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Greco's Cafe
Home The Gift Shop What's New Coming Soon Progress Report Contents



Inspirational Wisdom
My Brief History

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Contents of this Page


How this site came to be

The Reason for this Website

My Cafe 

What you'll find on the website



And warm greetings. I hope your visit finds you in good spirits. 

Home is where my heart is and in the words of Dorothy in the movie, The Wizard of Oz, "There is no place like home."

The main reason for this website is to ask you to purchase something from The Gift Shop. The money raised from my commissions will allow me to return to my hometown of Monterey Park, California. Your help is greatly appreciated. So, please accept my invitation to explore this website and visit The Gift Shop. 

Because of the internet, there is no excuse for me to beg for money, play my guitar on the street corner, or depend on government assistance (leave that for the people who really need it or are not computer savvy). I have taken advantage of the internet and the building of this website without cost (except for the Juno service).  So, there is no excuse whats so ever.

Because you are a caring and kind person, maybe you can find it in your heart to help me get back on my feet by purchasing an item or two and to pass the word on to your family, your friends and your business associates - or maybe go the extra mile to do something extraordinary that will help me reach my goals quickly.

Thanks and may I pray you and yours peace of

mind, joy of spirit, good health and many

great friends to share them with


P.S. If I may offer you a suggestion to my sincerity. I realize you don't know me from Adam and that the internet is congested with people not on the trusting side, but if you know anyone in the Hemet, California area that is willing to verify my situation, I'll be more than happy to meet with that person.

How this site came to be

Some time ago, It was sometime at the end of April, I was browsing Borders  Bookstore in Pasadena, California and I came across a book entitled "Multiple Streams of Internet Income" by Robert G. Allen. I've seen the book dozens of times before, but really paid no attention to it. On that day I DID start browsing the book. I stood there for almost an hour soaking up the information. What made me spend my last dollar to buy the book was that it said I can launch a web site and sell over one million products without spending a penny. 

Well, that was the challenge I needed. I'm presently hanging by my pinkies from the lowest rung of the proverbial economic ladder, with no money, and no job  in the foreseeable future. What could I lose?

Besides, I don't want to depend on anyone - borrowing money, living on government assistance or living in someone else's home. This website gives me a chance to create my own job one way or another. So, please explore this website to your hearts content and then visit The Gift Shop.

Without further ado...

"When your life starts to crumble and

you feel that everything around you is

falling apart, having no job and not a 

penny to your name, home surely takes 

center stage in your mind."


The Reason for this Website

My first and foremost reason is to simply to go back home to Monterey Park and, if God willing, raise enough money to pay back everyone I owe money to and maybe even raise capital to acquire a cafe or small restaurant. 

I lost my job two years ago as a technical writer for Rogerson Kratos, a manufacturer of aircraft instrumentation and controls in Pasadena, California and have been unable to find another. I was forced to move into a friends house on May 16, 2004 in the city of Hemet, California 100 miles from Monterey Park – the town I call my home. I lost  almost all contact from there because my car died the Saturday morning on June 19th on my way to Monterey Park and my phone service was disconnected on June 28th. During the time I was sitting in my car waiting for the tow truck to tow my car back to Hemet, paid for by my good friend Frank, I received six phone calls from various people asking where I was. They were definitely very, very disappointed when I told them I won't be able to make it to Monterey Park.

I could very well say that Winston Churchill's comment about Americans in general is applied to me specifically: "You can always get them to do the right thing, after they've exhausted all the other possibilities." I wasted over 20 months in pursuit of "all the other possibilities" or, in my case, looking for a job – and, at my age of 52, it seems jobs are a little hard to come by. 

Even the employment agencies, scoring a 92 or better on all my computer application tests (including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, MS Publisher, MS FrontPage, CorelDraw, AutoCAD LT, and Adobe Photoshop) haven’t been able to place me.

Getting back home will be shortened significantly by asking you to purchase products from my web store and to spread the word to your personal and professional network of people to do the same.

I need to raise $4,196.00 to return home. The money is to be used to repair my car, first and last on a room to rent, food, telephone services, to pay back my past due accounts  (Sprint, SBC, P.O. Box, etc) and three months living expenses. (see Financial Goals for more details)

I need to raise another $3,634.00 to pay back all the money I borrowed .(see Financial Goals for more details)

Any extra money I receive from this website will go towards acquiring a small café or restaurant in the north western quarter of the San Gabriel Valley.

My Cafe

You just entered your favorite cafe. A voice calls out your name loud and clear, "Here comes a regular." You look over and spot the other fellow customers – your long-time acquaintances and friends who meet on a regular basis. You grab a cup of your favorite drink and as you walk towards the group you reminisce about the very first time you were warmly welcomed to the group several months ago. You then join the others in a lively conversation about the topic of the day.

What is the "Third Place?" It’s a place where friendships are born and nurtured, business is conducted, and love blooms as a rose in the springtime.

Actually, I’m a café hopper. I go from café to café having coffee with the regulars and meeting new people. I really do enjoy it. I used to go to three to four cafes a day and spend an hour or so at each. This is what made me decide that a cafés would be the perfect business for me to get into. My vision for the café is to:

    1. prepare an environment where people gather, put aside the concerns of work and home, and hang out simply for the pleasures of good company and lively conversation.
    2. provide gathering and meeting places that enriches the proximate communities in which each cafe is located and the lives of the citizens

I hope you'll visit my website often and refer all your friends, family and business associates to this site and purchase a few things that will help me accomplish my goals and bring my ideas into reality.

Thanks for visiting.

May I wish you and yours peace of

mind, joy of spirit, good health, and

many great friends to share them with.


What you'll find on the website

My website will be updated every seven to ten days. So, come by often.

Coming Soon

This page gives you an idea about what I plan to include on my website in the near future.

What's New

This page will show you what's new on my website including the progress I'm having to achieve my goals.

The Gift Shop - Greco’s e-Cave of Treasures…

This page links you to a treasure-trove of great gifts, fine jewelry, health and beauty potions, electronic gadgets, books of wisdom and personal development, tools for the home and garden and other items – too numerous to mention – that will satisfy your personal needs and wants - and the needs and wants of your friends, family and business associates.

Inspirational Quotes and Stories

Over the past 32 years, I have collected a shoe box full of quotes, stories and lists, like a squirrel collects nuts, from various publications. Many of these have played an important part in my own personal development. Some were even used to make important decisions. I will also included a few humorous quotes and stories to bring a little smile to your face. A few of the stories I share with you are about my successes my failures, some sad and some humorous. 

About Me

Each person on the face of the Earth has a story to tell - from the president of a country to the person living in the streets. I've traveled throughout the United States and listened to many of them. Here, you will get to know a little about me and maybe, if you are willing, you will share a little about you. About Me pages include:

Acknowledgements is a short page about the important people in my life

My Photo Album is a picture gallery of the people in my life.

My Bookshelf is a collection of books and special reports I have in my small library, including the magazines I read on a regular basis, in which I have built my own reservoir of knowledge. 

Financial Goals contains spreadsheets 

The Wishing Well Cafe



Contact Information

Please chare this information with others you may know.

Website address

Postal address

630 E. Main St. PMB 64, alhambra, CA 91801

Electronic mail



Contact Information

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2004 Steven D. Greco
Last modified: July 18, 2004