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As the Sun Sets the Earth Shall Prepare

If your living is not enough for you then maybe you should not live...Kevin Blackstock

In this life you only get one chance at many things, and living is one of them. If you can't appreciate that, then what can you appreciate. I am not in the position nor qualified to tell you how you should live your life but I know what this life means to me and although I am very young in comparison, I have learned many things. I am simply sharing this with you, read it...don't read is entirely your decision, and so is everything else. One day you too might understand my appreciation for this earth, through my poetry I try to show this.

The first poem I want to put on here is a poem about death, but not only death, it is also about the way nature will always is a neverending battle between humanity and nature and imho (in my humble opinion) humanity will never win. We need something to blame for the problems of this earth when the problems are us...nature isn't the problem, humans-now there's a problem. I'm not saying we have to pace ourselves, I am not saying we have to stop using our resources or anything like that because that is how she keeps such a constant balance, but our hopes of overcoming nature will never be reached. So here is the poem and I hope you like it.

I posted this poem on the web at and actually did pretty good in the drawings they have. I have been selected to publish this poem in their poetry book coming out in Winter, 2001. This poem describes the feelings that find their way into your heart when you happen to find someone you had no idea you were in love with until it happens. Kind of confusing? Very confusing!...enter.

This next poem is the first poem that I wrote when I started back in the early '90s. Although I did live in California for many years, the title of this poems has no reference to the area I lived in, I chose the title because of how desolate Death Valley actually is...enter.

I might have a few more stories to tell about these poems, but for now I will simply put them on here and let you read them, just in case. Sorry, but I haven't got these pages completely ready yet either, there will still be backgrounds and things to come shortly.