

and as honest as I can be.     I am as I seem.

'Judy's Art Gallery'

Of course there is my 'service dog' Nugget. 

He is my true treasure . nugget.jpg (17822 bytes) Now he is 'retired' has a 

girlfriend  Halley!  He has a 6 page web site. click here:

My Photo Page

                 please go go there before contacting me  

                      Dark_Angelsm.jpg (28687 bytes)             


                last posted 12/07/2003