Larry Blancas' Photo Album

ThiNGs YoU DoN't KnoW AbOUt mE


Me and My Friends
Just Me
Working At Intel
Working At Hitachi
Favorite Songs
Favorite Writings/ Sayings (Poems, Poetry, Etc., Etc., Etc.)
My Favorite Coffee - Starbucks
A Whole New World

If your name begins with L

You can be very romantic, attached to the glamour of love. Having a partner is of paramount importance to you. You are free in your expression of love and are willing to take chances, try new sexual experiences and partners, provided it's all in good taste. Brains turn you on. You must feel that your partner is intellectually stimulating, otherwise you will find it difficult to sustain the relationship. You require loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that you're being appreciated.

Just For Fun: Survey Results from Friends (How well do you know me?) (how this is read: i sent out an email survey to friends last december 2000. i got 7 responses (a to g responses - all answers in letter a are the reponses from 1 person; letter b's are from another person, etc...understand?!)).

1. My name: a. Lawrence Arturo L. Blancas; b. Lawrence Arturo; c. Lawrence Arturo Llamas Blancas (parang my mali somewhere there... :) LLANES ba?); d. Lawrence "Larry" Blancas; e. Lawrence Arturo Blancas; f. Lawrence Arturo Blancas; g. Larry

2. Where did we meet?: a. At Fanny's house; b. school (we were seatmates); c. school; d. HICAP; e. Intel; f. At Intel; g. internet

3. Take a stab at my middle name: a. Llanos; b. no idea; c. Arturo; d. L or B; e. L; f. ?; g. Reyes?

4. How long have you known me?: a. 14 years (that is, from the time I met you); b. close to ten years; c. 10 years; d. almost 6 years; e. for a year i guess 1 year; f. 3 years na...; g. 3 weeks

5. How well do you know me? a. (After looking at the other ?'s, not very well); b. well enough to blackmail you :); c. WELL ENOUGH (for blackmail... wahahahahahaha!!!); d. almost; e. - no answer -; f. Basta alam ko mataba ka na mahilig magkape sa Starbucks; g. average

6. Do I smoke?: a. Yes; b. oh, yes!; c. YES; d. yes; e. yes; f. Oo naman...; g. yes

7. Do I believe in God?: a. Yes; b. i believe you do; c. YES; d. yes of course; e. yes; f. Di pa kita nakitang mag-dasal eh!; g. no

8. When you first saw me what was your impression? a. Matalino. ('Di naman ako nagkamali); b. you're healthy!; c. friendly; d. mabait; e. masungit; f. Ay ang taba....; g. intelligent

9. My age?: a. 28; b. a year older than me, so you're turning 28 soon; c. 27 in 8 days; d. 25 or 26; e. 27; f. 27; g. 28

10.Birthday?: a. Jan. 17, 1973; b. jan 17; c. 17 January; d. January 16 or 19; e. jan. 17; f. Jan17 - malapit na...BLOW OUT!!!; g. jan 17

11.Colour hair? a. black; b. meron ka pa bang hair?; c. black; d. Black; e. black; f. Ah eh...manipis na kasi eh siguro, brown?!? O may highlights ka ba ngayon?; g. black

12.Colour eyes: a. dark brown; b. dark brown; c. brown; d. Black; e. brown; f. Di naman kita tinititigan eh!; g. black

13.Do I have any siblings?: a. yes; b. yup; c. opo; d. yes; e. no ; f. All boys kayo diba?; g. yes

14.Have you ever had a crush on me? a. no; b. sorry, not in this lifetime; c. HELL NO rin to you!; d. no, I don't think so, as a friend yes.; e. nooooooooooooooo; f. KAPAL.....; g. no

15.What's one of my favourite things to do?: a. watch a movie; b. singing and dancing with your matabungkay shirt; c. meet people; d. EAT; e. listening to britney music and smoking; f. Bad things or good thing?; g. travel

16.Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?: a. (Am really not good on remembering things); b. that i'm suplada; c. "o, you're from assumption?"; d. hindi ko ata alam; e. samahan mo ako sa canteen; f. May pagkain ka?; g. im behind you

17.What's my favourite type of music?: a. Pop (sa totoo lang, di ako alam ang classification ng music - pop, ballad, mellow, whatever); b. anything but techno; c. dance; d. marami; e. rnb; f. Mah at Pah....; g. pop

18.What is the best feature about me?: a. Your smile; b. your laugh; c. ewan ko!; d. intelligent, mabait and malambing; e. your tummy whaahahahahaha; f. Meron bah....; g. eyes

19.Am I shy or outgoing?: a. Outgoing; b. outgoing; c. outgoing... fershurrrr!!!; d. of course, outgoing; e. very outgoing; f. Makapal.....; g. outgoing

20.Would you say I am funny?: a. Yup; b. naturally funny; c. oo naman; d. minsan; e. sometimes; f. Ikaw? hahaha......; g. yes

21.Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?: a. Sometimes a rebel; b. you break all the rules; c. REBEL (without a cause); d. both; e. i dunno; f. ?; g. rebel

22.Any special talents?: a. Acting; b. singing and dancing with your matabungkay shirt; c. dancing; d. marami; e. dancing; f. Diba special child ka?; g. none that i know of

23.Would you consider me a friend?: a. yes; b. larry, you are a very dear friend!; c. oo naman! (panlakihan pa kita ng mata!); d. yes, very much; e. of course YES; f. Oo naman...; g. yes

24.Would you call me preppy, slutty, a homie,average, sporty,punk,hippie,glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?: a. - no answer -; b. you are sensitive, down-to-earth and fun-loving; c. SLUTTY! definitely slutty! hahaha... birds of the same feather -- FLOCK! -- pero, maybe preppy is my real answer... I CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND! hahaha; d. none of the above; e. weird; f. May punk bang kalbo?; g. preppy

25.Have you ever seen me cry?: a. no; b. nope (but i'd love to); c. yup; d. nope; e. no, but if i see you, i will tell you youre bading; f. Magpapaiyak oo...; g. heard you, yes.

26.If there were one good nickname for me what would it be?: a. - no answer - ; b. chubby; c. PEPPER; d. My favorite "Larry boy"; e. big brother; f. Winnie the pooh...hahaha.......; g. hopeless romantic

27.Are my parents still together? a. no; b. your father passed away when you were still a kid; c. nop; d. no; e. yes?; f. donno...; g. i dont know

28.What do I love? (pretty general, huh?!) a. Eating??? (Don't we all); b. you love to be free...; c. SEX -- just same as me... good thing we can't do it together!; d. everything...; e. u love smoking and ur stomach; f. Eating, Eating, Eating.....; g. a good serious relationship

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